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Posts posted by LTNRFD

  1. Well this is truly amazing. According to lohud, over 60 police units had to respond from as far south as Tuckahoe to deal with this unreasonable and unruly crowd. Why? Because their "muslim sensibilities" were insulted? Give me a freakin' break. The rules are posted and for certain rides, there is to be NO WEARING OF ANY TYPE OF HEADGEAR period.

    Why do these people think they are exempt from the rules, the laws? I know what they would like; Sharia Law. Their own version of a justice system implemented in the countries they emigrate to. I think that is a disgusting disgrace, as were the actions of these supposedly "religious" people at the Playland park.

    Look, you people want to assimilate in this country, fine. I guess we have to let some of you in. But if you don't like the system, the rules in place... TOO F'IN BAD, go back to the place you came from.

    The difference between these people and the ancestors of many of us here in this forum is our great-grandparents had a huge desire to assimilate into the American culture. That's why on my mother's side, they came from Italy, moved into the south Bronx and gave up teaching their native language to their children, my mother, and therefore I don't know Italian today as a result. I wish that part were different, but the point being these people were so anxious to "fit in" they even gave up their language. Italian was forbidden to be spoken in the house by my great-grandparents, as a result their great-grandchildren only speak English.

    Now these muslims with their headgear, the hijab, they can't even get on the Dragon Coaster without starting a ruckus? Like Playland OWES them something, like WE owe them anything? They should kiss the ground of freedom they walk upon, shut their damn mouths, follow the rules, or else.

    What a waste of PD resources to have to direct half the cars on patrol up to Playland because these freaking people were "insulted"! Enough! Fit in or GET OUT!|head

    George...well said...must have been the black tail tuna getting your brain cells going..........

    efdcapt115 likes this

  2. 5 l/s/o really? And why does yfd have there masks on, and hfd doesn't?

    I don't know what point you are trying to make with your statement

    After watching the video a second time I counted 4 YFD FF's that had their airpaks on their backs. I also counted 3-4 HFD FF's doing the same. At 10 seconds into the video there is a YFD FF who was ON AIR standing next to the burning car and next to that FF was a YFD AC who did not have an airpak. I don't know what they were doing at that point other than observing. Than at 2:45 of the video another YFD FF ON AIR moves over to the HFD hose line and appears to say something to that hose crew (none of which had airpaks). The hose crew from YFD had their airpaks on their backs, but I didn't see where any one of the YFD hose crew was ON AIR.

    Now the most disturbing part of the video. At 3:45 of the video YFD FF *****, who is wearing his airpak but NOT ON AIR is seen with a shovel reaching under the car with active fire. His face is right up to the wheel well. With the amount of burning gasoline and the flare ups that were occurring this was the time to use that 20lbs. weight on your back to protect your life.

    Both departments were wearing airpaks. I only saw at 2 times on the video any FF ON AIR and the was a YFD FF. It may have been the same FF. The one extremely hazardous act the YFD FF did not have his mask "ON".

    So again I say I don't see your point.

  3. I just heard about this yesterday. It just goes to show you that anytime you're in an abandoned house or building, whether working at a fire, during training, or just during an investigation, you should always be on the lookout and expect the unexpected(a good rule of thumb for firefighting in general), because you never know what you might find or come across. Especially in many industrial cities or cities suffering from decay and or high crime throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic region, vacant/abandoned buildings can pose sometimes unseen danger.

    Firefighter Gabriel Angemi of Rescue 1, Camden, NJ gives a lot of good tips and hints on things to look out for and be aware of when investigating or operating at an incident at a vacant/abandoned building, especially in urban areas or areas suffering from urban decay and or high crime in his blog, CMDFD:

    It doesn't have to be an abandon building to pick up hitchhikers !!! Everyone has been to "that type of house" even in the best neighborhoods. That is why I can't understand how you can go on an EMS call wearing shorts. If you choose to wear shorts while on duty, you have to wear your bunker pants on any and all calls.

    When I worked EMS I never had work pants that had cuffed legs. That was an invitation to bring hitchhikers back home with you. I also always wore boots. That added protection to your ankles not only to help prevent a twisted/sprained ankle, but from getting bit from rodents or insects on the floor. And in one incident an escaped snake that bit the owner..........

    sfrd18 and SOUSGT like this

  4. They wouldn't take pull stations out of buildings, or safety pulls at colleges, would they?

    NYC isn't paying to maintain these systems, the building owner, by code, is mandated to. It's all about money.

    The code says everyone else has to pay to maintain what the code mandates, but the municipalities don't have to follow the law. They all too often think they are above the law.

  5. Not if your life was being threatened. Just ask all those Depts. that were dispatched on m/a to Yonkers years ago when their members were striking.

    That's another politically union correct answer. The real life story is if you are one of the companies dispatched to a fire and you have to cross a picket line you will cross it, IAFF member or not. If the strikers interfere with the F.D. in any way then you let the P.D. handle the strikers and you go about your duties. As a firefighter you swore to protect all life and property. There was no exception clause to the oath you took. Now when you are off duty you can support any and all picket lines and the job can't say anything about it. As long as you stay within the bounds of the law.

    If you refuse to do your duty and not cross a picket line you could find yourself on charges and losing time/pay. And maybe your job.

    In the case of the Yonkers strike years ago, many of the career and combo department just outright refused (ahead of time) to respond to any call in Yonkers. This way it didn't put the IAFF members of the M/A departments in an awkward position. Lucky that there was no large scale emergencies that would have required the career departments to respond. If you are dispatched you must respond. When I say dispatched I mean that the chief or ranking officer of the department ordered his companies to respond. If you refuse you may be put on charges and may even lose your job.

    helicopper and nycemt326 like this

  6. Maybe you didn't read my post. First of all, as proud Union workers, WE DO NOT CROSS PICKET LINES.

    If you were in a job that was unionized and you were a proud member of that union, your boss said to go do a job which meant crossing a picket line what would you do. The politically correct union answer in NO you wouldn't cross the picket line. Now your boss says if you don't do the job you were assigned to do you would not have a job what would your answer be??????

  7. So whats the final answer? Are they in fact for ConEd's MDT system? Or have we not nailed down the definate answer?

    I don't know what it is. If it's for Con Ed's MDT system why do they have electric meters ?? You would think that Con Ed wouldn't spend money to meter the electric, after all they would just be billing themselves. Also, why would there be 3 within eye shot and 2 more less than 1/2 mile away and then none for miles. I haven't seen these except in the Weaver St and Pinebrook Blvd corridor from Beechmont lake in New Rochelle to Fenway Golf Club in Scardale. Has anyone seen these in other places in Westchester????

  8. So in essence your saying that you support inferior Scab labor to trained local Union workers?

    Are these Verizon workers from other parts of the country that do not have union shops or are they out side contractors? If they are Verizon workers wouldn't they be all trained to the same standard as the local Verizon workers who are union or does the union provide training above and beyond what Verizon does? If they are trained the same how can you say it's inferior work???

    I don't blame these workers, they are only doing an assignment they are detailed to. I do blame the upper management for not negotiating and if the numbers in a previous post are accurate the C.E.O. for making the money he does on the backs of workers that are doing in my opinion a great job. Any time I have a problem with my Fios (which is very rare) someone either on the phone or in the field has been able to fix it correctly and quickly.

    Alpinerunner likes this

  9. That makes sense that it is a data repeater. What doesn't make sense is that there is an electric meter with every one I've seen. You would think Con Ed wouldn't charge themselves for the electricity. Also there are a few that are with in a few hundred yards of each unit and the you don't see another for miles. Some are in low spots and others in high spots.

    BTW. I'm all out of Reynolds wrap Any one have any to spare ???

  10. I was told it's for cell Phone service they are all over the city too on street lights.They are about every 1/4 Mile in the Bronx you just don't see them

    There are 3 or 4 on Weaver St from the Town of Mamaroneck to the Heathcote Bypass in Scarsdale. This are is known for poor cell coverage and there has been no improvement in the area. Also there is no phone lines any where near some of the units.

  11. Its either part of a PD mesh network (they have been talking about it, but I did not think they were ready to implement) or the new tracking system from 207a resolutions.

    That must be the reason the City of New Rochelle's I.M.E. put that microchip under my skin.

    It amazes me that the City of New Rochelle would not follow the GML 207-A law and not pay for medical care for an job ending injury. Then spend over $25,000 so they wouldn't have to pay a $800 bill. My tax dollars at work. And no one in the City of New Rochelle government knows who initiated this action or is responsible for handling 207-A at the city hall level.blink.gif

  12. I take back my original guess. It appears to be one of Westchester County Noise monitors for aircraft noise.

    Noise Abatement

    I don't think so. There are more in the N.R./Scarsdale area then there are in the flight approach in the Rye Brook/Harrison area. And I don't see the Scarsdale or White Plains ones on the aircraft noise monitoring map. It was a good guess.

  13. I can think of a coupla possibles...

    some sort of mesh/data network for one of the utilities

    weather reporting remote stations

    Radiation/Chemical or some other type of 'homeland security' device

    though i dont know if these types of things would be so dense or not

    The only thing that I can guess is some sort of repeating station. It is only hooked to Con Ed and it's metered. Maybe weather but they are so close to each other that doesn't make sense. Homeland Security, again too close together and not in a high value area.

  14. 10 Days for FFI & FFII...................... Thats the same certifications that the career accademy takes 60 Days to get (yes they get a few more certs.....but lets be real here). I wonder are they leaving something out, or does anyone think the career accademy is 50 Days too long?

    Barry are you saying that it takes 60 days for a career firefighter to learn the exact same material that a volunteer firefighter can learn in 13 days??? Or are you comparing apples to oranges? You did say that the career side get a few more certs, but how many days are allotted in the career academy for the FF1 & FF2 ?

    BTW 10 days for FF1 and 3 days for FF2 equals 13 days not 10 days. Must be that fuzzy math again.