COH Bulldog

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Everything posted by COH Bulldog

  1. Refurb a scope from Pierce = $800K, refurb from Seagrave = $1million
  2. Their current truck is pretty old and will soon be one of the oldest front line trucks in the county. They should not have to rely on mutual aid all of the time if they believe they need a truck. It's all about providing the best service for their district's taxpayers. I wonder if they looked at any used trucks. There are some nice ones out there that still have lots of service left in them and at a fraction of the cost of a new truck. That's what Cornwall on Hudson did.
  3. About 413: it still is a great truck and has served us well through the years. But it is 40 years old. It is starting to show its age on closer inspection. Parts are getting harder to find. It's the oldest first line rig in the county, other than maybe a few of the surplus brush trucks. It's just time to replace before it breaks down when needed.
  4. Will this replace the Sutphen tractor drawn tiller?
  5. Good point about the "harmful" aspect. I have seen some emergency vehicles with way too many new lights that are blinding at night.
  6. I love the MSP lights, but I am originally from Michigan. There was allegedly a study out years ago that reported those lights are more aerodynamic than a light bar. So they kept those lights.
  7. We are looking at doing the same with our aerialscope. The cost of a new 75' is close to (most likely over) $1 mil. The re-mount goes out the door for around $775,000. A new 'scope has to be mounted on a double axle due to weight and other factors that I forget (all this info comes from the Seagrave dealer). A re-mount can go on a single axle which suits our village streets better. It is just a better fit for us. If a new 'scope could go on a single axle and were more cost effective, I know that would be our option. But is is not, so we are looking at the re-mount. PS--Pine Bush in Orange County, NY has an older 75' Aerialscope with a pump and tank on it (dual axle of course).