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Posts posted by wiscems

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bnechis said:

    Liquidating means the bankruptcy court will sell everything of value. NYP has expressed interest in the past. No contracts come with that, just the right to operate in the region.


    Correct - I guess my point was more that the Trustee will most likely rapidly liquidate as opposed to holding all the assets while seeking a bidder. Buildings, vehicles and medical equipment with expiration dates and maintenance agreements are expensive items to allow to sit idle. 

    x635 likes this

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bnechis said:

    They still need to get a CON to operate. Transcares may get auctioned to the highest bidder.

    4 minutes ago, Bnechis said:

    They still need to get a CON to operate. Transcares may get auctioned to the highest bidder.



    I believe this is very unlikely. For one thing, the company is  being liquidated. That means there literally won't be anything left to acquire. 


    Secondly, I don't believe they are in an agile enough position to recover the lost accounts prior to them implementing a new contracted bidder. That makes their sale a very difficult proposition at any price. 

  3. Hey Guys,

    I have standard flat front pants for my EMS position but I have to carry trauma shears, pen light, steth, and BP cuff on me but its impossible with these pants. Any recommendations on how I can make it work?

    Also if you work for who I think you work for you are allowed to wear tactical pants.

  4. Some of the above comments sicken me. Our job and duty is to save lives, not to judge and decide who is deserving of our care. Just because someone is addicted to drugs does not make them any less of a human being, and any less worthy of our care.

    I agree, regardless of your personal feelings towards someone's lifestyle, we don't go screaming through the city lights and sirens to arrive on scene and judge someone...