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Posts posted by pasobuff

  1. Thanks Stench!.....this book is an awesome store of information of how things used to be with the organization....

    Another neat article I found had to do with a parade in Herkimer, NY, which stated that 6000 (yes - Six THOUSAND) Firemen congregated to attend/march in a parade.....

    There is also a very long article about a boxing match which went 76 rounds, I think.....

    So Stench - does the name Richard Cullen ring any bells with you????

  2. I received an old, old scrapbook from my father this past week, with a TON of old newspaper articles, invitations to events, documentation on the Volunteer Fireman's Association of New York CITY....the earliest date I have found so far is 1892 in the book.

    Has anyone here ever heard of this Association - and I am wondering if it is what now is FASNY?......

    The book itself is in the hands of the NYS Museum for the time being - when I get it back, I will be happy to share pictures of the contents.

    One REALLY neat thing I found is the 'Programme' from the laying of the cornerstone of the Fireman's Home in Hudson - with a hand written note stating that H. Howard (among others) was in attendance.....

    The book belonged to an R Cullen - who I believe was my fathers' uncle.....still looking for info on him too - he was President of the Assoc......

  3. The RR tracks were closed while firefighting operations were in progress. Amtrak and CP Rail police & engineers were on the scene. Another section of freight track (separate line) was closed so that LDH could be laid across to supply engines from another main.

    On another note -

    Reposted from FF Close Calls article, but a great read.

    Thanks Eli for the audio on that!....

    Very good call on AFD for no entry - from what I have heard there are holes all over the place in the floors.....

    AFD is still there as of around noon today.....

    As for the tracks - Amtrak had to shut down for a while, fire operations would shut down when a train was due through. I do know that some tracks were on fire at one point the first day.....

    From what I have heard over the radio, good cooperation and coordination with multiple agencies for this.

  4. This is why when operating at an MVA, I generally will have someone do nothing but keep an eye on traffic to warn us of stuff like this.

    That is what saved us at an accident a couple winters ago..pretty sure I posted the aftermath of my car on here somewhere......I still remember hearing the yell - 'WATCH OUT!' just before the minivan slid across the road and took my car FRONT of the accident we were at!

  5. Not a dumb question IMHO; rather a very good point. The dispatchers are UNDERPAID, just like many of our EMS brothers and sisters in Westchester County.

    Believe it or not, the salary has come a long way from when I was first hired.....I think I still have a pay stub somewhere from @1994-1995 with the salary around 14K! That was the starting pay for a trainee.....remember, the traineeship salary is for a year - then you step up.....when I left there, (with OT) I was making @50K +/year.....

    I do believe that dispatchers are neither paid nor given the recognition they deserve for the job they isn't easy handling the stress day after day.....spent 8 years doing it full time......

  6. If you're a parent, you'll appreciate just how important and necessary this mission was. If you're in law enforcement, you'll understnad just how hard it was to even make this mission happen.

    Good job all around.....haven't beenin that area in a while - but from what I remember there's a lot of woods..rough terrain.....hope the 'owners' are found out and dealt with appropriately!

  7. A few years back I witnessed a driver on Rt 129/Underhill Ave driving erratically...slow speed, faster speed, all over the road (both lanes) etc.......I hung back but the person behind me decided to pass...thankfully safely. Now, this was before everyone had cell phones, so all I could do was watch and wait - and hope he didn't hit anyone else.....well, after topping a small hill straddling the yellow lines (just East of Underhill if you know the area).....he finally swerved a little too much and hit the guard rail. The repair shop up the road heard and called 911.....I stopped to check on the driver, who could barely stand, he was so STONED! Thankfully in this case no one was hurt, and the cops took him away in handcuffs....his nice shiny Mustang wasn't so perfect any more either.....

    As for the TSP heart goes out to the little boy who survived.....and to the families of the other innocent victims.

  8. Sexual harassment can be a crime. Can you just go grabbing on people these days trying to get a free feel? Or can you talk nasty to people? No!! To be labeled as "Sexual harassment" it has to be repeated and the harasser must know that its unwelcome. It has to be more than an isolated incident or a joke than happens just once. The best thing to do is keep a journal of events with times, locations and a narrative of the event. Maybe witnesses too. You build up your complaint and file an official complaint or grievance with your board of directors who are to investigate your complaint in a prompt reasonable manner. There are different forms of this harassment.

    The statute only says that the term "employer" only deals with the number of employees employed. It doesn’t say what is needed for an employee/employer relationship to exist. NYS courts have decided that a employee/employer relationship will exist if the following are met: selection of the person, payment of wages, control over behavior, power to dismiss. Since there is no payment of wages (weekly or bi weekly) your not an employee, so your not covered. But you can certainly a private court. I

    look it all up here. (Executive law; Article 15 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW.)

    To answer the OP, most VACs and FD's post the policy.

    Just listen to this guy!

    A little clarification on Sexual Harassment (I just had to go through prevention training lately at work)......

    NYS Policy on Sexual Harassment (for employees of the State).....


    Sexual Harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that voilates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, NYS Human Rights Law, Executive Order 19 and agency policy. It can consist of words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation or physical voilence of a sexual nature. It becomes illegal when it is severe or frequent enough to alter the terms and conditions of an individual's employment. In today's workplace, sexual harassment is the most notorious type of sex discrimination.

    Sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal or physical advance, sexually explicit derogatory statement, or sexually discriminatory remark made by someone in the workplace which is offensive or objectionable to the recipient or which causes the recipient discomfort or humiliation or which interferes with teh recipient's job performance.

    BTW - you don't have to be the direct recipient to claim sexual harassment...just being a witness to something that offends you etc can be enough.....

  9. A couple other things I like about Southwest - NO rebooking fee - you can cancel your flight up until you actually get on the plane with no penalty - you get a credit for that amount to use another time. PLUS - no bag fees, and if you book a flight and the price goes down, you can rebook at the lower price retaining the difference as a credit.

    I don't mind not having a TV on board - that is why I bring a couple books.....having a friendly flight crew makes a big difference too......although thankfully there has NOT been any singing on any of my flights !

  10. Won't use JetBlue after what they tried to do to us last fall.....were supposed to fly out of Syracuse non-stop to Fla.....booked and paid for the tickets. A month before the trip we get a notice saying the time/path of our flight had changed due to 'seasonal changes' stopping and changing planes at KENNEDY! We did get a full refund on our tickets, plus a voucher which we will never use.

    Flew Southwest out of Albany instead - cheaper fare, flights were on-time or EARLY......I have no problem with the group boarding - just get on line early to get a low number.....

    We used to like to fly AirTran out of Newburgh - but they stopped flying out of there.

  11. Let's see.....when I have been to parades - there have generally been MORE people around, waiting for the parade to start, going in/out of shops......actually creating business.......after the parade, people who do not have family in the parade visit shops after the parade too.....

    So there may be a few hours of quieter business while the parade is actually getting set up and being held.......but from my experience it is actually busier around those hours.

    In one community I go to for Memorial Day, residents set up lawn sales, businesses have sidewalk sales - and guess what? People SHOP!

    I did get a kick out of reading some of the comments too that people left....some people have no clue!