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NIMS Proper Way To Transfer Command

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IM looking for any info on National Incident Command System (N.I.C.S.) OR National Incident Management System (N.I.M.S.) in particular how to transfer command and the proper way in witch it is done. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. thanks

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Check out the FEMA website. I believe they have download items that show all and you can also take the training online - free.

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The proper way to transfer command is to only someone who is:

1. On-scene

2. Has been briefed face to face of what the situation is, what has been done, what is currently being done, is it working or not.

3. The transfer of command is announced via radio to all units on scene and responding and to the dispatcher. Something like this...

"Main St. command to dispatch I am passing command to Car 1."

"Car 1 to dispatch I am assuming Main St. Command."

On a side note, I've heard a few getting more into the "command" thing or at least trying. When you are the first to arrive on scene and are going to become the IC, you are establishing command, not assuming it. I can't assume something that doesn't exist yet.

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Check out It has everything you ever wanted to know about NIMS and more

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Having completed ICS 200 this past semester in school, I am more than pleased in seeing ICS, and NIMS (or NIIMS, whichever you prefer) being used more and more makes me happy! I am proud to be one of the upcomings in the fire field, having such a wealth of knowledge at the beginning of my career. I hope that this all is a growing trend, especially here in the Northeast.

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als i agree with you. now lets say a structure fire is reported in whatever town and apparatus signs in responding and one chief, lets say he or she as a chief is delayed to be on scene by 40 seconds after the apparatus who establishes command in the scenario?

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als i agree with you. now lets say a structure fire is reported in whatever town and apparatus signs in responding and one chief, lets say he or she as a chief is  delayed to be on scene by 40 seconds after the apparatus who establishes command in the scenario?

The OIC of that rig is the IC untill relieved by the chief if the rig gets there first. The chief could say there is a 40 second ETA but anything could happen to him/her enroute. If you are going by the NIMS it is imperative that the first arriving piece of apparatus must establish command.

And remeber, NIMS is an intergrated system.....if a police officer gets there first that officer can establish command untill the FD gets there.

Andy Mancusi


Hawthorne FD

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Andy answered it already, but my first post covered it anyway. The IC has to be on scene before establishing command. There always has to be a incident commander, the delay of such or it not being done at all has been cited in numerous NIOSH LODD reports. The problem is, we can do this, as NIMS is established tomorrow. All it would be is a change in lingo, and attitude that what we are currently calling incident command is far from it. The training is there, there are those around who have used it in other areas of the country who are familiar with it, and its not rocket science. You just have to make a change.

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ALS therein lies the problem--- departments are afraid of change.( if it was ok then its ok now) It worked this way for 100 yrs why change??Its the attitude of most departments that have to change. Yes I aggree that there are a lot of Depatments making headway---thats good to see. lets all move a head to a new and better fire serevice

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