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Everything posted by Tapout

  1. This info came directly from the Dept. of Health, specifically Dr. Sheila Palevsky, spalevsk@health.nyc.gov , during training sessions several hundred RN's and I were given yesterday (also an RN with a wee bit more knowldege than a Red Cross 1st aid provider). We all attended the same training yesterday at 1 Police Plaza downtown NYC. The same training is being provided again today, same time/same place, for more RNs who will eventually flood the NYC school system with Novel H1N1 vaccine and Flumist. The program HAS NOT BEGUN YET. It will begin November 4 for 1st wave of RN team deployment and Nov 9 for 2nd wave. I put this info out there simply as a "heads-up" and courtesy to any who MAY come into contact with NYC school kids over the next 2 months. I did NOT put this out there to be questioned about my own credentials and sources of information in a snide, condescending way. BTW, yes of COURSE we are obtaining consent from parents prior to vaccinating any kid. But allergies to foods like melon, nuts, etc and meds like Gentamycin are going to be big QUESTION MARKS for the parents. They won't know the kid is allergic until we expose them to it. As for latex, no we do not use latex gloves but some of the hubs of the multi-dose vials of injectable vaccine do still contain minute amts of latex. So we have to ask to be overly-cautious. We will be administering 5 different brands of inactivated H1N1 vaccine, but only 1 brand of live attenuated intranasal spray. The later is FluMist www.flumist.com . I'd be happy to provide more info about H1N1 vaccine if you want it. PM me and I'll send you the PP presentation given to us yesterday. Again, thanks in advance.
  2. "Ah ah ah ah Staying Alive! Staying Alive!" Sing it as you thump it... and forget the breathing (which we old timers never wanted to do anyway). http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/14/cheat....cpr/index.html
  3. THANK YOU, YankeeMedic, 1st for the awesome save and 2nd for making my point. GOOD, effective CPR saves people. Everything else is just gravy or icing (whichever you prefer. wink)
  4. While CPR may have a better outcome when hypothermia is induced, it is still most absolutely effective even without cooling. In other words, CPR minus the breaths (as long as there is no hypoxic event worsening things like drowning, smoke inhalation, etc.) is most definitely effective in saving otherwise dead people. I'm an RN 18 yrs now, in ED's, ICU's and nursing homes all over NY. I've seen CPR done everywhere, both on-duty and off ---in the field, in my ED, at my bedsides, etc., without breaths. Patients recover their pulse even in the absence of ventilations and meds and most certainly without dropping their core temps. So don't EVER think that only with the latest, fanciest cooling methods will a patient survive asystole. To think that is either naive or just plain ignorant.
  5. 20 minutes of compressions will most definitely exhaust you, but it'll give you some seriously big guns, which is never a bad thing! Kidding. I'm kidding. I'm a kidder. Yes, of course, do rotate out every 2 minutes if you can. But if you can't because you're alone and there's noooooo one coming anytime soon (been there), screw the breaths and just keep up the compressions fast and furious. No 1 and 2 and 3 and... and no Mississippi's either. Just 1-2-3-4-5... 100 a minute. I wasn't kidding- sing the Beegee's song Staying Alive and compress as you sing it.
  6. Lt. Murray: please know you have thousands of people praying for your speedy and complete recovery. Be patient with the rehab process. It's tough and frustrating but if you tackle it with the same level of dedication you used to become a FF, the hard work will pay off and you'll be able to get back on your feet. You'll see. God bless you and your family.
  7. To FF Kanych: please get well soon. You're in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. I'm praying for your family and friends too so they can help you get back to what you love and were born to do: be a hero.
  8. I really wish Heaven didn't call for yet another hero, but it did... and you, Mr. Joyce, answered that call. I am so grateful to you but my heart breaks for those mortals you left behind, now crying and reeling in your sudden departure from this world. God bless you, obviously, now in the presence of He who called upon you, but more for your family and friends who must now deal with the seemingly unbearable pain of losing you. For your beautiful children, your wife will endure this, I'm sure. As a fellow wife of a public servant and mommy to that servant's child, I know she will prevail and endure this for their sake. She has no choice. She chose this life and station in life, but nonetheless, ALL of you reading this, pray for her. Her burden is overwhelming even though she knew what she signed up for. We know this can happen but never think it will happen to us. God bless you, Mrs. Joyce. I'm so sorry it happened to you. Be strong and keep those babies strong. You're all they've got. They've always needed you, but they couldn't need you more as they do right now.
  9. County PD's bomb squad deserves EVERY dammmm dime they get, times 10. They work like dogs, don't get attaboys 99% of the time, and yet keep us all safe 24/7/365. Keep up the great work, gentlemen. You're totally appreciated by those who know what you do. Despite the lack of gratitiude through the dept. and from the public in general, you are all appreciated beyond words. Seriously. Tapout
  10. 153% increase in flight time from last summer??!! And 1 perp didn't run just because he HEARD you overhead? That's awesome. Keep up the great work, Chris-- make ALL the bad guys in Westchester hate and fear you- even if they can't see you!
  11. That mental image is going to crack me up all day! That and the image of said bad guy thumbing his nose at the cop as skips to my loo off to his homey's house.
  12. There's a special place in Hell for those who hurt kids and animals... I just hope when they find who did this, someone remembers to turn off the dash cam. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/cnn-ne...391/detail.html Is it true that the perp would be tried for attempted murder of an officer?
  13. There is no disrespect intended in just questioning the relevence of debating NY VTL when such discussion is being presented by a NH resident (not affected by said NY laws). All opinions here thus far have been respectful, just not always in agreement with the initial poster or the need to even discuss such a topic yet AGAIN. It's a dead horse at this point. It's been beaten beyond recognition and we ALL need to step away from it already! Again, in this, there is no disrespect. God knows, if there had been, we would not be reading such posts as they would have been deleted by now! LOL! (Don't erase me, bro!!! )
  14. That's great, but my question is 2-fold: 1. what exactly is your argument? and 2. To whom exactly do you wish to direct your anger/frustration/venom? You may have lived in NY previously as Stat Flight (I received all your wrecks as a WMC ER RN back in the day, thank you very much), but presently as a NH resident, what's your CURRENT argument with NY blue lights and, more importantly, what is the relevence of said argument? I love the blue lights. In combo with red there is nothing cooler or more attention-grabbing. Provided said blue light isn't trying to run me off the road, I'm sooo much more than cool with them. My $.02, of course.
  15. If you're a parent, you'll appreciate just how important and necessary this mission was. If you're in law enforcement, you'll understand just how hard it was to even make this mission happen. http://www.lohud.com/article/20090821/NEWS04/908210439
  16. Excellent job, Officer M. and Gracie! As she would "say" when she's happy and proud of herself (as you BOTH should be), AH-WOOOF!
  17. HARMONY?????? Oh, Good God no. I hate them too-- I was enjoying a day in my herb garden one day last spring, thinking "what a great day to relieve stress by weeding my great garden... oh, the awesome recipes I'm gonna come up with... nothing beats fresh herbs..." and what do I come upon but a @#$#$%%^^^^!!@@@@ing copperhead baby snake chillin' in my garden. And right next to cute little baby copperhead was the skin of its momma-- about 4feet long!!! I haven't been back to the garden since. Fast forward to last week-- I'm visiting my son's camp for the day, so happy to be getting away from my office... enjoying a stress-free day in the country for a change... and there is a flipping 3 or 4 foot long black snake hanging out right next to where all the kids hang their wet swim trunks. I HATE SNAKES!
  18. http://www.lohud.com/article/20090806/NEWS02/908060431 Lohud really wastes no time, huh? How many people you think they have locked in the basement listening to scanners 24/7?
  19. Really? Kids don't mess with snakes. They run around as kids will and come upon them by accident. It happens often at my kid's camp- but luckily, so far, they've all been harmless gardeners. But all it takes is 1 rattler or copperhead in the same situation and the kid is going to get hurt. My point: don't blame the kid.
  20. OK- here's more nauseating food for thought: perhaps she sedated all of the children in the vehicle at some point, and her intention was to do this. How else would 5 small children not be screaming and crying like maniacs as Mommy/Auntie was blazing, drinking and flying up the wrong way of the Taconic? I wonder if tox screens were done on the kids- unlikely, but it might shed even more light on this horrendous event. Even if they were awake and aware and screaming, the fact that she kept going and kept drinking despite the ruckus is equally telling. Perhaps also someone should question the relationship between Diane Shuler's husband and her sister (the mother of the 3 girls killed) and what transpired over the weekend to potentially put the idea into her head to do something so catastrophic. I just can't help thinking there is a PUNITIVE element to her final actions. We'll never know, but the argument can certainly be made in light of what we all do know at this point.
  21. Just disgusting. Is anyone now going to delve into the source of the drugs/alcohol? Perhaps it would explain the silence of the husband- don't tell me he was unaware of her behavior. You don't get to the point of blazing and drinking alcohol in the AM before a long road trip after only occasional, recreational use. And the brother- he didn't know either? Riiiight. :angry: And for those who might argue this drinking/smoking happened the night before and she was still under the influence in the AM, the pot may have been from the day or 2 before but a bac that high had to have come from recent drinking (like within hours of the MVA). A good liver can filter twice that overnight. All those who got PTSD last week, in light of this latest news, go again. Seriously. Get the understandable anger out in a therapeutic environment. Then find a good karate school and beat the ever living @#$% out of people without going to jail!
  22. Wow- that level of stupidity makes my brain hurt. The driver should've hit just 1 of them to teach the other 2 a lesson... So how many of them were yacking on their cells at the time? Bet at least 1.
  23. Safety, shmafety. Ninjas don't need no stinkin' safety harnesses. That rope is being held by another ninja who's gonna swing him over to the next window if he loses his balance (which of course he won't 'cause he's a ninja!!)
  24. WOW! Now THAT'S my kinda' negotiating! LOLOLOL! Thanks, B... that pic will make me crack up all day long. See? Ninjas are not always the bad guys the movies portray them to be...
  25. Your advice is the best I've read. Please, any responders who were on-scene and any in the ED who received the 5yr old survivor, get that counselling. Trust me on this- bottling up something like this is just too dangerous. You can't carry this around in your head and expect to to do your job as well as you normally can.