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Everything posted by CAM502

  1. Funny you mention Amex...some of the NR stations won't take it cause they charge a higher fee then the other CC companies. Wouldn't be surprised if it goes back to Cash=Price A and CC=Price B (which was like twenty cents more or something) like it used to be.
  2. Gee that didn't answer the question at Well I don't work for 60 but to me a poss. structure fire is when a caller says they see fire or smoke showing from the outside. Or they might say the hall is filled with smoke, or there is smoke coming from the door down the hall, etc... An inside investigation is when they say I think a smell something in my house, office, etc... and they think it might be smoke.
  3. The cops got a grant, a donation from a local supermarket owner, and the foundation chipped in for the horses and training. While I’m not totally sold on the idea, I do know that mounted units are way more visible then a cop on foot and they are very useful for crowd control. Summer in MV brings out large groups for street fairs, basketball till all hours of the night, and to just hang when the heat is too much in a building. These horses might be useful. My main concern is who will clean up after them? Curb your
  4. Jones Beach has a EMS "squad" we call I don't know exactly what the name is. They have ATV's with BLS capabilities. They are the guys in the bright yellow shirts roaming up and down the beach. I believe the County PD out there handle the ambulances and do the transporting. Similar setup at Robert Moses Beach. Jones Beach EMS ATV pic
  5. Man what a shot!!! When I used to work up in Croton we would see the occasional Waterspout on the Hudson but they never amounted to anything.
  6. What happened to "neighborhood watch"? If the people of the neighborhood don't care enough about their own block to watch out and say somehting, what are these vigilantes gonna do? Wonder how long till one of them gets shot at cause they don't know Yonkers and go up to the wrong group of kids??
  7. You do not get charged for calling for help while skiing in the backcountry in the USA. Backcountry skiing is perfectly legal as long as it is not on private/restricted land. The stroy about the Alps is true depending on which country you are in. For example, Switzerland I know charges you for rescue but I think France does not. Now as for the unauthorized swimming....Same is true in Harriman State Park. If it is not a beach with guards you are not supposed to swim there. If you are in a swimming hole in one of the rivers and you are caught by a ranger or park police they can write you a ticket.
  8. If you want to complain about taxes, the SCHOOL TAX is where you should start. Every year it goes higher and higher and very few districts show the improvement you would think. Education in NY state is a joke. The state just keeps passing unfunded mandates in Albany and the taxpayer ends up with the burden.
  9. Oswego what is actually classified a "gravity knife"?
  10. Took the words out of my mouth LT!!!! Man did that mess us up.....
  11. While I do not wish Cancer upon anyone...ANYONE....Sen Kennedy is a first class P.O.S.
  12. Ok where are the CT cops? You guys work "off-duty"? Or was he still in his take home car and had a duty to act?
  13. Hey jloftus is this run by the local? Nice of them to tell all the members.... Just kidding I gotta work anyway...
  14. While their intent was comendable, I don't think chasing them in the rig with lights and sirens on and weaving through traffic was a good idea. Could have gone bad real quick.
  15. Nice rig. What happened to R45?
  16. Troop and Pack numbers get used over and over. That is why you say Troop # and then your city. Eagle Scout Troop Forty Mt Vernon June 10, 1999
  17. Mt. Vernon Firefighters Local 107 will be in front of Target on Sandford Blvd. in Mt. Vernon today 5/17 and tomorrow 5/18 from 8am till 5pm (or later). If you're in the area drop by and say hi and help us FILL THE BOOT!!!
  18. It sounds like Rescue 911....oh boy I hope they got Shatner to do
  19. Gotta love those Democrats.......
  20. Why not? You can use your players club points to pay for it!!!! Unless your are going back next week and want the points for dinner it is worth it to use them up. Oh and $3.93 for Regular on the southern end of Main St in New Rochelle.
  21. It is most definitely a sport. The training and sheer athletic ability needed to excel at it should speak for itself.
  22. Pelham Manor does not want to pay overtime to call back guys to staff their firehouse while a rig is on M/A to MV. They took themselves off the list at least a year or two ago. Pelham is lower on the list then they used to be also (they are a last resort now i think). MV gets New Rochelle, Eastchester, Fairview, Greenville, White Plains, and then Yonkers/FDNY but only if they get to go to the scene and work and it has to be big. YO will not cover a house (and i believe that is there rule for all M/A not just to MV). FDNY usually is only seen at a job on the border or on occasion on the highway.