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Everything posted by LTNRFD

  1. As I stated in my earlier post, I agree with you to a point. I did say that in my experience those who went to post H.S. training, did better on advancement. I personally ranked in the top 5 on the LT list and then on the Capt. list. I earned a BBA and those ahead of me on the lists all had either 2 or 4 year degrees. I was not being arrogant, I was sarcastic. If you can't see the sarcasm in my post about Gates, Jobs and Brannsen I think you might not see the humor that is rampant in the fire houses. Good luck IF you get on the job. It will be interesting. The time now is 1648 hrs.
  2. And look how they turned out....Gates can't manage his money....he keeps giving away millions and millions to charity after charity. Jobs is another one who just gives money away. Branssen has never matured. He is always buying new toys and running all over the world on a new adventure. Is that what you want ??? Or a more stable life style that the more mature well refined person lives????
  3. I will agree with your assessment to a certain degree. In most cases you don't need a college degree to be a firefighter. However there is a certain amount of maturing that you obtain in your years at college. The ability to organize, prioritize, execute and summarize is honed during your college studies. I have seen first hand that in my career, it was those who attended some form of post high school training did better on the promotional exams. I also saw a probie that who barley made it out of high school not able to understand the 24 hour clock. When I was in high school I considered going into the F.B.I. I was told that the F.B.I. wouldn't consider any applicant unless that person had a 4 year college degree. I was told it could be for basket weaving (I was in HS in the early 70's). The reason was that they want the applicant to have that 4 years of the maturing process. The bottom line is in my experience those who had at least a 2 year associates degree or better, advanced quicker and higher than those who didn't.
  4. What else do you need ?????
  5. If you walk out of the fire building and go across the street you will be in the Village of Larchmont . When you get to the VOL and turn left go 50 yards and you are back in the Town of Mamaroneck. Continue west another 200-250 yards and you are in New Rochelle.
  6. What pat of New Rochelle do you live in ??? North end, west end, the south side, Larchmont woods??? TMFD does accept applications from out of the fire district. I believe they allow a percentage of out of district members.
  7. It's a good idea just prior to arriving at the station you prepare the kids properly. 1) 2-3 12oz cans of the favorite soda or high sugar drink. 2) 1 double scoop of their favorite ice cream on a cone. 3) Tell the kids there is a special surprise for them hidden somewhere in the fire house and they only have five minutes to find it. (hint: look in the rooms that have desks in them) 4) The firemen with the white or gray color shirts love to answer questions, lots of questions. 5) Most important is to have fun.
  8. BTW if anyone is looking to rent a vacation house on Martha's Vineyard PM me.
  9. Looks like you spent most of your time "up island". Did you run into Zekhe in Chillmark? No pics of Oak Bluffs FD???? Any Pics of the Tisbury Bronto Sky Lift???
  10. But will you have the answer?? That is the question !!!!!
  11. ooo ooo I know this one.........but I'll wait to see if someone else knows. Hint: the rock is 1st due
  12. I hope the rehab unit had enough sunblock .........
  13. R-46 was never used as an ambulance with TMFD. It was more of a support vehicle to R-6. It carried a lot of large bulk items (booms, pads, barricades, rehab etc). It was also used for downed wires as to free up engines from standing by.
  14. The Town Yard already has the old mini attack which has been converted as a service truck. You can see it in the back ground in one of the pics. The blue truck.
  15. He only let's his wife "drive" his "Smeal" !!!!!
  16. Just because you are disabled from the performance of firefighting duties, doesn't mean that you can't try to have normal quality of life.
  17. If you are in need of continued medical care due to a career ending injury, your employer (Fire Dept/Municipality) can just stop paying if they feel like it. All they have to do is pay a doctor to write a report saying you are cured and then they stop paying for your care. This is regardless of what your treating doctor says.
  18. They grow up so fast !!! You must be so proud !!!!
  19. How can you say it is bound for Europe !!! If it was it would say "KEEP BACK 61 METERS" !!!!
  20. David Letterman's top 10 list of Bin Laden's last words. As he answered the door he said ' I need all these Navy Seals like I need a hole in my head' !!!
  21. The problem I think you have is you bought a Dell !!! I will never buy anything but a MAC from now on.
  22. I think the name should be changed to "Fire Tetrahedron Interrupters" or " FTI's
  23. It appears the coin stopped spinning !!!!!!!
  24. So do ALL the other rigs !!!!!!!
  25. OUCH !!!!!