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Posts posted by Tranz426

  1. Date:




    Description:About 02:00 hrs

    239 New Main St

    Fire on the 1st floor in a 2 story mixed occupancy

    B-1 - 10-30 (All Hands), 3 L/S/O

    About 02:00 hrs

    239 New Main St

    Fire on the 1st floor in a 2 story mixed occupancy

    B-1 - 10-30 (All Hands), 3 L/S/O
    About 02:00 hrs

    239 New Main St

    Fire on the 1st floor in a 2 story mixed occupancy

    B-1 - 10-30 (All Hands), 3 L/S/O

  2. Date:





    09/05/16       1:27 am  

    173 N Broadway 

    Heavy Fire on the 1st and 2nd floor in a 2 1/2 story PD 
    primary and secondary negative 

    E-303, 306, 308, 309
    L-71,72,74 FAST
    B-1,2 safety

  3. Date:





    20 Saratoga Ave.

    16:17hrs. - 10-30(A/H) transmitted for heavy fire in the rear of a 2-story brick attached row dwelling.  Extention into the cockloft.

    E304, E303, E306, E307
    L74, TL71, TL75(FAST)
    B1, B2(Safety)
    Rehad unit

  4. Date:




    Description: 28 Caryl Ave

    Fire on the 3rd floor and cockloft in a 5 story H-type

    Reports of multiple people trapped 

    2nd alarm prior to arrival

    09:56: B-1 - Fire on 3rd floor of a 5 story MD, primaries underway, lines being stretched, possible exposure problem on #4 side

    10:00: B-1 - Multiple victims being removed, 2 L/S, no water on the fire yet

    10:06: Car 2 - 3rd Alarm

    10:09: Car 2 - Fire in a 5 story H-type, fire on the 3rd floor and in the cockloft, water on the fire

    10:20: Car 2 - Main body of fire appears to be k/d

    10:47: Car 2 - 4th Alarm

    3rd Alarm:

    4th Alarm:
    New Rochelle E-22, L-12

    New Rochelle E-22, L-12 to Yonkers station 12 (redirected to scene)
    Greenville Sq-15 to Yonkers station 3
    Hartsdale E-170 to Yonkers station 9
    Mount Vernon Engine to Yonkers station 14
    Eastchester TL-17 to Yonkers station 14

    JOB114 and EmsFirePolice like this

  5. 7 hours ago, Disaster_Guy said:

    Rumor is that Yonkers Battalion Chiefs - who come along with the 1 & 1 (a Battalion 3 is sometimes placed into service back in YO) - like taking over operations/command at the fire scene. When you don't play nice in somebody else's sandbox they don't have to invite you back to play...

    Total BS.  We have a busy, large enough sandbox of our own to worry about.  

    A battalion chief responds anytime more than one unit is toned out, In or Out of the city. Its basically the start of incident command and to protect the members.  So yes, any units out for a duration of time need to be replaced on recalls, including the chief.

    When we receive a call for mutual aid, 9 times out of 10, we are requested to the scene.  Not just to cover the fire house.  Sometimes on arrival, the incident commander asks the chief for advice.  


    So before you start spreading rumors, get the facts straight 



    demps121, boca1day, BFD1054 and 9 others like this

  6. On July 17, 2016 at 0:15 AM, Camean said:


    Yes. That pay seems absurdly high..i would be very happy with much less. Needless to say I will try my hardest to qualify going forward. Ladder44 and dwcfireman, thank you. Very helpful, I'm glad I came here. 

    At first you were worried about the pay too low, and now you say its "absurdly high",  you sound vey confused.  This is a type of job you don't want to be confused.

     Not trying to pick on you, its just there is thousands of people that would love to get the call.  Unfortunately most won't.  It took me 5 years and just about aged out.  Its kinda silly and selfish to be worried about the pay when that is something easily figured out with a lil research or time of actual job offer.  


    Again, im not trying to come after you.  Its just in my experience, im seeing more and more guys come on the job for the wrong reasons and guys that deserve it get screwed.


    Goodluck if you go foward.

    spyda308 likes this

  7. I would assume it would be based on a case by case basis and the severity of the incident to which the IC would request mutual aid. Whenever yonkers responds to a call for mutual aid, they will recall manpower and staff spare units (truck, engine, battalion, etc.) to replace the ones on mutual aid. They will not leave the city without a rescue or squad. They could put Rescue 2 or squad 21 in service, if the incident is going to be long.

    nydude2473 likes this

  8. As far as, "it seems to be working" thats incorrect. I have been listening to the scanner since this situation unfolded and their response time has increased by 2-4 minutes at least. That is a huge problem, especially in cardiac related runs. It appears the calls still come in through YPD didpatch, then they get routed to 60 control which is apoarently causing the increase in response time. Also there has been alot of confusion and incorrect units dispatched to runs, then corrections which also cause more delays. Im not saying its 60 control or anybodys fault, but anytime response times are increased, thats a problem. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

    PEMO3 likes this

  9. Why has the fire commisioner been so quiet? Alot has unfolded in the last few months and appears he is MIA. The entire department is on path for total for total decimation. Does he not care?

    The city has grown tremendously and continues, yet the department is slated to shrink. Bizarre!!

  10. I disagree. Most people do not know if they are being driven off a cliff. They vote right down the line, Dem, Rep or other. On a larger scale how do you get rid of the problems in Albany or Washington? The politician who keeps screwing the state or the country will keep getting reelected as long as his/her district is happy with him/her. Consider Speaker Silver, all he needs to do is keep lower Manhattan happy and the rest of the state has no say.

    I'm more or less talking about just cities and mayor term limits. Problems on the state and federal level are a whole different area. The idea is for a city to be self sufficient and not have to always rely on the state or feds to always bail them out. With a properly budgeted city they should be able to pay for themselves. The old way of just raise the taxes to fill in the gap ran out with the tax cap. As far as people not knowing if they are being driven off a cliff, the person who can't see that there is a budget crisis every year and something is always be cut or threatened (police, fire, education, dwp), then they really can't complain about when their taxes are being raised or services cut. (Its gotten so bad that even News 12 has there annual budget crisis little music jingle for years now) Otherwise for those who do acknowledge would vote them out of office rather then putting the same person back in, regardless of the political party. The average citizen don't go by political party usually just go by who they feel would do the best. With term limits for city mayors, it just keeps the same game going, do a pretty good job your first term to get re-elected and set yourself up the second leaving the city in a finanial mess. It raises a good question though, Do the people that are completly unaware when they are being driven off a cliff outway the number of people who do know? If so, thats a scary thought!

  11. Personally,I feel its about political scamming. Make Albany think you're broke, and give me more money. BUT, at the same time, I feel its more about layoffs than negotiations. Spano clearly doesnt seem to be interested in the better future of both the Yonkers PD and FD. Any negotiations that come to the table more than likely wont benefit either agency, but just take and give enough to maintain what they have. In terms of the grant, thats an excellent question. I know the FD has the SAFER grant, and I was under the impression the PD also has one under similar terms. What are the unions doing about making this public? Are they addressing other politicians and/or FEDS of their current situation? Are they making the current Yonkers administration aware of terms and conditions? These questions may have already been answered, but I'm unaware of any of them (I'm simply not privy to it). This whole new administration is a little sketchy to me...

    I believe its more about contract talks due to the Triborough Amendment, which forces municipalities to follow the expired contracts untill a new contract is in place. The municipalities can't afford to follow the old contract guidelines right now untill the finacial problems due to the previous administrations is fixed. The problem unions face, is that now it seems that most of the politicians are all on the same page (from albany down), specificaly, due to a strong governor who has most people on board with his plans. So your not seeing a divided house like we recently saw and is starting to accomplish the, thought to be, impossible with the unions; such as changing the pension system. The next thing they are eyeing is to suspend the Triborough Amendment, which if done the unions would lose all leverage to getting a new contract. In defense of the unions, its not fair that this laws and deals get put in place to protect and budget unions, and then at the failure of bad politicians, then have to be changed to solve the problem; however at the end of the day the politicians are the ones calling the shots, siging the checks, and can change the game as you go along, (pension, possible triborough amendment) so you have to be carefull otherwise if you go to far they would burn you. With new politicians in place who for the most part seem to be doing the right thing, its best for the unions to come to the table agree to something fair to both sides and give them a shot to right this ship and put all this annual budget drama in the rearview mirror, especially before you lose more bargining ground. Its not fair when the politicians get to change the rules as you go along, but thats the game!

    On a side note: I believe, this is also the problem you face when you have term limits, because what happens is, when in office, most politicians worry about how they are setting themselves up for when they are term limited out; instead of doing what is right for the cities. Just look at the amicone administration, giving all the commecial tax breaks to these developments because he and his cronies are invested in the properties one way or another and will finacially benefit from it. Instead of getting the proper due taxes and avoided all this budget short falls The argument people have about getting rid of term limits, is that then you can get them out of office. I disagree, if a politician is driving a city off a cliff then vote him out, if he is doing good for the city then keep him in. Thats what election day is all about. Alternatively, the current politicians should be writing new laws that hold old administrations accountable and be able to go after there assets to fix their failure, instead of changing the rules with unions. Right now the old administrations say opps sorry(if even that) and still have all their financial benefits, and then they have no choice but to go after the workforce to fix it.