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  1. IzzyEng4 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Five Firefighters in MA charged with Arson   
    :angry: Another black eye for the fire service.
  2. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Time in Department/Rank for Promotion - Volunteer FDs   
    One important thing which should be added to the list: classroom training for people/social skills. Someone who is well versed in firematics can, at times, be completely useless as a command officer if he/she has no people skills and i'm sure all of us at one time or another have run into officers who were excellent when it came to their firematics, but kept people away from the fire house because they didn't know how to properly deal with people.
    Just a thought.
  3. citystation1848 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Legislation passed protecting volunteer firefighters and EMT's   
    Legislation protecting volunteer Firefighters and volunteer EMT's from disciplinary action resulting in either being late or not reporting to work due to a bona fide emergency to which they were dispatched.
    The bill now sits on Governor David Patterson's desk awaiting his signature which would make it law within the state.
    Thank's to FASNY for helping this bill to come to fruition.
    For more information, click on the link furnished.
  4. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Legislation passed protecting volunteer firefighters and EMT's   
    Question; if your store or business is on fire and your protected by volunteers, would you rather they go off to work or show up to your store/business and put out the fire?
  5. SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Legislation passed protecting volunteer firefighters and EMT's   
    Question; if your store or business is on fire and your protected by volunteers, would you rather they go off to work or show up to your store/business and put out the fire?
  6. wraftery liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Greenburgh Town Supervisor Seeks To Eliminate PD/FD Arbitration Panels   
    That sounds great at the beginning, but it wears thin really quick if you do strike. Speaking as one who endured a long strike some years ago (19 weeks to be exact) I witnessed union Brothers & Sisters having their cars repossessed, their houses foreclosed and bank accounts drained to nothing. And all while the company conducted business as usual (with the help of Scabs of course). Trust me, no one wins in a strike. You'll never make up the money you lose, pension credits lost and don't forget, unless the union can afford to pay it, there is the full cost of those nasty medical insurance premiums you'll have to absorb at the same time (sort of makes socialized medicine look attractive). The public isn't too sympathetic with unions these days and the municipalities know this. If they had to, they'd bring in replacement workers (Scabs) from companies like Rural Metro in a heartbeat. And if Rural Metro screwed things up (which they probably would), the municipality would blame the unions for walking off the job. It'd be a PR nightmare for for the union and could take years to repair. Oh, and to add insult to injury the municipality would have the right to permanently replace you.
    You guys have got the best of both worlds with Binding Arbitration and no strike clause. There are those of us in the private sector that wish we had that. Never give up binding arbitration/no strike no matter how bad things seem. It can get a lot worse.
  7. citystation1848 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Mansion Fire in North Stamford   
    I did take that into consideration, but there might be more to it then what we are aware of. The audio portion is just part of it. I'd much rather wait until we know all of the facts before casting judgment.
  8. x635 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in electronics question   
    You might try using a piece of emery sandpaper if you don't achieve the desired results using the flat head screw driver. Also if your sure the batteries did in fact leak, check to make sure that none of the battery acid came into contact with the power supply wiring as if the corosion ate away any of the insulation on the wires, you want to make sure that they either replaced or wrapped in electrical tape so you do not create a short circuit in the power supply which could damage your radio.
    Good Luck!
  9. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    Privately owned insurance companies will gain the 12 percent; that's capitalism at its best; so your theory of Marxism just went out the window. Fining people is nothing new in this country; you break the law, whether you agree with it or not, you pay the penalty.
    Why would we want to do that? The other "clown" got us into the current war(s) (actually its a police-action, articles of war were never drafted nor passed) that we're in right now, hurt working American's with his labor policies (that may be news to some of you union brothers and sisters in both the private and public sectors) and his constant gaff's helped to make America the laughing stock of the world. The current "clown"--as you call him-- is at least trying save Americans as opposed to killing more of our men and women (and untold thousands of civilians) in unjust wars.
  10. antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    Privately owned insurance companies will gain the 12 percent; that's capitalism at its best; so your theory of Marxism just went out the window. Fining people is nothing new in this country; you break the law, whether you agree with it or not, you pay the penalty.
    Why would we want to do that? The other "clown" got us into the current war(s) (actually its a police-action, articles of war were never drafted nor passed) that we're in right now, hurt working American's with his labor policies (that may be news to some of you union brothers and sisters in both the private and public sectors) and his constant gaff's helped to make America the laughing stock of the world. The current "clown"--as you call him-- is at least trying save Americans as opposed to killing more of our men and women (and untold thousands of civilians) in unjust wars.
  11. x635 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    I got news for you; almost everything in this country is socialistic; anything that is provided by the government is socialistic in nature; schools, sanitation, police, fire, Highway department, and the list goes on and on. Plus we've had socialized medicine since the inception of Medicare/Medicaid. So this is nothing new; just an expansion of a program or concept that's been in existence for decades; I may not like everything in the bill, but the fact of the matter is that it will help millions of men, women and children who have absolutely no medical coverage at all.
    Furthermore, I think this is going to help those who can't afford medical insurance or those who are under insured. Just tonight, we had a rescue call and the woman there thought she might be having a pulmonary embolism. She RMA'd because she had no medical insurance and couldn't afford the ambulance and instead had one of her relatives drive her to the hospital. I hope she made it; if she had coverage, she could have gone in the ambulance with a medic. I'm sure some of you in EMS may have seen similar situations on rescue calls.
    Of course its going to cost money; but if the government cuts out these so-called "pork barrel" projects and scales back on other affairs that we conduct around the world, that's a good start to help fund it.
  12. effd3918 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    It will not bankrupt the country contrary to what you maintain; were you aware that over 37 million children have no medical coverage or are under insured? What about the minority of those who don't qualify and have no insurance? Are they supposed to get sick and die?
    As I said before, we already have socialized medicine in this country. People then said it was the beginning of the end for the country and it would bankrupt us and it was part of a plan to socialize America. Surprise, it didn't happen. its going to be the same with this legislation; finally people who get sick won't have to worry about losing everything they have worked for their entire lives.
    As i mentioned earlier, if they are worried about cost; eliminate pork barrel spending and cut back on our overseas ventures; that'll be a good start. Either way I think the bill is going to help a lot more people then hurt them.
  13. citystation1848 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Dodd, Collins introduce bill to help retain volunteer emergency responders   
    Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) have jointly sponsored a bill in the US senate that would protect tax benefits for volunteer fire fighters and EMS personnel.
    Here is the link to the story:
  14. citystation1848 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Professionally staffed.......   
    Nothing wrong with having a little pride whether your career or volunteer.
  15. effd3918 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    It will not bankrupt the country contrary to what you maintain; were you aware that over 37 million children have no medical coverage or are under insured? What about the minority of those who don't qualify and have no insurance? Are they supposed to get sick and die?
    As I said before, we already have socialized medicine in this country. People then said it was the beginning of the end for the country and it would bankrupt us and it was part of a plan to socialize America. Surprise, it didn't happen. its going to be the same with this legislation; finally people who get sick won't have to worry about losing everything they have worked for their entire lives.
    As i mentioned earlier, if they are worried about cost; eliminate pork barrel spending and cut back on our overseas ventures; that'll be a good start. Either way I think the bill is going to help a lot more people then hurt them.
  16. x635 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    I got news for you; almost everything in this country is socialistic; anything that is provided by the government is socialistic in nature; schools, sanitation, police, fire, Highway department, and the list goes on and on. Plus we've had socialized medicine since the inception of Medicare/Medicaid. So this is nothing new; just an expansion of a program or concept that's been in existence for decades; I may not like everything in the bill, but the fact of the matter is that it will help millions of men, women and children who have absolutely no medical coverage at all.
    Furthermore, I think this is going to help those who can't afford medical insurance or those who are under insured. Just tonight, we had a rescue call and the woman there thought she might be having a pulmonary embolism. She RMA'd because she had no medical insurance and couldn't afford the ambulance and instead had one of her relatives drive her to the hospital. I hope she made it; if she had coverage, she could have gone in the ambulance with a medic. I'm sure some of you in EMS may have seen similar situations on rescue calls.
    Of course its going to cost money; but if the government cuts out these so-called "pork barrel" projects and scales back on other affairs that we conduct around the world, that's a good start to help fund it.
  17. effd3918 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Health Care passes.   
    It will not bankrupt the country contrary to what you maintain; were you aware that over 37 million children have no medical coverage or are under insured? What about the minority of those who don't qualify and have no insurance? Are they supposed to get sick and die?
    As I said before, we already have socialized medicine in this country. People then said it was the beginning of the end for the country and it would bankrupt us and it was part of a plan to socialize America. Surprise, it didn't happen. its going to be the same with this legislation; finally people who get sick won't have to worry about losing everything they have worked for their entire lives.
    As i mentioned earlier, if they are worried about cost; eliminate pork barrel spending and cut back on our overseas ventures; that'll be a good start. Either way I think the bill is going to help a lot more people then hurt them.
  18. fireguy43 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Dodd, Collins introduce bill to help retain volunteer emergency responders   
    No more then fire labor unions catering to politicians to pass legislation favoring their causes. Sauce for the Goose.
  19. fireguy43 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Dodd, Collins introduce bill to help retain volunteer emergency responders   
    No more then fire labor unions catering to politicians to pass legislation favoring their causes. Sauce for the Goose.
  20. efdcapt115 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in WMD Radiological/Nuclear Course for Hazardous Materials Technicians in Nevada   
    I think its a good idea that they open it up to anyone who's interested; afterall knowledge is a good thing. We are constantly whining in these forums that many firefighters are woefully undertrained, so I think its a good idea when people take interest in taking courses like these, no matter what state they are from. If they start screening and doing the so-called "background checks", the program risks becomming elitist and I don't think thats what the government has in mind.
    Furthermore, from my experience, those who take these courses, do so with the mindset to learn; sure every so often you might get one or two people who's agenda's are not on learning, but I think for the most part most people's desire to learn is genuine. I've taken federal courses before and almost to the man and woman, they are all there to learn. Just my 2 cents.
  21. CLM92982 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Buffalo rejects post-funeral booze tab for Firefighters   
    My firehouse is a "dry" firehouse. Don't even think of bringing in a beer onto fire district property for consumption. You get caught, you will be disciplined.
    No district monies are spent on any alcohol for the firefighters; if its at a parade or inspection dinner, its paid for with monies donated for that cause. Thats why we do fundraisers and/or raffles.
  22. FFLieu liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    You missed the entire thrust of the post . What may work for you in New Rochelle may not work for other departments.
  23. psyanide liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    Flynn, as a suggestion, why don't you contact the chiefs of the departments for the information you need rather then ask for it in this forum? It's quite possible that the people in here don't have all the information that you need or they could end up giving you the wrong information without knowing it.
  24. psyanide liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    Flynn, as a suggestion, why don't you contact the chiefs of the departments for the information you need rather then ask for it in this forum? It's quite possible that the people in here don't have all the information that you need or they could end up giving you the wrong information without knowing it.
  25. psyanide liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Firematic Coverage During Parades?   
    Flynn, as a suggestion, why don't you contact the chiefs of the departments for the information you need rather then ask for it in this forum? It's quite possible that the people in here don't have all the information that you need or they could end up giving you the wrong information without knowing it.