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Everything posted by markmets415

  1. Is this my invitation to stay home???? Joe I believe he was talking in general not specific to my or yours or anyone else's dept., the point was that if the XYZ dept needed and relied on this help then they were in trouble and should be looking at the proper avenues to correct it.
  2. I have a 16 hour shift on Wed. so maybe I'll give you a shout early afternoon @ the 911 center.
  3. Glad to see you were there to help him out and glad to see you put the hate where it belonged!!!!!!
  4. Joe whatever their doing with the low band tell them they need to continue after the simo goes online, I like my old low band pager, as stated it works better now than ever.
  5. Wow, sorry, now what did I do?? Nate good job helping out Craig, I spoke to him this afternoon regarding our FWD to tell him to check out this site and he said he was having problems with it, seems you got him fixed up.
  6. no other fire trucks.
  7. EMTBRAVO tech support, gotta love it, Seth you have all the angles covered!!!!!
  8. There are a few of us that want to get it back privately, the company doesn't have the $$$$$ to spend of it, we are in the process of trying to secure more funds for our 1935 Seagraves (below) at this time for it's restore. We got the Seagraves from Port Chester in 1958 or 1959.
  9. Here is a picture of a 1954 in Michigan that is on ebay, price is $1000.00, much better shape.
  10. Not really sure why he did but I know he drove it around for several years, it does have a 1997 inspection sticker on it. I will keep you posted, need any 2 1/2?? There are a few other older rack trucks there as well so I would figure a collector.
  11. You're making me laugh here Joe, you sound like you're running for an office, lol thanks for your support.
  12. Can I belong to more than one fire department? While talking with various firefighters throughout the State of New York, I have often heard the question; can I join or belong to more than one fire department? I have received phone calls, emails and letters asking if I knew of anyone who could answer this question. You would not believe the number of people who want to, have, and insisted on being members of a multitude of fire departments. I hope the answer or at least try to clarify this subject. In 1993 the New York State General Municipal Law, section 209 was changed, specifically the section dealing with mutual aid. Before this change in 1993, if you come across a situation in which you may be able to help, you could identify yourself to the officer in command and ask if you could assist in the matter. The most important issue was that by approaching it in this manner the, officer in command assumed responsibility and liability for your actions. This is not like the mutual aid system to which we are accustomed. Which the department being called to a mutual aid call is responsible for their own personnel. The law changed in 1993 allowing a firefighter who "because of their residence or unusual occupation is regularly in the area..." to offer their services on an "on-going basis." So what exactly does that mean for the thousands of volunteer firefighters in this state? It means that you can contact the chief officer of a volunteer department in the village or city in which you work or live of which you are not a member of and offer your assistance in an "on-going basis" and not by incident. The 1993 amendments also gave the firefighters all rights, privileges and immunities of a regular member while "assisting such fire company or fire department at a fire or other emergency scene." This means that the firefighter in covered and carried by the new fire department while under their command, not of the firefighters host department. Insurance coverage was the center of this. The firefighters and all departments involved had to be covered in some way. One problem did arise on this issue over time and was addressed this year. The 1993 law changes did not include training with the new department. When we go back and recognize the purpose of the law was to allow for coverage of these individuals, not being covered for training purposes was a real problem. Senator Ken LaValle (Suffolk County) and Rep. Paul Tokasz (Erie County) have successfully sponsored a bill, signed by Gov. George Pataki to address this training issue. This new bill added the phrase, "or for the purpose of training with such Fire Company or fire department." So it now comes to the moment we've all been waiting for..................Can I be a member of more than one department? NO, NO, NO. Nobody can be a member of two or more departments at the same time. You can offer your assistance in an "on-going basis," but you cannot be a member of more than one Fire Company or fire department. by:Robert Moyer Well I hope this helps enlighten those of you who actually read this, so here it goes. My background for this topic includes being a firefighter for alost 10 years and currently Captain of my Rescue Squad and a practicing Paramedic. I have extensive training in hazardous materials, high angle rope rescue, auto extrication, interior attack and many others.
  13. Myself and x129x got this one straightened out already
  14. Easy there Joe, I keep telling you guys I am to old for this don't I. Anyways I will have call a friend of mine in Albany to see if I can get the latest on the belonging to 2 dept law.
  15. Well I have enlisted a few more members for some $$$$ so maybe we can make this happen and get her back home, I called the guy and haven't heard back as of yet.
  16. No idea but it has been a law since I have been involved as a volly (1982), as far as I know.
  17. Joe that would be an understatement
  18. These are the kittens that were rescued at the trailer fire in Dover last month, they both found homes with rescue squad member of JHK, great job to all that aided in their care after the fire. Kitty on the left has a battle scar on the nose. Oops Bob I didn't see the note to the right of your pics, hey that's my truck behind Carol over her left shoulder.
  19. I still have a low band 46.36 pager but the county only sends out tones off the Clove tower, the thing works now better than ever. All calls will be going out off all towers as a simulcast, as far as I know this has not happened yet. I do know that there is on going work on the towers to get them ready for the change and some have been taken o/o/s for a few days and this has had an impact on pagers opening up.
  20. Sorry couldn't not resist this one, we just had one of our guys take the Sgt.'s promotional test and when asked how it was he said ahh, easiest test I ever too; he failed with a 60. One of our officers is taking it tomorrow, he called civil service as he had his CFR test yesterday and they are letting him take it tomorrow, he did have to get documentation from the CFR instructor as prove however.
  21. As a past Chief it is one thing to accept help from a FF that you know, but to accept it from one that you have no idea of their training, abilities and on and on most likely that would not be a sound choice to make.
  22. I actually live in another fire district and when available have clearance to respond to that FD calls. I used to be a member there and know the apparatus, am qualified to drive them, know the operating guidelines, the members and on and on. They generally do not have a manpower problem but as with most of us in Dutchess that do not have a paid service the day time manpower is pretty limited. The officers welcome the help as my dept. welcomes there membership, we all know each other well and the communications is very good. Speaking of AFA, I went to an AFA with the other dept actually 5am this morning.
  23. Currently the law is that you cannot belong to two volunteer depts. There was a law proposed seeking to change that so if you have a vacation home or something similar upstate let's say then you would be able to belong to two, makes sense. Joe that would mean that we both could do it. Members can get permission to render assistance like we do Joe, we have permission from the other dept and are able to respond to assist because we work or live in another district. Excellent point made by BFD: Now if all 12 joined up, what would the impact be on their other departments? Would they have to stop volunteering there? If not, would their responses go down as they divide their time between the two? What would be the adverse impact on the surrounding towns, which in effect might increase demands on the city and cause the new city volunteers to have to respond to cover their own vacancies. This is something that wasn't probably wasn't thought of.
  24. Exactly Joe and that goes right back to the Chief and officers, they are the ones that are responsible. not the dispatchers.
  25. Cogs you're not off topic at all. How many times over and over do you see stuff purchased that makes no sense at all. With more and more depts struggling with the manpower situation we need to see what the depts around us are doing and maybe start jumping resources. For example, in my town there are two fire districts, the fire houes are 3 miles apart. The other dept will be taking delivery of a new CAFS engine. Now I love that technlogy but does it make sense for us to buy a CAFS pumper when at most structure fires in our district the M/A dept is there anyways. I guess one could argue that that rig may be o/o/s, well if it then we have put our fires for years without CAFS so I guess we would manage. Shaking my head here, just can't see it, we all continue to buy apparatus and how many times do your hear 2nd and 3rd tones go out because they can't get off the floor. Enough ramdom thoughts from me.