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Everything posted by CAM502

  1. Ouch...hope i don't have to try and read anything tonight.
  2. Ok first off it was not a cell phone caller. I do beleive Hudson was saying that the 911 screen stated 11 Fredrick Pl Mount Vernon Followed by MV PD, MV FD, MV Ambulance. In other words the caller dialed 911 and verizon routed them to the MV PSAP instead of the Yonkers PSAP. This is definitely a Phone Co screw up.
  3. Don't know about the quality, but check out Ferrara. They seem to have some interesting rigs.
  4. Wanted to see this but missed it. Anyone catch it??
  5. Hudson, LOL. Gotta link to the story?
  6. Just as JBE said, if it is fire related just transfer the caller over. There is no switchboard out there anymore where they can't transfer calls. This would cut down on PD dispatchers taking only half the info you need cause they don't know any better.
  7. "Central be advised this house really is on fire you better get the FD"
  8. SSSH....Don't wake the fire gods.
  9. LOL...Dad's been with the Dept for 27 years. Grew up calling a bunch of the guys I work with "Uncle". Now I do it to make them feel old.
  10. Hiring protocols??? Some covert operations going on...always thought hiring protocols were civil service law? Be patient fellas and you will get the info you seek...
  11. Yorktown VAC according to the Freq list at the top of the forum.
  12. That game was real funny. Wish I could understand the comics in between levels. Something tells me we're missing part of the joke.
  13. About time someone credits a Dispatcher, job well done....but I have a question for all you EMT's and Paramedic's out there. I was always taught that if you are coughing, that you are not choking and doing the Heimlich maneuver could cause more harm then good. Any opinions?
  14. Yeah...what he said!!! The Town and the FD need a reality check. And to top it off the guy said he offered to pay? WTF put out the fire and get his money later.
  15. 25"-26" in New Rochelle. Drifts in the 3'-4' range.
  16. I want to start off by saying that this was a horrible string of events that took the life of a young officer. My thoughts and prayers are with his family as they deal with their loss. Now I know this question is gonna start trouble, but has a final report on what actually happened come out yet?? The reason I am asking this is because on one news broadcast they say that he was "In The Line of Duty", and on another station they said that he was drunk and they segued to a talk about an "Armed while intoxicated" bill... So what was it? I would like to think that the guy went for a burger and the beating messed up his hearing so he didn't hear his fellow officers...but is this why everything went down as it did?
  17. Cas, give a few more details A pic liked i described above or a little symbol at the left side of the topic lists??
  18. It's either a locked topic or your browser didn't load an image... ie: Someone put a pic of a job in the IA workshop and you can read the posts but where the pic should be is only a little x (red i think) probably in a white box. If it is a pic that has not loaded it could be that your ISP is slow and not keeping up.
  19. Gotta agree...that one was funny as hell.
  20. BTW sad to hear the BUS say he's done. At least he went out in style.
  21. But yet "Applicants with high school diplomas or GEDs are preferred ", not required.....
  22. Next year is the year of the JETS!!!!
  23. Don't know if this has been put up here before, but thought it was some interesting video. mms:// BTW I should thank CHIEFHAC for bringing this to my attention.