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  1. IzzyEng4 liked a post in a topic by calhobs in GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!   
    They should do the same to him as he did to that poor family. Hopefully this brings some peace and some closure to Dr.Petit. God bless the Petit family may they suffer no more.
  2. calhobs liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Keeping it Professional   
    With due respect to the staff,
    Before the topic was locked, there was some measure of displeasure with the post from the site's founder regarding one-liners and inflammatory comments, with a poster saying the site has lost it's balls and the members need thicker skin.
    It's not a matter of the site "losing it's balls" or members who need "thicker skin", it's about keeping the site educational, a positive environment, and most of all, PROFESSIONAL. Sometimes we need to remember that "we" (emergency service members) are not the only ones who read the content contained in these forums. I'm sure there are enthusiasts, members of local government, members of the media, and so on who read the content contained in these forums. While it's all good to banter amongst each other as if we were in the firehouse, precinct, quarters, or whatever you would like to call it, we still have to maintain some level of decorum and professionalism just as if we were present in a public place, since this board is easily viewed by members of the general public, and more importantly the media. Case in point;
    The NYPD Rant for those who's haven't read it is full of so much garbage since there is little to no moderation, it's not one bit enjoyable to read from an educational standpoint. If anyone outside the NYPD read the material in that forum, the useless bantering of a few sets a bad precedence and honestly depicts the members of the NYPD in a very negative light. The media reported today on a thread contained in the NYPD Rant website about posters who posted personal attacks against an NYPD member. As a civilian reading that article, what kind of opinion do you think the "average Joe" will have of the Rant and the members of the NYPD?
    So in order to keep this site from becoming another "rant style" website, there needs to be a level of moderation that suits the wishes of the site's founder, since it is ultimately his call on what is and what is not permitted. If any of us don't like it, we are all free to start up our own site where anything goes and all the members can brag over who has the biggest balls. Personally, I'll stick with the site that's an educational portal as well as promotes and exhibits the professionalism of emergency service providers.
  3. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  4. calhobs liked a post in a topic by efdcapt115 in New York on alert for revenge attack   
    Since the SEALS took out Bin Laden, and walked out of his compound with a treasure trove of computers and information, Al Qaeda leaders/bomb makers/planners are being picked off all over the world. I think it's only a matter of time before they get Al Zawahiri, the number two guy, the Egyptian doctor with the ugly birthmark on his forehead (makes a nice target for one of our sharp-shooters).
    It took ten years to find Bin Laden, but what a gratifying feeling to learn our boys took him out. He was a crafty evil bastard, hiding in a Pakistani garrison town basically in plain sight, but in the end he wasn't able to outsmart the greatest military the world has ever known. And his over-confidence that he wouldn't be caught led to that mound of information he had in his possession about all of his lackeys, these sicko jihadis that multiplied like the cockroaches they are.
    The one guy that I yearn for the news of his imminent departure from the world is one Adam Ghadan; the American mouthpiece traitor who's been trash talking our country since 9/11, making his videos about how evil America is. Can you believe this P.O.S. is a native Californian?
    It's awesome to know how relentless our military has been in pursuing and bringing these terrorists to the ultimate justice they deserve; death at the hands of our soldiers.
    It's been a tough price we've paid in blood. We've lost thousands of soldiers, and tens of thousands more have suffered horrific injuries.
    But just like they initially named a camp early in the Iraq War after Ron Bucca, FDNY Fire Marshall K.I.A. on 9/11, the military has never wavered from the mission to get the miserable scum who attacked us; and took from us some of the greatest firemen and cops of our generation; and thousands of innocent people who just went to work on a bright sunny day in September, ten years ago.
    The message is; you hit us hard, then ran and hid. But one by one, you're all going down.
    It's hard to keep remembering year after year that our troops are still on the mission, and will not stop until the job is finished, and we get every last one of those responsible for attacking our country. Never Forget.
  5. calhobs liked a post in a topic in 10-13 Live Music Fundraiser for 9/11 First Responders   
    What: 10-13 Fundraising/Awareness Event for 9/11 First Responders featuring LIVE BANDS
    When: Sunday November 20th, 2011 - 12 Noon to 7 PM
    Where: Murphy's (355 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights, NY)
    Hi everybody,
    I am a musician and producer based out of Westchester and I am currently organizing a 10-13 benefit event to help raise funds but more importantly awareness for 9/11 First Responders suffering from health complications as an effect of their heroism. I was recently made aware that there is still a lot of red tape and and reluctance to help out these guys and I think that public will have to lead the charge to make sure we give help where it is deserved.
    I am working in conjunction with Murphys ( and the School of Rock, Westchester ( to put together a free live music day featuring local Westchester bands as well as some on the rise acts from NYC. This is a family event and is open to everybody with the intention of raising funds through donations, raffles, a silent auction, t-shirt sales, etc. Furthermore, I'm asking every band to donate a percentage of their profits from sale of memorabilia to the cause as well.
    We would love to have as many Emergency Services members present as possible in that this is really an event for them. My Uncle is a chief and recommended that I reach out to your forums, so here I am! The event is going to take place at MURPHY'S (355 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights, NY) on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20th from 12 NOON to 7 PM.
    **** We are currently looking for ORGANIZATIONS who will be beneficiaries of the money we raise. If you are affiliated with or know of appropriate groups who can help us get the aid to the those in need, please, please, please contact me as soon as possible! ****
    Adam Bernier
  6. calhobs liked a post in a topic by helicopper in NYPD has Ability to Take Down Aircraft   
    Full investigation? Of what and by whom? To what purpose?
    Who has to give the NYPD the authority to do anything besides the Mayor and City Council? Diversion of funds? "More traditional and legal areas of the NYPD"? You think something is illegal? As for the tradition remark, should we also villify the PC that authorized the change to semi-automatic pistols to replace the revolver or gave ESU M-4's and MP-5's to replace outdated weapons systems?
    Impeach/remove who from office and for what?
    I'd be very hestitant to use the word ONLY in a sentence about the necessity to employ deadly physical force.
    The NYPD has been extremely proactive since September 11th and has, on numerous occasions, stated that it will not rely on the federal government exclusively to protect its citizenry. Why is this any different than that?
    For all we really know, the NYPD plan could be to launch flocks of kamikaze geese from city parks to take down the plane like flight 1549. Seriously folks, we're getting all worked about rhetoric.
  7. calhobs liked a post in a topic by grumpyff in Is there an Animal Response Team?   
    Based on my experiences, I would rather save an animal than the person.
  8. calhobs liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in ACLU publishes guide to photographers' (and videographers') rights   
    This article means nothing just like everything else the aclu puts out, it's all garbage. If I stop someone as a suspicous person and they hand me this article I am going to laugh at them and hand it right back to them and continue my investigation into their conduct.
    This is another example of people who have no clue about law enforcement trying to tell us how we should act and how we should do our jobs.
    Notice how the author of this piece of leftist garbage takes a swipe at the police, "Police officers may legitimately order citizens to cease activities that are truly interfering with legitimate law enforcement operations. Professional officers, however, realize that such operations are subject to public scrutiny, including by citizens photographing them."
    So the way I take it is that if I back somebody away from a scene then I am not professional ?
    If you feel the need to go to scenes and take pictures, just use your head and stay away and take pictures and if you are challenged by a cop, just don't act like a tool and you will be ok ... and for the love of God don't go quoting the aclu article !!!!!
  9. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  10. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  11. calhobs liked a post in a topic by SteveOFD in The Guys - The Armonk Players   
    For those of you have not seen The Guys, I would recommend you go see The Armonk Players perform this play. Dates are September 9, 10 & 11, 2011, 8PM @ Whippoorwill Hall, 19 Whippoorwill Road East, Armonk, NY.
    The story of a Fire Captain who lost eight men in the collapse of the World Trade Center and the civilian editor who helps him prepare the eulogies he must deliver. See this trailer from the movie. This is a powerful story and it will remember it for quite a while.
    Featured in this play is Dick Nagle (ret. FDNY Lt. & Croton FD Ex-Chief)). I saw him perform this part in the same play back in 2002, I don't remember if it was the same group, but well worth seeing again.
    Also, from the the flyer the price for admission is Free, but donations are accepted for Burn Care Everywhere.
    I plan on attending, hope you will too.
  12. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  13. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  14. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  15. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  16. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  17. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  18. NurseMedic liked a post in a topic by calhobs in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

    If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

  19. calhobs liked a post in a topic by abaduck in Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing   
    Just one thing Cap... plenty of Muslims born here these days... Nation of Islam and their ilk? So that don't always apply.
    I have to say, I've never heard about Jews rioting at Playland because they can't get on certain rides with their hats & skullcaps.
    As for immigrants, I'm one of them. I still get my balls busted at times for the Scottish accent. But I'll tell you this, I'm American now. Not Scottish-American or some other damned hyphenated thing. American. I came here for a reason, maybe some others need to remember why they came here. And if I don't like the rules or system I'll do what any American does; b**** about it, and get involved in the political process and try to change it to how I think it should be.
  20. calhobs liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Croton Water Rescue - Hurricane Irene aftermath   
    A Post-Incident Review is in planning, until then I can only offer some information.
    The original caller reported a raft in the water behind her house on Truesdale Drive (south of Silver Lake Park). The original assignment of E120, TL44, R18 and EMS was dispatched.
    Car 2083 arrived and assumed the initial command. While investigating the vessel and asking bystanders, it was revelaed that this raft was occupied by 5 men, none of which were in the raft. At this point, Assistant Chief Vlad confirmed that this was a swift water incident and requested Yorktown FD's Dive/Water Rescue Unit (per our SOG) and E119 for additional personnel.
    At this point, I was leaving work and heading back to town in my POV, sans a trunked radio, so I don't know the specifics of what was requested nor updates given by the IC.
    As I was entering our area, one of my Past Captains was giving an "Urgent" on our fireground radio reporting our boat had overturned and we had 3 members in need of EMS evaluation at the Echo Canoe Boat Launch (south of the train station). At almost the same time, another Officer giving an "Urgent" reported members rescued additional victims near Maio's Landing off of Nordica Drive and also needed EMS.
    When I got to our command post, I assumed command and kept 2083 in charge of the operations section. At this point, Croton PD made a grab of the victim that succumbed to his injuries. Personnel began CPR on him, but he did not survive.
    As Yorktown FD M55, Croton PD Boat 2 and the TRT's Zodiac worked their way up to the scene, we confirmed that we could account for four of the five victims. While the boats searched the river, personnel were located on both sides of the river from as far up as Croton Dam to the end of the river where it meets the Hudson. At a point (not sure of the time) one of my other Past Captains and a member of the WCTRT radioed that he had a visual of victim #5. Despite valiant efforts by all boats, they could not reach this victim.
    Members of the WCTRT then went upstream and made an in-water rescue attempt, which was unsuccessful. While they planned, made and terminated this effort, personnel began formulating additional plans to reach him. While another attempt using a portable ladder in the water as a better "reaching point" was being established, units started to advise me that the victim was now free of the tree he was grasping and heading downstream. Luckily, the 3 Zodiac units were all in position below his location, and CPD's unit grabbed him and brought him to awaiting EMS at the mouth of the Croton River.
    As the IC, I can sum up the whole thing in two words: "pucker factor." I was nervous the entire time about the well-being of all the guys working their asses off trying to rescue this guy. When the transmissions came over that he was loose, I could feel myself clench up, hoping that we could not only find him, but rescue him vs. recover him.
    I can not give enough credit to the Croton PD boat, Yorktown FD Water Rescue Team, County Tech Rescue Team and all others on the ground and in the air that worked together to bring this event to a close without any injuries or worse to emergency personnel.
    Units that operated:
    Croton FD: 2082 (IC), 2083 (Ops), E119, E120, TL44, R18, M32
    Croton EMS: 55B1, 55B2
    Ossining FD: 2332, 2334, E96, E99, TL42, R14, U51 w/ Zodiac
    Ossining EMS: 7405, 36M1, 74A1, 74B1
    Cortlandt VAC: 88B1, 88B2
    Peekskill EMS: 7511, 75B1
    Briarcliff FD EMS: 53B2
    Sleepy Hollow EMS: 73B2
    Mt. Pleasant ALS: 37M1
    Peekskill FD ALS: 39M1 (2 Medics)
    Yorktown FD: 2531, R55, M55
    Montrose FD: 2271, E121, R51 (Lighting), U53 (Rehab bus)
    Montrose VAFD: 2571, MA28 (Lighting)
    Irvington FD: 2202, R49 (Divers)
    Millwood FD: 2253, R36 (Lighting)
    Pleasantville EMS: 7605 (Rehab)
    Westchester DES: Car 5/EMS 1, Bat 10, Bat 12, R77, U77, Zodiac
    Westchester County PD: Multiple Supervisors, M3
    Ossining PD: M15
    Croton PD: Multiple Cars, Marine 2
    NYSP: Multiple cars, Aviation Unit
    NYPD: Aviation Unit
    Covering Croton
    Peekskill FD: 2342, E131 (who covered 2 additional calls in our district)
    Cortlandt EMS: 88B1, relieved by Sleepy Hollow 73B2.
    I believe Verplanck 83B1 covered another incident in Croton during this call as well.
    On a side note, unless one lives under a rock, this incident has been all over the news. The County and Village have shut all parks and access to the Croton River due to the ongoing currents... and TODAY, Croton PD had to remove 10-20 people - including children - from the Croton River. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!
    On behalf of the Croton Fire Department, we thank everyone for their assistance. We couldn't have done it without you.
  21. calhobs liked a post in a topic by x129K in A Little Faith   
    Summer of 2002, both my sister in law and little brother, as well as my wife and I, were expecting our firstborns. All was going great and we were all very excited.
    About 3 weeks before they were due, the doctors noticed "something of concern" with their baby in the sonogram..and they were sent for a more detailed eval down in Westchester. The news was devastating to say the least. The baby's internal organs including the heart were not properly formed, among other abnormalities..they were told she would not survive birth.
    In August, they were scheduled for delivery at Wetchester Med...still shell shocked from the news. I remember driving down on August 14th....not knowing what to say, especially since our child appeared to be totally healthy and trying to not be overly excited in front of them.
    The delivery was tough to say the least...not only did my brother have to fear losing his first born, but his wife nearly died during the process...the staff at WMC worked their hardest, stabilizing her, and delivering the baby, a little girl, aptly named Faith. She did in fact survive birth...barely...and the second she was born she was whisked away to NICU for so many tests and procedures...
    My brother couldnt talk...his wife couldn't even so much as open her eyes..we didn't know what to do, what to say..
    My brother was shown how to baptise Faith by our Preist...which he did, as well as her Last Rites..could you imagine that!? I still can't.
    We were able to see Faith quickly..and I will be honest..knowing what I knew..I thought it would be best of she passed quickly...when I met her...her eyes were wide open..her little fingers much about her that day was amazing, but I still can picture her beautiful blue eyes..the eyes of a fighter! I knew right then that no matter what actions needed to be taken, no matter the cost..that little Faith deserved every chance in the world to survive.
    And fight she did!
    She was taken to Columbia Pres by Stat Flight ground crew..the very same people I had worked with so many times on Empress chopper jobs...My brother was told not to expect her to live through the trip. BUT she did! Faith and her mother spent months living at Colmbia many surgeries..rebuilt her heart, as she was born with a single chamber..her kidneys...a feeding tube, chest tubes, so many other things they patched, fixed, or made..amazing work..GOD'S WORK.
    MY little brother aged 30 years in that time..barely working so they could be together as a family..just in many times they were prepared for the inevitable.
    In November, our Son was born, 100 precent healthy. I would be lying if I said we didnt feel a tinge of guilt, but moreso releived.
    Right before Christmas 2002, little Faith came home. Amazing.
    She was in and out of the hospital alot...for a long time..more very sick easy..
    This all took one helluva toll on my Brother and his Wife. They lived like emotion at all..just numb.
    We were on vacation in Myrtle Beach the next summer when the house phone rang in the middle of the brother crying that Faith was being airlifted to WMC by Stat Flight and she wasn't going to make it. And we are 13 hours away..
    Well...she did survive another battle!
    As she grew, she lived a very normal life..but was still plagued by medical issues..a long term feeding tube..frail..
    Faith and her mother just returned from her first vacation to Scotland, where her mom was born and raised before coming to th US..
    Today we got together to celebrate Faith's NINTH birthday.. This little FIGHTER is as normal as any other 9 year old today..she is the TOUGHEST, BRAVEST, SWEETEST person I know. She could teach volumes on being a survivor...she has more fight in her than I ever will. A NINTH birthday for a wee little lass who wasn't supposed to survive birth. Guess she showed them!
    So even though we read daily that the police, fire, EMS, hospital, and medevac staffs are overpaid, under appreciated, overworked, etc..know that there are peopl eout there who benefited from your actions, your training, and your skills..people who appreciate you and what you do - because as little, well, not so little anymore, Faith can are needed and appreciated..from the Doctors who reconstructed her heart, to the nurses who changed her, to the medics that responded to their house when she collapsed, to the firemen who stood by while the chopper took off with her, to the Trooper who didn't ticket my mother on the TSP...all of you made a difference.
    Thank you.
  22. calhobs liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    How much do you pay towards your pension? How much do you pay towards your healthcare? If you pay nothing towards any of these benefits then you have nothing to complain about. Maybe you should work in a nonunion shop and see what the real world is like. Job security should be reduced. If you do not know what you are doing then you should not have a job. Same goes if you are a screw up who does not do the right thing. This is where the unions fail. Instead of cutting out the dead weight, they protect these workers and make sure they have a job.
  23. calhobs liked a post in a topic by x129K in NY State Trooper   
    At a recent parade, I sat directly opposite a NYSP Trooper on a traffic post.
    EACH and EVERY time, the stars and stripes passed by, he saluted with the most crisp salute I have ever seen. Many of the bystanders commented on it as well...all were impressed by his actions.
    Well Done Trooper, remain safe.

  24. calhobs liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in Westchester Airport Terminal Conditions and Construction   
    Humor... It's something that more and more members of this site are losing the ability to recognize in typewritten form.
  25. calhobs liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Hudson River boaters plan protest, say marine units overdo safety checks   
    I don't need to start a thread about that, that thread has been visited on here a dozen times and is a pointless one to start because it will not go anywhere. Feelings hurt? Far from it my friend as it takes a lot more to hurt my feelings. I personally can care less whether or not Hudson River patrols go from 20 police boats to 1.
    I'm merely playing devils advocate, and you were the one who got all up in arms because I compared the redundancy on the Hudson River to the redundancy in the Fire Service in Westchester County. The point I was making was that the redudancy on the River exists for some of the same reasons there is redundancy in the Fire Service.
    Why does every PD need to be out there doing these checks? How about a link to the Poughkeepsie Journal article about the alcohol involved boat accident in Tivoli that killed 4 people? Putting 2 marine units in the water to cover an area of the Hudson River from the New York City line up to the Putnam County line, IMHO, is stretching the marine resources too thin. Why does every PD need to get involved? Perhaps because the County PD doesn't have the manpower and/or equipment to staff more then what they already have, I don't know as I do not work for them and am not intimately familiar with the money they have budgeted and allocated for their marine unit. Or maybe it's simply because every PD along the River wants "their piece of the pie". What I do know is that every summer we read about the various marine units, FD and PD alike, carrying out legitimate rescues on the Hudson, and that right there is what makes the strong presence on the River worth it to me. I know if I were bobbing in the middle of the River, I'd rather have 3 boats from neighboring jurisdictions coming to pluck me out rather then wait for 1 coming from miles away. How would I fix it? I don't know, I guess that depends if a problem truly exists?
    Better coordination between all of the agencies that patrol the River is a great idea, and how much coordination there is now I truly don't know. A central database for all boats stopped? Eh, not quite sure how that would work or if it's feasible to do so. Just because a boat is stopped at 8am doesn't mean that the individual operating the boat is in the same "condition" (i.e. sober) at 2pm. Maybe the boat had enough life jackets for all the people on the boat at 8am, but now after picking up a few more passengers, now there isn't an appropriate amount of life jackets, which could be a problem if the boat starts taking on water? Is that line of thinking a little far-fetched? Yeah, I will agree that it is, but is it possible? Sure it is. But complacency can not just kill responders, it can kill the people we're supposed to protect as well. I honestly don't have the answers, I'm not a maritime expert, in fact I'm not even a maritime novice, so I'm not sure what is considered the appropriate amount of manpower to cover the Hudson River. All I do know is that the maritime environment is a different environment that has it's own challenges.
    Lastly, give me a break with the "harassment" comment. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone cry "harassment" when a Police Officer is simply doing his/her job I'd be a millionaire. Better yet, how about Police Officers just sit back, drop their fishing lines in the water and maybe go for a little dip while they're out there so they're not "harassing" anyone? Maybe those damn Troopers should just park their car on the side of the parkways off in the bushes and take a nap so they're not "harassing" anyone? Maybe those plain-clothes anti-crime cops should just go to the movies or go out to dinner instead of aggressively trying to get guns off the streets so they're not "harassing" anyone?
    Whether you like it or not, aggressive enforcement, or I'll just call it "harassment" so you understand, is what prevents incidents like the Tivoli boating accident from occurring more frequently through deterring people from doing stupid things and enforcing the law when they get caught. Like it or not, people do stupid things and Law Enforcement are the ones who hold the responsibility to prevent such incidents from occurring.