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Everything posted by x4093k

  1. He stated hes paying for it all, not sure if that means campaign funds or not.. This has nothing to do with that but who knows..
  2. This is tomorrow folks.. According to him all beverages and food is "on him" it's suppose to be 105 degrees he better have a lot!
  3. Thats missing a bunch also Jimmy. If your listening to a scanner your obviously looking to listen in on something, I've never heard of anyone JUST wanting 1 frequency to be played. But I guess I have now..
  4. Could you elaborate what exactly "Random EMS Stuff" is? I don't quite understand that.. I use 5-0 and listen to 60 control only on it, works better then any others i have tried.
  5. It says 50/50 raffle, are they raffling off the old tanker by any chance? I'll buy 200 tickets if so!
  6. Mark, Excellent looking vehicles. I'll PM you about another thing shortly..
  7. My father and I ran into Senator Greg Ball on Wednesday upstate, and he was mentioning his BBQ this weekend honoring first responders. This event will take place this Saturday, July 7th 2012 @ Camp Kiwi. For more info: http://www.nysenate.gov/press-release/senator-ball-host-first-responder-appreciation-day-camp-kiwi After him personally inviting the both of us(after talking for a few) we both will be there. Hope to see some of you folks there too.
  8. WOW, UNBELIEVABLE!! R.I.P. you will be dearly missed on the radio and in the folks of Ossining's heart.
  9. Some areas severe and some areas minimal. The thunder was gone by 22:00 but lightining continued through 0200 or so (at least up in northern westchester) many lightining strikes were seen. My "buff" scanner in my house was going off like crazy with wires down & lightining strike calls..
  10. Nice.. I shall be there...
  11. Don't they already have one or two? If i recall correctly the last time I was in the area i saw a ladder or engine that was an American Lafrance, they probably like them..
  12. 100% agreed. I like to call it T.M.I. Too Much Information! it works in many ways!
  13. Hope all have a safe & great 4th of July folks, enjoy yourselves.. Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. ~Albert Camus The flag is still standing... (PHOTO TAKEN BY ME)
  14. 5-0 is the best is what I have found to be the best app out there for the IPhone world. I have heard about the paid version which allows you to record hours worth of chatter on the radio, also has some more gadgets to it. The free version is good enough for me, I can listen to NYPD, FDNY, Putnam 911, Dutchess, etc. without a problem. Just a few seconds delay but it does not screw up as badly as some of those other ones do. So all in all, 5-0 looks like your best choice for the IPhone. Don't ask me about any others for any other phones because I haven't a clue! Good luck, if you have any questions about the phone let any of us know were all probably happy to help.
  15. Whose "we"?
  16. I am almost positive on that. A dispatcher called back from NYC, so unless they called over and said to call our number, it was NYC. Who knows these folks could be in Japan for all we know
  17. Exactly.. And he even stated "Off of X and X. and the person STILL did not get it.
  18. This thread wasn't started to bash on dispatchers or to start a argument. I just wanted some thoughts/information about how people like the one we dealt with today are hired and allowed to answer calls like this. It really does not matter if it's FDNY or not, this should not be permitted. Like I stated above, if there was something real serious like a MVA with ejection or an unresponsive not breathing victim, and the caller got someone like this, they'd be hopeless, wouldn't ya say?
  19. Then who? FDNY ambulance got there... Aren't the "Call Takers" dispatchers?
  20. While doing a swimming event on the Hudson today with 25 other folks, one of the swimmers had a problem, she couldn't see. Now it may sound stupid, but it seriously wasn't. At first she just thought she got lots of sunblock in her eyes and tried rinsing it. But after 15 minutes of trying to see again, it was time to get advanced help. I went over with one of the boats and carefully pulled her onto the vessel. I was with another guy. He said "Ok, i'll call 911" and I said "Ok, tell then we will meet at the 79TH STREET BOAT ACCESS. He called and said it not only once, but 4 different times. Each time with more and more information describing exactly where it was. The dispatcher replied the following. 1st: "Ok, so the boat is in distress?" He replied "No ----" 2nd: "Please hold" 3rd: "So you have an assault victim AT the Boat Area on 89th street?" at this point he was fed up. He said "give me an ambulance to 79th street boat access area, we have a bad situation" 4th: "Ok" and then we told them our phone number and if they need anything call. and then hung up.. After 10 minutes, he recieved another call from them. This time it was a different dispatcher, and they said " your requesting an ambulance to what location?" and he told them AGAIN. So then that one requested an ambulance to the scene, and within 4-5 minutes units were o/s This just annoyed me because NYC spent loads of money getting the system as best as can be, and this is how it works? I thought it'd be much better than this. I know some of you FDNY folks, (or not) are gonna say "oh it was one person" yeah it may have been but look at the bill it cost NYC to get the new system, they should be highly trained and ready to get a report and dispatch the appropiate unit. Any thoughts? This is not meant to bash on the FDNY or NYPD about their dispatchers, it's just sad and more dangerous to have oblivious people answering emergency phone calls. If somebody was in a cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, and happened to deal with someone like this, the person would most likely be dead or close to it.
  21. Yeah I was thinking they were just "antiques" and be driven to parades, etc. They were nice rigs. Do they keep bringing more and more in or this is a place to wait for a dept to demand one? Thanks for info. I'll take a look. Thanks for the info.