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FDNY Fire blankets?

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I saw a story last night on Channel 5 about FDNY and how they were utilizing some sort of fire blanket to control fire spread in buildings.

Does anyone know anything about this? Apparently they had a press event yesterday at Randalls Island, but haven't heard much else about it.

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The blankets have been around for some time now. Pretty much they work like an occlusive dressing.

If you have a fire condition being fed by high winds, push the heat out into the public hallway, you may not be able to make the fire apartment. This was the case in the rockaway fire recently; windows failed as winds off the ocean pushed the fire out into the hallway. Members using two 2 1/2 hose lines were unable to make it down the hall.

So here comes the blanket.

Window fails wind is pushing in. Members then drop the blanket from above over the open window. When the wind blows in push's against the blanket and keeps the wind from pushing the fire towards the advancing members. Once the members make it to the fire area and push the heat back to the window, the heat can vent back out because the blanket is only making a one way seal.

Problem in the rockaways was, three windows ended up failing in the apartment and one blanket was not enough.

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