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Posts posted by fireemt371

  1. This could be a fire where nothing much went wrong. Or it could be a fire where nothing at all went right. The outcome is that firefighters showed up to a well involved fire where residents had self-evacuated, could not make an interior attack, and performed surround-and-drown operations while they watched the building burn down. We don't know if they had 5 members show up or 50 members show up. We don't know if it took them 5 minutes or 25 minutes to arrive on scene. That was my whole problem with this article. It seems like this article is praising a group of individuals for unfavorable outcomes and potentially shoddy performance. "Great job showing up and watching a house burn down."

    This gives the volunteer fire service, the residents, and the public a false (poor) sense of what is expected and what is favorable. The volunteers now know that they get a pat on the back regardless of whether or not the building is saved. The residents gain a false sense of security since the newspaper has just told them how great their local department is (that just allowed one of their neighbors houses to burn down without mounting a coordinated interior attack). The public now thinks that the volunteer fire service does a great job (when we all know that most volunteer departments are seriously lacking in manpower, training, and professionalism these days). I would imagine that this fire was not much different than the Vista helmet cam fire where everyone bashed them on this very website for their poor performance (we saw the article that they Huffington Post wrote about how great they were). This article is complete bullshit. Write an article when rescuers make a save. Not when a bunch of losers watch a house burn down.

    Don't mistake me for a career firefighter who love to bash volunteers. I am not a career fire fighter and have never been one. I spent 10 years in the volunteer fire service as a Firefighter, Lieutenant, and Captain and quit because I believe that the volunteer fire service is a façade and a waste of taxpayer dollars where members are more concerned with social functions than they are with training and firematics.

    Those sound like the words of a man who didn't just say I want to leave on top. I believe you are using a little creative writing yourself. And another thing, do you actually know this "bunch of losers" or is this just your general assumption of the group. The fact that you seem to know so much about them really impresses me. Now please tell me how many houses and people you have saved, not to mention how many you are currently saving since relieving the taxpayers by no longer volunteering.

    Now what this really sounds like is a former volley whacker who is butthurt because there were no newspapers that through the use of some creative writing made him look amazing.

    Last part of this rant is had they made an interior attack on this fire and someone became injured would you be a critic to say that should have been outside. With all the wisdom that you brought to this discussion I can not see why Chief was not on your list of glorious positions held in just another volunteer fire co.

    FD7807 and Bottom of Da Hill like this

  2. Date:8/28/11

    Time:11:15 am

    Location:Rt 301


    Units Operating:21-1-1, 21-1-2, 21-6-1, 21-3-1, Phillipstown VAC

    Weather Conditions:hurricane

    Description Of Incident:swift water/ technical rescue for family trapped in home


    Writer: 11:05 report comes in to local emergency center for family trapped in home

    11:15 responders on scene to find 5 people and a dog in a home surrounded by water

    Fire dept has 3 failed attempts to walk across to family. Midway through time on scene news comes in that the dam at Glenwood upstream is going to go. NHFD tries a more technical rescue from new location. Rescuer reached the other side and a boat is sent over. All family members and dog as well rescued from home. North Highlands clears scene with all members accounted for

    pictures located here:

    x129K, TAPSJ and BFD1054 like this