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Everything posted by ajsbear

  1. I'm sorry for your loss. God bless, brother.
  2. Just what do you get for $4,300?
  3. Your 100% correct. Also for the AG to go after them he has to look into "were they knowingly defrauding the departments?" In other words did they intend to deliver or did they know they could not meet the obligations? Fraud would probobly be the only thing they could get on the ELite execs.
  4. Jack, what I was saying was we are bailing out the sub prime market, the banks as well as the people. In that case the banks even though guilty of some really unscrupulous practices will go on doing business. Should they take some hit? Yes but most won't. The federal gov't will bail them out. If they can do that why not some local FD? As for what Walter is saying, the FD is just as responsible. The village could have rejected the deal but they didn't. Both are then the ones locally we should point at. What they did while not criminal was irresponsable. The only thing that can be done is take them out of office. I don't think anything lse can be done.
  5. I agree with you but....We are bailing out all those people who are failing to pay their mortgages, and the Fed has bailed out many a city, town and village for a lot less. Of all the stupid things our gov't does to bail out even dumber people why not buy the village a fire truck. The people of Irvington shgould get rid of the polititions who approved the contract and paying up front for a truck. We just took delivery of a new truck. Bought the cab and chassis first, then when the truck was delivered handed over a check for the rest. At least if the builder went belly up we owned the truck.
  6. Knowing Rob that would scare me away. Not to mention the years of therapy I would need until the nightmares go away.
  7. The new 15 2-1 was delivered last Sunday. It'll be about a month before it's in service so we can train and move equiptment. Party will probably be in May, more to come on that. Pic's to follow.
  8. There are good and bad Chiefs and Commisioners, just like every other position. There are other line officers as well who are both living in the past and are clueless about how to act in their position. There is no way we can weed them all out. I do know many officers in Westchester, Putnam and other communities rad this forum and many are lerkers and never posted. If they have a problem with anything said here, my opinion is speak up. A forum like this is here for to purpose of discussing problems, differences and learn from each other. One problem is many officers think because they are in that position their word is LAW and spout orders like a Mexican General. Those days are gone. The Chiefs and Commisioners also, the world has changed in the last 20 years, catch up or get out. Just my humble opinion.
  9. They take delivery on the 24th and it'll be in service some time in March after training and switching equiptment.
  10. Sittilg idle, seals dry out. That alone my cause serious problems.
  11. I was just in Milwaukee 2 weeks ago on business. When I landed it was 46, when I walked from a downtown hotel to meet some people for dinner at 5:30 it was 21 with a wind chill of 9. At 10 when I went to walk the 2 blocks back to the hotel it was 2 with a wind chill of -20. It was an hour before I felt my ears again. When I left for a meeting in the morning I called down for my car to be brought around 30 minutes before I needed it so it would be warm. It was -4 with a wind chill of -32. Now that a different level of cold.
  12. You're right there Chris. The only other area is in your workspace if you were to have office space like a desk workarea. Livimg space is private and camera's are not allowed. The cities lawyers should know that and if they don't get rid of them
  13. Putting this legislation into effect is great. Getting it out to the new drivers is easy but then you have to get this out to John and Jane Q Public. How do you get the mojority of the people this information. It's not going to make "page one" in the Journal Snooze as its not what they consider news. One of us getting run over is news to them. The second thing is getting our officers to understand placement. I have passed many a scene on the roads in my business travel and local as well where the emergency vehicle is parked over in a safe area and not positioned where it adds to the safety of the members on the scene. Officers, that truck is needed to block the scene from oncoming traffic. Yes it then is exposed to getting hit but better the rig than a member.
  14. I thought I remembered my number being 1313!
  15. Thoughts and prayers to Keith and the entire McCartney family
  16. Good luck to you Rob. Any help you need you know how to find me.
  17. I've said this before, my current department has a written no alcohol policy. Thats none in the firehouse or the property, not at department sponsored events or if you are at another department representing our department, no alcohol. Pretty clear right? If we are going on a run and I smell it on your breath I will tell you to get off my truck. I don't care if you are an officer. Won't get off. It's time to call the PD because now your putting peoples lives in danger.
  18. I agree, there should be one standard and the time is now to get drinking out of hte firehouse and any department sponsored activities. There are several departments in Westchester and Putnam who have started this. I also agree career or Volly Alcohol should not be allowed. What I did say and it seems some people took offense is that there are people on both sides who may benefit from some form of alcohol tratment for their own good. To say that every career firehouse is clean is like I said, the school administrators saying that there are no drugs in their schools. The only time we hear about the problem in a firehouse is when either someone gets hurt like the 2 NY incidents or some moron films it and puts it on UTUBE. Lets get one thing straight, both sides need to clean up. The only difference is if a career FF gets caught it could be their job and livelyhood. On the Volly side they get thrown out. Both however could face a legal problem as well.
  19. All I am saying, the incidents I mentioned were the ones that became public. Many Volunteer departments today are adopting policies about drinking. Some are to the point not only none allowed on the department grounds but no drinking at any department events and if you go to an event representing the dpearment and there is drinking, you are not allowed. There was a time that I knew of guys who came to work with a 6 pack and a sandwich for dinner. Yea career FF's. It was in more than 1 department. It happens and is kept hidden.
  20. Not in a career department? Your kiding right? Lets just look at NYC. The Animal House in the Bronx. Drinking, sex. OK lets look at Staten Island, the FF who got hit over the head with a kitchen chair. Drinking was a problem in both cases. Don't say drinking in the fire house on duty doesn't happen. Thats the same as a high school administrator who says there are no drugs in their school. Get your head out of the sand (bet everyone was thinging I'd say something else) Career of Volunteer doens't matter. Its there but at least the career guys keep it in the hjouse not out in the street where John Q Public can see.
  21. I work for a mulri billions $ corporation. If I go to a fire during the day I don't get docked pay. Yes I work from home and they don't have to know but not only have I told them in the past they incourage volunteerism. They even write these things up in the corporate newsletter. Most towns and villages know who belongs to the FD or EMS, they know you'll respond if a job comes in so get over it. Do you volunteer?
  22. The timeframe for M/A has to be reduced but also remember it takes time to get to the firehouse. At 3 AM allow for time to dress and drive. Most of us at least up here do not live that close. I have a 4 minute drive and many have double that. 90% of the time I hear the second dispatch while on the road. Prehaps a change to a 4, 3, 2 format. If on the second dispatch no one signs on then the 3rd dispatch goes out to M/A as well.
  23. Hey I could be wrong but there could be a lot of departments with the old school thinking. I too have seen the way some departments treat the OSHA class and do it in 4 hours. We won't even get into the EVOC and checking of drivers licenses. How many departments check to see if the people who drive the rigs have valid licenses or have had moving violations or accidents? Bet the ones that even did a check once haven't rechecked. I think that should be done as well. Many departments have grandfathered their members based on the old training and requirements. I know several that if you were a driver before 200 you don't have to go for EVOC. If you took Essentials, intermediate etc you don't need to take FF 1. If thats the case its time for a refreasher at least. There are several NYS courses for that. I know I'd do it every few years just to keep current and I feel it should be required. Not just so many hours of training but refreasher classes as well. Many of us are thick and you have to tell us 10 or 15 times before we get it.
  24. Leave it to Chief HAC to find something like this. I'd also like to see if there was a fall out in the number of FF's in the Ohio dpeartments and what they did to supplement the departments to insure they had proper response.