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Identification on Turnouts

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As I look at many great photo shots through various web sites i've noticed alot of different titles on the backs of many. Is it that important for some of the "BILLBOARD BACKS" to be displayed.I have seen some that really don't mean doo doo but its on there. This is a bit funny when you read some,some don't have enough room left for another title. I saw one where a guy had his return address on his back in case he got lost!!! (only kidding) keep it clean.

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some need a return address on them!!! should have department and name at least. My father told me long ago, wise man that he was, chief NTFD 1968, always know who you are going into a building with, always know who is on your line, that way you know who's a** to kick if something happens. well it went something like that but you get the point.

And I always remembered.

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I agree with the name and if a tile has to be put on the back of the coat, leave it for the chiefs only. Capts and lou's are recognized by the yellow helmet (The belevolent order of Bannana-heads!!!)

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I agree with the name and if a tile has to be put on the back of the coat, leave it for the chiefs only.  Capts and lou's are recognized by the yellow helmet (The belevolent order of Bannana-heads!!!)

Not always true depending on Department, but yes there are other ways of being able to be designated. Also it keeps down on cost. Higher ups or IC related personnel such as Safety Officers, and Deputy Chiefs having titles makes sense, some others really don't. But yes some can get carried away with it.

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safety officers and those kind of folks would be better served with a vest over the turn out coat.

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My favorite is seeing all the Ex Chief's on the backs of coats running around at a job there are more Ex Chiefs then FF's at times.. So either were changing chiefs a lot and getting a lot of qualified personal or maybe were making new officers so fast so that every one gets a shot at being chief and maybe some of these officers are not qualified and lack the experience and training needed to be a Incident Commander

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We have names only on our gear. Our spec calls for the name to be removable so that gear can be transfered without the wrong name being worn by the next fire fighter to wear the coat. The latest method we have used is a "duck tail" on the bottom of the turnout coat that doesn't leave snaps and velcro visible when removed since it attaches on the inside of the coat bottom.

I agree with no titles. All you need to know is who the person is. As someone pointed out helmet colors identify Officers including chiefs. Leave the ex-Chief titles for the badge worn on the Class A.

I also agree with safety officers wearing the vest. It would probably be good for IC and standby EMS crews to wear the vest as well.

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I agree with no titles. All you need to know is who the person is. As someone pointed out helmet colors identify Officers including chiefs. Leave the ex-Chief titles for the badge worn on the Class A.

I also agree with safety officers wearing the vest. It would probably be good for IC and standby EMS crews to wear the vest as well.

IMHO, there is no reason other than ego to have an Ex-Chief's title on the back of thier turnouts. This is not a bashing of Ex-Chiefs having served as Chief from 2000-2001. My coat simply has my name on it as does all the other coats in the Department. My Officers and members know who I am and what I am capable of. If your Department has a Deputy Chiefs title and you are in the rank structure that is a different situation. I am reffering to Ex-Chiefs acting in a Firefighters position.

I have no problem with serving officers having thier titles on the back of the coats. I feel it is more importent now that more and more Chiefs are getting away from the white coat and staying with the department issued color. We also see more and more Company Officers with a white helmet instead of a white helmet plaque. As there is no standardization on helmet colors for Company Officers, (Red, Yellow, White, or Black), a title on the back is acceptable.

I agree on cover vests for Safety Officers, EMS Crews, and Incident Commanders. Your function can change with each incident. You may be the Safety Officer one day and on the knob the next. Wearing the vest stops you from being hands on and makes you step back one step so you can properly oversee the operation.

I have seen coats that make me wonder if the person was taller, would they have more writing on the back? :angry:

Edited by EJS1810

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I saw one of those BILLBOARDS the other Day on the back of a turnout coat and it said EX-WIFE. What the Hell does that mean! :lol:

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I think that in most cases, having lettering on the gear is pointless. My coat has BFD on the top and my name on the bottom. My scba lines up perfectly with both lines so you can not read anything. As for Commaning officers, in my dept, all Senior Officers are also interior ff's. They can be identified by their white helmets when in command.

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Not always true depending on Department, but yes there are other ways of being able to be designated. Also it keeps down on cost. Higher ups or IC related personnel such as Safety Officers, and Deputy Chiefs having titles makes sense, some others really don't. But yes some can get carried away with it.

We use vest for those positions, we do not have just one specific person certified for those positions. We used to have jackets with so many titles, company names ect it just got too out of hand. KISS method was implimented :P

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I saw one today with an arrow pointing to the right and it said


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Hudson hmmm advertising on turn out coats what a concept!!!! mabey you should concider it. Hot Dogs here get your red hots!!!! kinds catchy isnt it

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