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Everything posted by Skooter92

  1. This thread is for all those places that aim to please while on duty. From doughnuts to gyros, no matter the ethnicity, location or atmosphere, share those joints that serve it up best to those who protect and serve!
  2. Blame the mouse, blame the mouse, it's always blame the mouse. Doubtless it was sabotage. Perhaps the cat? Shifty little whisker bastards. I've got two of them. They are always laughing at me behind my back. They think I don't hear them....just wait.
  3. PL stands for Private Line, which is Motorola's version of something called Control Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS). It's a subaudible range hertz tone which is transmitted along with the audible voice and decoded by the receiving radio. DPL is Digital Private Line, which is actually a digital sequence of information, again sent inaudibly along with the audible voice in a transmission. The advantage of DPL is that it's not subject to shifts in frequency of the tone generator which can affect the receiver's accepting the tone to open up for the signal. DPL's come in two flavors, standard and inverted. If you see a DPL listed as, (for example), "D413I", this is an inverted DPL. Some PL/DPL capable scanners don't accept inverse DPL's (some of the old ones, I believe!). Different manufacturers have different names for all these, like Privacy Guard, Channel Guard, Private Line, etc, but they all use the same basic analog or digital scheme.
  4. 1) I don't really care what you call yourselves, whether paid, volunteer or some combination of the two, it's about response time and care delivered. If you aren't getting there in a timely fashion and doing the appropriate thing, you are failing to deliver care. PERIOD. This applies to "paid", "vollie", martians and jellyfish. 2) Other areas successfully integrate volunteer and paid staff by incorporating them into a system that makes NO differentiation between the two regarding performance objectives. The minute you allow one side or the other to perform to a lesser standard because of paid vs. volunteer, you have no system. Same work, same standards. Accept no substitutes. 3) I have the same pride and dedication whether I am getting paid or volunteering on a call. To bash each other on economic grounds makes little to no sense. Instead, what can you do to improve the state of care delivered in your neck of the woods? 4) I am gonna tick off some folks with this one....if you aren't out the door in a reasonable amount of time, turf the call to someone who has a crew in quarters or in the rig. Period. This business of ping-ponging calls for periods of time until someone gets out is ridiculous. Paid or volunteer, pass the call to someone you KNOW is ready to go, instead of passing the buck and hoping they'll be able to respond when you can't. If this means utilizing commercial/other paid services, combining volunteer staff during periods of the day to cover multiple districts, or having Mighty Mouse swoop down to transport the patient, swallow thy pride and do the right thing. 4) It's all about the patient. If it becomes about you, or your ego, or your organization's ego, stop doing EMS.
  5. 1) Lefteris Gyro's soups are all home-made. 2) Try 2442/a**'t Chief Bobby Totten from Somers for a hell of a meal. 248-7411, I believe.
  6. Try 453.5625 DPL 606.
  7. Frickin' Dutch.
  8. Just think....there's a bunch of little redneck calves running around the county....does he have to pay calf support?......would that be a cilf?
  9. 46.26 is CSQ. If you use a scanner with PL/DPL decode, you'll occasionally get DPL's on some 46.26 transmissions, but that's unstripped digital info from cross-band links in the area.
  10. 1) Go to a decent beauty salon, and have them do a paraffin treatment to restore the moisture in the skin. 2) Avon's products work well, like Silicone Glove, or MaryKAy's 3-1 hand care stuff. 3) Don't laugh at me or this poor guy-in EMS, handwashing+winter=raggedy-a$$ hands.
  11. Dammit. Somebody squashed a perfectly good pickle. Bastards.
  12. I have a tube of superglue available for all those who snapped their DeNiro DVD's in half. Scotch tape available also for all those still watching VHS. Seriously, all in jest here, folks, but we need to be a little more careful about who we flame on before we have proof. And I know for a fact that DeNiro has been way supportive of the NYPD in the past.
  13. From "How does an oximeter work? A source of light originates from the probe at two wavelengths (650nm and 805nm). The light is partly absorbed by haemoglobin, by amounts which differ depending on whether it is saturated or desaturated with oxygen. By calculating the absorption at the two wavelengths the processor can compute the proportion of haemoglobin which is oxygenated. The oximeter is dependant on a pulsatile flow and produces a graph of the quality of flow. Where flow is sluggish (eg hypovolaemia or vasoconstriction) the pulse oximeter may be unable to function. The computer within the oximeter is capable of distinguishing pulsatile flow from other more static signals (such as tissue or venous signals) to display only the arterial flow." The CO portion of the device works in a similar fashion, using different wavelengths. Since it uses 8 different wavelengths to detect different saturated gases, the incidence of false positives is probably decreased by a major margin.
  14. In The Kitchen is meant to be a place to share recipes whether for feeding 250 hungry comrades, or for a nice romantic dinner for two. Post what you have, or if you need a recipe, post with the word "Needed:" and the nature, ex. "Chili Recipe for 50" in the subject. Some of the best meals I have ever had were in quarters or at an MOS's place-for all the cooks out there, it's time for you to come out of hiding and face the applause!
  15. Anybody been there? Recommendations?
  16. I don't ration care according to whether someone's in a nursing home or not. This woman wasn't in a state of deterioration-she was medically needy, so was then placed in a nursing home. Her arrest was secondary to the staff inattentively feeding her, causing her to aspirate and have an obstructed airway. That was not a natural progression of her ailments-she was killed by negligence. An IO, to give her a better chance, was not unwarranted. When we start to decide who deserves better or more comprehensive care according to our personal assessment of someone's circumstances, are we really acting in their best interests?
  17. New place in Somers where Froggy's Deli used to be on Rte 100. Went there today for the first time-interesting decor. Had New England clam chowder and a chicken caesar wrap. Soup was mediocre, but the wrap wasn't bad. Anybody else try this place yet?
  18. Actually, if Seth doesn't pass the academy, BeeLine's his fallback job.
  19. Sweetie, I didn't WANT this topic.
  20. Jybehofd- Actually, it's not resistance you're running into, it's just that huge-a$$ WalMart of a building you Armonkers put up....yer broke, boy. No lights for you. Or is it they're afraid with lights on it, some pilot's gonna mistake it for a runway at the county airport and put a 737 into the lounge?
  21. The Fire Museum up at the Home in Hudson, NY, has all kinds of info and I bet they have original documentation.
  22. Art- No strobes? You disappoint me, young Jedi. Where's 119's old lightbar? Strip the rescue....never be missed. And 82's car?...........just return the stuff later. Just take anything off Archville's you need lights to cover 2.5 acres of district..... A little duct tape, zip cord.......
  23. This is a file I got off of EMS House of DeFrance (Great site for EMS types in general!) that breaks down the new guidelines vs. previous AHA recommendations. Interesting reading. heart_breakout.txt
  24. I guess he got a tingly feeling in his special place, all right.
  25. Can you imagine the stench-burning, urine-soaked linen...? Gag me with a miller blade.