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Everything posted by Skooter92

  1. I like their meatloaf, their ribs, salads.......... Now I'm hungry again, dammit.
  2. Okay folks......this board is about FOOD. Not LEWD. Keep it clean.
  3. Try a cheapo magnet-mount multiband scanner antenna from Rat Shack. Assemble it, set it up on yer windowsill, and see how it does. If no good-return it.
  4. Jim, Gina and all of the family- It's been a bittersweet time, with the fact of Jimmy's illness on one hand, and the incredible strength and grace he showed us and inspired in us. I heard about Jimmboy's passing from a colleague, and at first it hurt so badly. Then I thought of something from my past. When my aunt passed away, her church held a beautiful celebration of her life, and cherished her time and works here on earth. It was her "Victory" remembrance, and we were admonished not to lament, but to testify and exalt her presence amongst us. The sheer joy that Jimmy brought to all, and his courage and strength, are cause to celebrate his life, and his victory in the spirit he brought with him through all he endured. God bless, Jimmboy-there aren't many like you, and we'll miss what you gave us all. Love, Pete and Dawn.
  5. By database, do you mean an audio archive of transmissions? All their radio and phone traffic is digitally recorded, but I don't think it's available online.
  6. Doesn't Wal-mart do photo processing?
  7. Actually, there are shops that can swap out your board for one in your desired receive range. Do a Google search for G&G Communications-Gerry Oliver does cool stuff like that.
  8. Love to you, Jim and Gina, your kids, and to all of those who have supported you and JimmyBoy. I'm proud to know you, and sad for your heartbreak.
  9. WAS- Go to every class? sinner....YOU didn't.....! Hints: 1) CAFFEINE. Let it become your friend. Within reason. 2) Find a good preceptor, who will be honest with you. Stick with them, or at least review all your calls, at whatever agency, with them. Be honest with them about what you don't know, or don't know well enough to be comfortable. 3) Maximize your ride time. Take a different area each shift, and learn it cold. Do diabetic emergencies one shift with both your textbook and a good case-based review book, and see how much your comprehension will improve. "60 Second EMT" is a good way to pick up a methodical approach to assessment and contains some good clinical pearls as well. 4) GET CLINICAL. Become contemplative as well as reactive when presented with a patient. Do the automatic things first without delay, then as you treat, assess the situation and form a plan. This comes with time-don't force it, it will happen to you. 5) Don't listen to hairbags. These are the crusty, gnarly, useless and uncaring folks who will tell you to mistreat and undetreat patients. This is not a competition to see who can BLS the most patients. It is about resource allocation, but you should always work the ones you think need to be worked. It's your card and your conscience. 6) ASK. If you don't, you won't know, and that may come back tio haunt you AND your patient. 7) Clinical coordinators like $20's. Preferably unmarked. Rotsa Ruck!
  10. Just be careful..... It's really tough to hold onto the hose in the slipstream when you're putting out engine fires. Don't fall.
  11. GIS stands for Geographic Information System-it allows CAD users mapping, demographic and tracking information. As for x635's response-way to go, xman. The county dispatch printout system was a loser as soon as enhanced digital paging came about. Instead of having a static printer available for paper tear-offs of limited info, we now have information available to multiple users on a mobile basis via text messaging, with further info available via fixed or mobile web access. And the failure to deploy the old system was due to the incompetence of the county's IT folks, not 60. So there.
  12. 1) If I'm gonna be yer secretary, 585, YOU'RE wearing the kneepads, biyatch. 2) That comment about all the dispatchers....when I sit behind the desk, I am THE MAN. 3) Seriously, I just occupy the seat. Skubasam is THE MAN. Really. He IS. He's too damn sexy. Yup. 4) Commo superdupervisor at WEMS.....hmmmmm....can I have my testocles pulled off with a pair of rusty pliers NOW?!!
  13. Is he related to Beetlejuice? Same haircut.
  14. I'm missing your hippo, compadre. But the x-man giving the universal sign of affection.......priceless. Hey, he seems to love ducks....he had a chance to swim in the pond with them, and declined to do so. Now don't be sore, x-man. Love Truckie like you love duckies. Quack.
  15. Giving an ACE inhibitor in the presence of MI isn't necessarily done for immediate relief of hypertension; nitrates and b-blockers do that. ACE inhibitors play a medium-to-long term role in management and also have other beneficial effects. Starting these patients on ACE inhibitors really is a good step in managing not only the acute condition, but pre-disposing conditions as well, and it's a pretty good indicator of comprehensive care being performed.
  16. I think Jared runs on hydrogen, because he never seems to stop venting. And he is full of hot gas. Nyuck, nyuck.
  17. There are no radios currently that have tri-band coverage with your desired range for transmit. Yaesu/Vertex, Kenwood, and I believe Icom all make tri-band amateur radios that cover ( with modifications NOT sanctioned by the FCC) the VHF-High and UHF stuff you need; however, I don't think they will transmit on 46.26. Your best bet for dual band coverage is something like the Yaesu/Vertex amateur FT-50 or FT-60 handhelds. Both do VHF-High and UHF, have alpha tags that you can label your channels with, and do DPL for your UHF fire cross-band links. With those cross-band links, you really don't need low band capability-for listening to fireground low band chatter (46.14, 46.22, etc), get a cheapo scanner from rat Shack. There is currently only one commercial grade dual band (by commercial, I mean meant for the public safety market, not amateur use) on the market. It's the Yaesu/Vertex FTH-2070, and it is SOLID. I have one-it's a brick, but a great radio. And only $1200 a pop. Drop me a line if you need more info.
  18. This is a place to post those pancake breakfasts or spaghetti dinners organized by your house. Show your support-dine at your local fundraiser-I like em' because they're usually all-you-can eat !!!
  19. Hippo..... The other grey meat.
  20. ALS, you did your job according to good patient care, not cookbook medicine, which is what we're all supposed to do. I've been criticized by ED nurses for giving dextrose to patients who were technically CA+Ox3, but had slow responses, altered sensorium or flat affect with known diabetic histories. Guess what? IT WORKED. Sorry, folks, but according to Da Rulz, I is a bad boy. BLS providers do not need diagnostic tools other than a BP cuff, stethoscope, penlight, and watch, as well as a BRAIN (not a criticism, just in the list of tools-nothing implied). Their skillset should emphasize immediate assessment and reaction, rather than ANY sort of deliberation or contemplative diagnosis. NOT NEEDED. NOT APPROPRIATE. Period. To muddle the waters with devices whose readings can be easily misinterpreted, misused or too heavily relied-upon, does the patient no good. There. I said my piece. Take the pulse ox's OFF your BLS rigs, folks. Take them out of your jump bags, and tie a watch with a second hand to the strap. Give your patients oxygen according to their presentation, not their "number". Grrrrrrr.
  21. I strongly feel......actually, I HATE pulse oximetry on BLS rigs, I always thought that EKG screens/strips on BLS AEDs should go the way of the dodo (and they did, thank you!)......I don't see any positive aspect to having glucometers either. My rant. My issues.
  22. Jared.... RELAX!!!!! You take this too seriously...... And the Israeli military is using the stuff, I believe. Humor. It's the newest thing. Catch some, there, hominid, k?
  23. Anybody thought of those who keep kosher?????!!!! Sure, I may be bleeding, but violate me by dumping SHRIMP into my wounds......!
  24. And by what part of your anatomy was THAT accomplished? Heh heh.
  25. Gee, hmmmmm, seems to me I remember when you and a certain other WEMS employee buffed a fire in a WEMS bus.......and I got calls from chiefs asking how our territory expansion was going.... CAUGHT!!!!! BUFF!!!!!!