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Photo's found on this site....

14 posts in this topic

Everyone do not assume that because you see a photo published on this site that you have a "right" to download the photo from this site and send it to another site. It's not only wrong, it's discourteous to the photographer.

You may not see my copyright marks on my photos but trust me, IT'S THERE!

eric12401, FFBlaser, sfrd18 and 9 others like this

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Everyone do not assume that because you see a photo published on this site that you have a "right" to download the photo from this site and send it to another site. It's not only wrong, it's discourteous to the photographer.

You may not see my copyright marks on my photos but trust me, IT'S THERE!

Great post. It is terrible for people to do this. One thing I learned from having this happen to my pictures on various sites, is to do this. Open the photo in an editor that allows layers (ie: Gimp). Then paste a clear layer on top of the image. This makes it so that when someone right clicks to save or download a picture, they end up saving or downloading the clear layer. Easy trick.

Edited by PFDRes47cue

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I went after someone for that as well. Saw a picture I took on flickr a while back. I share my photos on this site, and if anyone wants to download them for private use, such as framing, etc. Please don't hesitate to PM me, I will gladly let you do it for free.

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We even had someone on the boards here take a WATERMARKED photo one of the Mod's took, crop out the watermark, and post it here in the forums!!!!!!!

FDNY 10-75 and firedude like this

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Someone here SNITCHED....and without permission of the photog sent some pics to Firefighter Close Calls...



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There is a westchester county department (not going to say who) who always takes my photos for the front picture of their webpage. Do people understand that this is illegal? Its not that hard to send a PM, and just ask for permision. I think EMTBravo needs an official lawyer. :P

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Anyone who has taken an instructor or a teaching class is taught in the first few classes about copyright law. People should know better.

Always ask for permission or at least have the common courtesy of giving the original poster / Photographer credit for the photo!

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KUDOS to FFCloseCalls for stepping up and taking the pictures in question down.

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Sorry to here that someone pilfered your images....... FFCloseCalls should have known better or possibly the person that submitted the images lied about their origin but I doubt it........ Did they provide you with any info as to who the source was? And can someone tell me why the list is a secret? <_<

If anybody is worried about their images being used without permission, Google has introduced a service that allows you to upload an image or point to a web based image and their servers will search the web looking for sites that have the same image on their pages..... It's not fool proof but I know of several people who have found their images being used commercially and have received compensation for their use when they challenged them over inappropriate use...... the info on the image search is here

There is another service called TinEye which is similar...... The info on TinEye is here

I need to read the terms of service before I use either one of these...... I believe that if you upload your images to Google, it gives them limited usage rights to the image...... I'm not sure if that's true but if it is, I'm not too keen on that......

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Sorry to here that someone pilfered your images....... FFCloseCalls should have known better or possibly the person that submitted the images lied about their origin but I doubt it........ Did they provide you with any info as to who the source was? And can someone tell me why the list is a secret? <_<

If anybody is worried about their images being used without permission, Google has introduced a service that allows you to upload an image or point to a web based image and their servers will search the web looking for sites that have the same image on their pages..... It's not fool proof but I know of several people who have found their images being used commercially and have received compensation for their use when they challenged them over inappropriate use...... the info on the image search is here

There is another service called TinEye which is similar...... The info on TinEye is here

I need to read the terms of service before I use either one of these...... I believe that if you upload your images to Google, it gives them limited usage rights to the image...... I'm not sure if that's true but if it is, I'm not too keen on that......

FLICKR actually has it in the fine print in their terms of service that any image you upload to their server is retained by them and they have the right to use your image(s) for whatever they want and you basically receive no compensation or credit for it.

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FLICKR actually has it in the fine print in their terms of service that any image you upload to their server is retained by them and they have the right to use your image(s) for whatever they want and you basically receive no compensation or credit for it.

That's why I REFUSE to use Flickr!

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Sad day when we can't ask our "family" to borrow some pics and we just steal them! My mother and some of her friends are big photogs. One of her friends photos was actually stolen off facebook and used in an ad in europe! Crazy I know but it happened! If its yours, claim it befor someone else does guys!!!! Please don't let this keep out great shots!

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I've been a member of flickr for over 2 years now and have never had a problem. I've had more photos stolen from EMTBravo then from flickr. I've had videos on youtube downloaded and reposted by other members. I've had people take my photos and use them as their Facebook profile picture. I am contemplating putting a watermark on my photos but it really takes away from the photo itself.

As for the Fire Fighter Close Calls, I would never post any photos online that show improper PPE or a dangerous safety condition. If I did spot a dangerous condition, I am sure I was not the only one to see it. It's the same reason I don't bash departments or members on these forums.

grumpyff and x129K like this

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