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Posts posted by Medic442

  1. It is a interesting read I must say. It guarantees the city a lot and new buses 1 & 3s. Out of the 4 no maybe only 3 companies can bid. They ask for 3 years with no bankruptcies. The company is going to be sending its employees to DMV Will the company pay for the lic upgrade. I have my class E, but never have I ever had a company request. That ands money on the renewal.

    Vent onboard, why not. The company I work for requires this. Yes dmc2007, we are able to. Makes easy work on a arrest with little help available.

    x635 likes this

  2. Regional EMS came from when Rockland Paramedics child company now Rockland Mobile Care had taken over Elliot's Ambulance Service (Don's) company. That became Regional. ESA then acquired Regional and did a name change as HVP's then to Care 1. This was still just a dba. For the record HVP is not nor ever was HVA Hudson Valley Ambulance.

  3. I had been a AEMTI from 1997 till 2006 & had worked as a I at Empress as well as other locations. Yes places are still using I's & CCs. 2 of my present partners are. I tell you from experience that taking the I & working as a I is great experience & is a step to be a better medic.

    Yes times are changing & I am not to sure of the future of these programs. If you can find a class take it. Knowledge is never a waist of time

    spc0806 likes this

  4. Health Stream, Centrelearn, & JEMs on line. Both you have to pay for unless you have Pa with Centrelearn. You can look on line at the Westchester, Hudson Val, or NYC remsco sites.

    Where are CME classes located, either online or physical classes?

    Also I'm a NY cert EMT working in NJ. Can I take Classes in NJ that will count as CMEs for recert?

    Thanks for any help in advance.

  5. If you are looking for multi band radios you could look at yaseu or vertex which is the commercial side. Remember that Yaseuis a Ham radio & you do not want to transmit without the proper lic. I operate the 8900 and I love the rig.

    There are some newer brands out now that are cheaper & are geared for commercial hts that are also field programable. Be careful not to get yourself into trouble. If you wish to listen go scanner. If you need to transmits. Have your dept buy it.

  6. Tom, what justifies lights & sirens? Well I think we ( you & I ) would agree. Transports do not justify L & S. This is where I will probably get into trouble. When has that stopped me.

    For the life of me I can not understand on the side of real emergencies why they don't turn the real emergencies over to 911. For the sake of the Patient, Safety of All, & plain old common scents. Now on the devils advocate side of the employer & the facilities as explained to me a while ago. The facilities do not want the big scene of fire trucks, police, & ems. They would rather the transport company come in. This I disagree with. If its a true emergency than call 911 or the closest & correct unit. I am at war with dispatch at this time cause of some of the same issues & they love to try and throw me under the the bus for doing the right thing. Such as refusing to drive light & sirens cause of a pick uo times. I will say this as for the crews on the road a small insight. At this time company policy was put in place that the use of lights & sirens have to be authorized by a sup. At the same time Silent Passenger does provide Admin notification of the same & the speed of the bus. With this the crews are being watched. This is a positive & if you are doing the right thing it only supports the crews.

    What is the policy in regards to prioritization of requests for "transports" in regards to what crew gets sent? This is all on Dispatch & the coding system. That is all I can say about that. I understand you are not bashing as well as I agree with what you are saying. This includes another agency fulfilling anothers. I will say if a BLS crew gets called to what is dispatched as a simple txp for what ever & it turns into worst than what was dispatched. I would expect them to call for ALS & would hope that dispatch would have a ALS crew available. If not than & your closest than Sir your up. At that time its all for the Patient. I would hope that the crew had made good clinical judgement & would start transporting. I still agree with you that if the company does not have the crew to do the job than pass the call to a company that can. I also will agree with the trache job. I will say this when I was dispatched I was in another county. All I know was that the job was not originally dispatched as a trache job till BLS got there. With that the company has a policy that traches are to be txp ALS. Right wrong indifferent. When dispatch was told they should of rescheduled the job. I am sorry you had to deal with that. I also thank you for taking the time to help & educate the crew.

    I can only wish that the crews are getting better.

  7. It's very simple with all things aside. This is a company that NEEDS to make MONIES. The only place where that is going to happen is plain & simple is transports. When you own or control the facility & mode of Txp a big part of the issue is done. "It has a long way to go & a short time to get there." So any big ideas of going after 911 contracts are fools gold or people that don't understand. The company needs to make MONIES & Fix a rep as well as hold on to what it has. Which the rep could be the hardest. I have my own feelings or thought about the company & that is that.

    I work here right/ wrong, what ever 9/11/06 Thanks to Bob Rizzo. For that & the Medics that I have worked with & trained me I will always do my best & provide the best possible care I can. That is a long list.

    I just hope & pray that my fellow employees could find it in their heart & soles to do the same on their end. I know there are some & I thank-you. For the rest & other companies employees we all work in the field together & no one is perfect. Yes some seem pretty dam close & I strive in my own way. Lol. There is enough work for us all. It couldn't hurt & it could help everyone if we all helped out each other. Oh heck a crew from another company to help another. It all begins with teaching. So what I hope you get out of this is. If you see a medic or EMT not doing something right, help him or her instead of trashing them or a company. They maybe caring for someone you know some day.

    We have the power as a community of EMS brother & sisters to better us all. The companies are the mode. We take care of us & we all are better for it.

    Thank-you for allowing me to voice my feelings here. I am sorry to anyone that I have misunderstood their feelings. After all freedom of speech. I also admit that there are some real winners out here & not just in one company. I do see some very good people with great abilities if they are helped over what they do not understand. Myself included.

    Tom Orpikowski

  8. Hey Master of stupid. I am not as well as many others of my fellow employees are Not A Bunch of Skells. This is the point I think you should get off the the computer. I have been doing this job as a volly & paid longer than you probably been alive. You are no longer insulting a company. You are insulting me. What my fellow employees that care & I bring to the table is good pt care. No matter what uniform we wear. I am sure you could even learn a lesson from us. Oh wait you couldn't. You have blinders on. We are not perfect, but we try & do. If you actually knew who & what you where talking about. Go away cause I'm done with you. You don't call people that do their jobs Skells.

    sueg, x129K, miltonfire39 and 1 other like this

  9. Hey, I'm sorry. I did take the comment the wrong way. I was tired & a bit punchy with everything that is going on. Right wrong indifferent just some stuff is getting to me.

    I work for the company & I have nothing to do with those above me. What I will say is. That for myself & the others bring our best to every call or pt we care for. I find it funny that I have seen EMTS & others bs when they don't get their way. Like mocking a medic that has done & seen more than they could ever think of. Like, J B, Ralph & a few others. I would suggest that some people put the clip board down & pickup the airway bag.

    Once again to a few of you that I know & admire for your skills knowledge & friendship. I am sorry if I have offended any of you.

    Tom O

    JetPhoto likes this

  10. As of 0000hrs 1/1/12, Dutchess 911 is now dispatching the agency as Care1 EMS, no longer Hudson Valley Paramedics. This will only affect 2nd calls in the district during contracted hours, as the dedicated unit is still called 56-79. After contract hours, Mobile Life Support has been chosen by PVFD as the ALS provider.

    Why don't you say it as it is & not play word games. As the contract states as per the towns agreement. Care 1 is the contracted company. That contract reads that Care 1 will provide ALS coverage from 5 a to 1700 monday threw friday. The company provided coverage for at no additional fees ( that I am aware of ). Go ahead and cover the area and bill for it. Big deal. Its a contract. The Medics & EMTS that covered the shift and do a good job for the most part. Most of the same Medics are & had been the same Medics from the other companies that had been there. Just a diff patch & shirt.

    Some people should get a grip.