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Everything posted by FFEMT150

  1. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://themurkyfringe.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/totfinder-lg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://themurkyfringe.com/2009/12/a-tot-finder-model-speaks-out/&h=586&w=700&sz=78&tbnid=5dclQL5OG29ktM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=108&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtot%2Bfinder%2Bstickers%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=tot+finder+stickers&hl=en&usg=__K21sqAXIF453kKReVdUWqOrNi5U=&sa=X&ei=QqwgTs3pD47VgAe25-njBQ&ved=0CJ8BEPUBMBE This is what I found so far... The back of the decal shows instructions for how to use them and how a firefighter can find the childs room.
  2. Great topic. My department hands out a newer style tot finder decal intended to be placed on the bedroom door of a child. It is reflective and ment to show a firefighter where the room is inside the house rather than trying to figure it out from the yard. I will try and find the link to show what I mean.
  3. New Thread for the discussion... Looking to go alittle more in depth with this and don't want to dominate the thread here...
  4. I have worked many MVA's and car fires on I84 and the TSP in dutchess county, Never really felt the need to have that many lights. Also saw this truck in the Mahopac parade, Once the truck was down the road you couldn't tell there were lights flashing... Looked like one solid light. Might have gone just a bit over here. DOES look good, don't get me wrong, but just a bit over the top IMO.
  5. Sorry in advance for the rant folks but as a Dad just had to get this off my chest... WHAT KIND OF SICK TWISTED F#$* WOULD DO SUCH A THING TO A CHILD??? This poor boy was only 9 years old! My prayers go out to his family. May none of us ever have to deal with this trauma. Also, Please keep the officers who made this gruesome discovery in your thoughts. Thanks for the time and stay safe.
  6. Photo thread has a post from the West Harrison chief... Confirmed it was R35.
  7. Some of the smoothest operations I have seen... Always a pleasure to be on a croton job with the van.
  8. Great shots! Looks like it was pretty easy to vent that roof!
  9. I think it is time to stop attacking each other on this thread and use our combined years of experiance to work towards a solution. The personal attacks need to stop, this is not what we all got into the business for. I must say i get sick to my stomach every time I see a department attacked on a thread that was not posted to start a war! If those of you that are doing this want to call yourselves professionals than it is high time you start acting like one! You are not doing your agency any favors by attacking another. I wish the village of croton and croton EMS the best of luck in their search for a solution to a noticed problem. I agree with grumpyff, It is cheaper and easier to hire an outside agency to provide manpower. No worrie about payroll, vacation, benes and if someone bangs out, they find a replacement. Again good luck croton.
  10. This is actually a pretty cool idea isnt it? I think it is a dance studio, law office and chiropracter??? I apologize to TR54 if I hijacked his thread but it is deff. alot of fun and gives some of us "young guns" a chance to learn the history of the Westchester fire service.
  11. You got it! Thought I had a good one... Might go photo hunting this weekend... This is a pretty cool idea. Hey mods, Think wse can make this its own section?
  12. Sad day when we can't ask our "family" to borrow some pics and we just steal them! My mother and some of her friends are big photogs. One of her friends photos was actually stolen off facebook and used in an ad in europe! Crazy I know but it happened! If its yours, claim it befor someone else does guys!!!! Please don't let this keep out great shots!
  13. Maybe I'll throw one out there... This seems fun. Any guesses? Department and location?
  14. Pretty cool find guys... Seems alittle out dated to me... maybe a safety issue but i wont get into that here. Again, cool find.
  15. Yes... Lets close Indian Point and put people out of jobs, cut funding to schools and local FD's, and raise property taxes... Good plan! Can we have the blind guy back? The worst he did was gave us yellow plates!
  16. No FAST on 1st alarm? I know the VAFD in my dist acts as RIT when needed, does castle point do the same? And BTW... GREAT SHOTS!
  17. I worked a sports camp a few years ago... made $13 an hour.
  18. It's actually six of one and half a dozen the other. OVAC is closer to parts croton as CCVAC, Mohegan and Yorktown are closer to others. I think the idea of resource sharing is one that should be explored. This could be benificial for multiple agencies.
  19. I hear ya. No point in taking the risk. Saw the rigs when you posted them on here a while back, kinda hoped to see some shots of them in action. What can I say... I'm a buff! Again great shots seth. Hope everyone stays safe out there!
  20. Did you get a chance to get some shots of those task force brush trucks in action?
  21. WOW! Fast moving fire there!! Great video. Except for the camera operator narration.
  22. Adapt and overcome! I liked that too! Great shots Seth. Any details? size, # departments involved?
  23. Theres a real winner for you!