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Posts posted by bigrig77

  1. Robinson, who is on unpaid leave from her job with Cincinnati Metro, faces up to 90 days in jail and may lose her driver's license for up to two years as a result of her conviction.

    I find that part the biggest slap in the face. She kills someone cause she left the drivers seat. She gets a slap on the wrist 90 day stay which might get reduced do to "good behavior". And then she may lose her license for 2 years, well oh no not two years. How about life revoked. I think that this should kinda be a law. If you kill someone in an accident with gross negligence, you lose it for life. In Europe you get a DWI and its over for life.

  2. Code-3 had been kinda going down hill lately. I too remember the older rig that were detailed and looked good. I know I am being a little knit picky but i think they could have included the stokes basket on this model. That is one of my issues with Code-3. If you look at all the models in one chassis type, the only thing they change is the number on the side. Each fire company has a different rig. Some guys have the water cooler on the side, some guys have it on the back step, and so on. They are all so generic. With the increase in price, they should up the details. I mean if you bought one FDNY rig, then you have no need to buy another. They are all the same (to some extent). I know you need to mass produce these things, but make them a little different.

    I loved the whole Diamond Plate series. You paid more money but damn you got your moneys worth! The detail was amazing. They included all the subtle details. Plus they were big, which was nice. :D

  3. I think the Streamlight Survivor is the standard of flashlights. Right angle is perfect for coat mounting, stands up if you need it to, fits in your hand comfortably. Rechargeable or AA batteries option if you want, all around a great light. The rest comes with doing the job. Some guys like having the light on the helmet, which I have. Just look and that's where the light goes. Garrety use to make that iconic light for helmets but I have not seen it in a long time. I think they were bought by Life Light. Anyway if you get an helmet light make sure it is not a entanglement hazard. Don't want to get wires caught up there and then your stuck.

  4. I guess the Henry family need to learn a little adage "Live my the sword, die by the sword". In all the hollering they seem to have forgotten that their son tried to run down a police officer, as well as drunk and disorderly. Kid ran down a cop. Sorry that's not racial profiling, that's not a cop over reacting, that what the situation warranted. If a PO says please step out of the car or please let me see your ID or any of a hundred other things that can be asked , YOU DO IT! Also if you are so dumb that you keep driving with a cop on your hood, well I am guessing the cure for cancer didn't die in that car. It sucks but well that's how the game is played.

    Congrats to Officer Hess for his award. He earned it. What if this was a guy who had just ran though a road block and was not listening to any instructions. Cop ends up on the hood and try's to stop him. Cops drops the perp, he would be a hero and would get his medal, no argument. But because in the Hess case the perp was some dumb kid who was trying to kill a cop, he gets treated like a criminal himself?

  5. Thanks ALS, but i meant the on scene footage, not the news report. I have an app in firefox for downloading vids off the internet. it's called Flashgot. if you run firfox, i suggest you get it. The video was about 8 mins long and it showed the fire grow from just the one store front to walking down that facade an covering the whole thing.

  6. Wow it's like a walking Home Depot in here! I just carry a couple chocks in a jacket pocket and pair of Slip-joint pliers in my radio pocket (i wear my radio under my coat), Bailout bag on pants and that's it. all that other stuff will just weigh you down and get you caught in stuff. As ALS said those vulcan lights are amazing. Our gear weight to much already, don't make it worse.

  7. I saw a raw copy of the mall fire from Nov 1, 2008 in Whitestone Queens in a class a few years ago. It showed how a new insulation, Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS), reacts to fire. As you can see in the video it rapidly rolled down the facade of the mall. Does anyone have a copy of this raw footage? It is something that is out there. EIFS is a lightweight synthetic wall "stucco" that includes foam plastic insulation and thin synthetic coatings. When it burns it burns FAST.

    link to video skip ahead to 0:35 seconds

  8. They appear to be a small group of buffs who have taken their hobby to a ridiculous level. I am not aware of them having any official affiliation with any N.Y.C. agency. It seems like these (Police - Fire - E.M.S. - Search & Rescue - Command Post - Scene Lighting, etc. "Fans", Sparks", "Buffs", "Impostors" ...) have found themselves with too much time on their hands and spare cash in their pockets and decided to purchase a large quantity of official looking stuff (radios, lights, vehicles, etc.). They have creatively lettered their somewhat official looking vehicle to look like an F.D.N.Y. SUV and put together a Facebook page and a website full of photos of the same couple of young looking kids standing in the background at various emergency scenes. How long it will take for the N.Y.P.D. or the Fire Marshall's to look below the surface and figure out that they are not on scene in an official capacity and should not be inside Police or Fire Lines ... They seem to be similar to this 'group': My link

    I think this sums up this group:

    Segway 1 to Segway 2


    But Seriously these groups are nothing more then Vol/buff groups. A cool looking patch and an official looking truck don't make you member of the team. I bet these guys just show up and provide unrequested scene lighting and maybe some rehab drinks for the men.

  9. I think the problem that the upstate boys are missing, is that FDNY is an anomaly. They are the exception to every rule there is. These guys roll with fully staffed rigs, a superb compliment of tools, and a great scene support structure (ie. EMS, PD,..). I think that you (firstdueorback2bed) are confusing the real world with the FDNY world you live in that says all FD's are FDNY. Name another department in the WORLD that has this many fire houses and staffing? Oh that's right, THERE ARE NONE!! How you gonna handle this type of incident up there when a bus from Chinatown that is going to Woodbury Commons does the same thing? It is completely possible. Bet you will be showing up and after blowing chow for a little while from what you see in that bus, you will go back to your actual job and talk a big game about how you were at the "big one". Is Westchester's system a little out of whack? YA, but no more then any other department in this country. Most Westchester career FD's get more done with less then some of these Vols departments do with all their shiny new rigs and latest greatest little toys.

    BIGRED1 likes this

  10. It is pretty funny. I like in the third episode when she finds out he is not a real firefighter. Her face is priceless. I think these guys did do a great job portraying the vols personalities. I know it is blown WAY out of proportion to make it funny :rolleyes: , but the part were he works at a tanning salon was classic. I did like that they made the career firefighter a women. Normally she would have been just an equal but it was something different. I hope they keep up the great work and keep us all laughing.

  11. In the volunteer side that isn't exactly true. There are many members who have moved up through the ranks and "did their time" and returned to being "regular" members who are still active and respond to calls regularly.

    Yes I agree with that but are you still not just a firefighter at that point? When guys did their time and stepped down they took off the white shield and put the normal black one on. Again dress uniform is a different thing. I will have to agree with it just being a huge Ego thing

  12. But why does the gear say "Ex" anything? I can see on the retirement of a officer he or she gets a badge that says "Past chief" or something like that that goes on their Dress uniform or in their wallet. But do these retired member still need gear? I would assume if you retire, then that's it. You don't respond anymore unless that is built into your departments SOP's that they can come help out on bigger incident. If I am understanding correctly the "Ex-officer" gear is being worn my active members? As stated the coat would mean " I was a officer but I got demoted or fired" Kind like people with the t-shirt that says "FAST Team"

  13. Well that wouldn't be you with your 20 posts in two years. Thanks for the positive reinforcement towards the effort the rest of us who don't write IA's but try and contribute something helpful for the board and the membership. We certainly do appreciate your positive feedback! And I agree, we have some great IA writers. But to criticize guys, lump everyone in as a bunch of gum flappers? :lol:

    What's up with that?

    Haha ya I have been off for a while. I do enjoy the posts but a good number seem to just degrade into pissing matches. The ones flapping their gum's most likely are not dropping useful info. I will give a shout out to alsfirefighter, Remember585, Chief Flynn and Capt Benz, as well as yourself. These guys do add their wealth of knowledge to the site. I have read their posts many times and they ALWAYS have a great attitude and something positive to contribute.

    daplachta likes this