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Posts posted by LTNRFD

  1. Many subdivisions in the non-hydranted areas up this way are required to provide either a rateable cistern or pond or sprinkler all the homes as their built. Many developers found out many years ago the cisterns are a better alternative than ponds which are insurance nightmares and sprinklers are often better than the augmented water supply as the homeowner gets passed the costs and can directly relate it to the protection of their home and family. Of course there are plenty of naysayers too, but generally factual education wins them over.

    If developers opt to put sprinklers in houses in non-hydrant areas, what type of water source supplies the sprinklers? I assume that in non-hydrant areas the houses have well water and not a municipal water supply.

  2. When setting up the system for my mother, it private on her land, but we ran the dry hydrant out to the curb. We told the Fire Chief they could use it and he was so pleased he offered to fill it and maintain its water level. Thats saving them $1,000's since the water needs to be trucked in from another state. They did not expect it, but everyone benefited.

    I thought wine was the fluid of choice in your mother's area ?

  3. No, but I happened to have some of that tuna you gave me from your fishing trip down here, still frozen in a cooler in my truck. I passed it on with one request; please drop it from the sky back onto your house as a late Christmas present from me. I gave them your address and told them just look for the place with the alien box out on the telephone pole in front. Keep an eye out for two Black Hawks!

    Black finn tuna dropped from a black hawk helicopter ....interesting !!!!

    efdcapt115 likes this

  4. Yesterday was "Doctor Day," my visit to the doctor's office. It's about a 40 minute drive toward Key West from where we're at in the Keys. There's a great fishermen's cooperative out that way, so after the doc's we headed over for their famous "Lobster Ruben." The location couldn't be more scenic; right on the Bay-side, with outdoor seating in the shade.

    I wasn't initially surprised to see two servicemen in combat fatigues. What I was surprised to see was the "101st Airborne" patches on their sleeves. As we sat down, I nodded to them and they gestured back in a friendly manner naturally. Soldiers are like that.

    After lunch, I couldn't help myself, so I walked over and said "excuse me gentlemen, I'd just like to say thank you for your service to our country." We exchanged handshakes, and I told them I was a retired fireman. They were curious to know, so I told them where I had worked. They were so genuinely grateful for a simple gesture of thanks, I could just tell as we had a simple chat.

    I was curious myself. I know most questions shouldn't be asked regarding operations, etc, but I gingerly said "101st Airborne. You guys are a long way from home." One responded (I was able to see his Lt. bar in the middle of his blouse, the other's I couldn't make out) that they had flown down from Atlanta for the day on a training mission, and they were so happy to be at such a beautiful place for lunch.

    I felt inside such a feeling of happiness for them. I could imagine what these two soldiers of the United States Army had seen in the past ten years, and just the fact that they were able to be there, in that spot, having a great lunch......well most of us here on Bravo have not forgotten what our service members continue to sacrifice for the good of this nation, so you know what I mean.

    So here's a salute to the 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagles." God Bless them, and all of our other service members, out there STILL fighting the fight, dying for us, protecting us from the evils that exist in the world today. If you see a service member, don't forget to say thanks.


    For information on the storied history of one of our country's most famous Army Divisions, check out wiki:


    Did you at least buy them a tall frosty one (lemonade) ????

  5. Sad to say..but New Rochelle is not the only one doing this. Once one does something like what's happening to you without successful challenge, word spreads like wildfire and its like dominoes.

    Anyone who would still be willing to take the job..and there are plenty of you who would because of your might want to start thinking with your head...cause your a** is going to be out in the breeze. You will be 60 years old getting out of a RMP or an engine.

    When I came on the job a wise senior man told all of the probies to remember that we were nothing more than a number. When you are gone there will be another number replacing you. It took me 21 years to really understand what he meant.

    truthabout WP and helicopper like this

  6. Another issue that the Gov. and other politician who are pushing this plan have yet to mention is the Tier 6 plan does not cover disabilities or death. It also does not offer the employeer the protection of 207a or c. That means employees who get hurt are 1) on there own and 2) they can sue the municipality as the politicians are proposing to remove the municipal savfeguards to "save" money.

    Barry as you know I'm a tier 2 retiree out on 207-A. I don't have any protection in regards to my disability now. The City of New Rochelle is refusing to pay for my medical care. I have been on my own for the past 3 years and no one in the state says it's their department to protect the retirees. The City of New Rochelle has decided not to pay for the medical care for the injured and has told us to "sue us if you don't like it". To sue the city you have to file an "article 78" in state supreme court. You need $5,000 out of pocket to file an article 78.

    The ironic part is the City of New Rochelle is claiming they are now saving the tax payers money. The money they save by denying the medical care due the 207-A retirees is that the money times 10 is going to 207 Resolutions, the labor attorney and the IME. They are doing this in direct violation of the GML 207-A and no one in the state has any authority to compel them to follow the law.

    truthabout WP likes this

  7. By what I can see in these pictures, there doesn't appear to be any hose on the ALF pumper except for the booster reel. Are there other pictures that shows if there is hose on the rig. If there isn't any hose, how do they fight a fire other than a trash fire?

  8. Date: 1-22-12

    Time: 0427 HRS.

    Location: 1270 North Ave. -The Wykagyl section of the north end.

    Frequency: 465.6125

    Units Operating: E-23, E-25, E-21, L-13, TL 11, CAR 2302

    Weather Conditions: Cold

    Description Of Incident: Report of smoke in the lobby of a 6 story apartment building. This building has an underground parking structure.


    Writer LTNRFD





    05:26:00 ~ ALL NR UNITS IN SERVICE

    sfrd18 likes this

  9. THats correct unless there has been special legislation and I believe the only one is Town of Mamaroneck.

    Barry is correct. The Town of Mamaroneck Fire District #1 is run by a board of fire commissioners that is totally made up by the current Town Board. The town supervisor appoints the liaison from the BOFC to the fire council. The TMFD fire council runs the department along with the chiefs and the BOFC approves any major policy changes that the fire council enacts. The BOFC handles the money end and the fire council the administrative end.

  10. Them being notified first helps justify keeping the PSAP at the PD station. Why give up a PSAP for the benefit of public safety, when you can score oodles of money from the government for running one.... hence the 50-60ish PSAPs in the county.

    When you say 'justify keeping PSAP at the PD station" , are you referring to the E911 answering point or just a local dispatch center? The E911 has nothing to do with central station notifications due to the fact that most central stations are out of state. If they were to dial 911 they would get the local PD/FD/EMS.

    If the call goes directly to 60-control and the PD is afraid they won't be in the loop, then give the PD dispatcher a pager with stored messaging and they will be notified at the same time the FD is notified. This way the PD is in the loop without the liability and without delayed notification to the FD.

  11. Great shots, and a good job by TMFD. Just wondering, how many career guys do they roll out with? And do the career guys have different turnouts and helmets than the vollies?

    There were 3 career firefighters on duty for that fire.

    The only difference in the turnout gear is their names on the back and on the helmets they have their badge # on the shield. The career officers have a generic LT shield. The volunteers will have their company # on the shield.

  12. When I lived in yonkers my taxes were $8000,00. year. Four engines, two trucks and a heavy rescue all within approx 8 min response time fully staffed. Paying twice the amount now in taxes for same house value. Now Iam lucky if a single rig shows up in 15 minutes on some occasions.

    Why did you accept the reduction in fire service? Didn't you know what the services were at your new house or were you just looking for peace and quite and good schools?

  13. Many years ago I was working Nyack Hospital Medic 5. We were just clearing from a job at Nyack E.R. when in races a station wagon. The driver was screaming and it was hard to figure out what was happening. In the back seat was a female and she was screaming (insert heavy jewish accents on top of the screaming). It was quickly determined that the wife was pregnant and delivery was imminent. Having the cool head and knowing that the E.R. is only steps away, I called for a wheelchair and started to assist the female out of the car. At this point I was given a look by the female and she waved her hand at me as to say NO! She then pointed to between her legs and the baby's head was showing. Now my female partner was outside to see what was going on. She immediately push me aside and proceeded to deliver the baby at the door to the E.R. (within 10 feet of the door).

    After, my partner who is also Jewish came to me apologizing for pushing me aside. It was obvious that this was an Orthodox Jewish female and my partner felt that it was best to avoid any male interaction with this patient. When everything settled down the husband came to me and thanked me for stepping aside and respecting their religious beliefs.

  14. When I was appointed to the New Rochelle Fire Department March 3, 1986 I was happier then a kid in a candy shop. Myself and the other 8 probies were quickly taken under the wings of the 'senior' guys and they were happy to share with us their years of knowledge and wisdom. We were in awe as to what they knew and what their experiences were. During these times of mentoring, many of the senior guys would always say, "just remember you are nothing but a number to the City of New Rochelle". For years I believed that if you gave your all to the job, the City would always do the right thing. Was I wrong !!!!!! As I got older on the job and more experienced it was clear that the City of New Rochelle could care less of the firefighters as individuals.

    The City expected their employees to follow the rules and do what we were hired to do and what we swore to uphold. If we didn't we would face the consequences. I have found out that it is a one way street and do as I say not as I do with the City. The City fathers have been sworn to up hold the City charter and provide for it's residences. It amazes me how much money they waste trying to save a dollar. But the money doesn't go to waste it goes to people who are contracted to do a job and they don't do the job, but still gets thousands of dollars while they only save the tax payers hundreds of dollars. All while not following the law. When the City is confronted with their failure to follow the law the response from the City is 'if you don't like it then sue us' . This too is a waste of tax dollars.

    Sometimes I think the elected officials are not here for the good of the citizens that elected them to local office, but they are here only as a stepping stone to their own political aspiration.