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Everything posted by KelliPVAC

  1. Yesterday, we did go to 3 out of the 4 hospitals we go to to try to get our stuff back. Out of the 3 trips we came back with 1 board. I did find boards and blocks that belong to other departments, and bought them back for them. Maybe if others can do the same we won't have this problem. On a call, we do try to wait for our stuff back so this doesn't happen. And YES there are many PVACs. We always write out our full name. I hope everyones missing equiptment is found!!!
  2. VACS should not have to go to other agencies looking to get their equiptment back. All equiptment costs money. Personally we have Ferno headbeds / blocks which are not cheap. All of our straps are from Bio-Plastics that have our name printed on them. So as far as our straps there should be no confussion on who they belong to.
  3. Rest In Peace! I went all through school with Michael. My heart goes out to his family.
  4. As far as EMS billing, it depends on the area. If the EMS agency is a tax district, they must have a signed agreement with their governing body. Unfournately, there is no such thing as "soft billing". The pt will get approx 3 bills. The pt is billed for whatever the ins co. did not pay. I think it sticks that there are people out there that are scared to call for an ambulance in the fear they won't be able to afford it.
  5. If someone calls 911, can you deny them an ambulance? Or how many calls do we get from a house that don't really need an ambulance or medic?, and could go to the hospital in their own car? Yes it may be annoying but I would never turn a patient away.
  6. I think this forum is getting crazy! What does the topic of Hawthorne and Empress have to do with PVAC's stretchers???? After having one member need a back operation, and want to prevent others we went with them. Two of our three trucks have the power stretcher. To some people they may not think they are worth the money, but we like them so thats all that matters. Other departments have looked at ours and are thinking of buying them as well. I'm not sure if our new truck or our stetcher is the 800lb piece of crap, but the strecher doesn't weigh that much more than the other non-powered one. If our new truck was being called the 800lb piece of crap, that is certainly only your opion! Like I said before this topic is getting old and I think it needs to end!!! Especially if other vac are being critized.
  7. I think this whole topic about Hawthorne is getting a little old. Hawthorne did what they had to do. As far as I know it is working out very well for them. No, I don't know what kind of uniform the paid EMT wears, but if the issue is patient care, what difference does it make if it says Empress or Hawthorne. The patient is getting the care they need and thats whats important. And in our in town contract the paramedics wear a Transcare patch, they don't wear a Pleasantville, Hawthorne, Valhalla or Sleepy Hollow. So the patch should not matter. I commend Hawthorne that they fixed the issue, and the patients aren't being billed on top of their fire tax.
  8. Even though it will be very hot, we hope to have a great turnout. Food will be served from 2pm - 6pm. Hope to see you there!
  9. I believe Phelps hospital and the Medical Center offer a few different call audits, you can try calling them to see.
  10. I LOVE Seaside! Coral Sands is also pretty bad. It needs to be updated and cleaned. The Aztec is ok. It has a great view and location, it became a little expensive. If anyone is going there this summer, ENJOY!!!
  11. Good luck!!!!!!!!
  12. Good Luck with your new ambulance! It looks great!
  13. Hi, I would be very happy to give you pictures of Pleasantville's new Life Line.
  14. As a volunteer EMT in the Mt Pleasant area I would be very upset if we went paid. And YES I do care about pt care. I have done this for many years now, as many people have done. I LOVE volunteeering and would be upset if a paid EMT took that away. This post was about Hawthorne going paid during the day, which I give them a lot of credit for doing. They had a problem and found a result. It should not matter which paid agency it is with. Its about pt care, and getting the ambulance out. Yes, all departments have had "bad days" and had to mutal aid call. That does not mean they don't care about the patients! As far as PVAC and our trucks, YES we do have 3 now and I hope to have all 3 out at 1 time. The goal in VACs and in MT Pleasant should be to help the surrounding agencies. Not be putting them down. As I said before everyone has their own opinons and ways they run their departments. Isn't everyones goal pt care? I know mine is. To all the VACs , GOOD LUCK! To Hawthorne again, GOOD LUCK with your paid EMT, I hope it helps!
  15. Its in the blood for me too! My father has been a volunteer fireman for thirty something years and in EMS for about 8 years, my mom has been has been a volunteer EMT for 19 yrs, and my grandfather was a cop, and a volunteer fireman. My sister and I grew up between the firehouse and ambulance corps. So its no surprise I followed in my moms footsteps and became an EMT and Officer. It is also a great feeling helping people you know and care about. Helping them for free makes it even more worth it. I would never change or reget anything growing up in the VOLUNTEER EMS/FIRE world. It has been a great experience!
  16. No, we are moving into a new building. One with a lot more room for 3 ambulances.
  17. Yes, the ambulance corps is near the field still, but hopefully not for long we, are also planning on moving our building. This is a very exciting year for PVAC.
  18. Yes, the new 76B3 is BEAUTIFUL. I Love it. I wish our corps the best of luck with it. Thank you for all the nice replies.
  19. In our VAC members are not allowed to take their own vehicle to the scene. The only members that are allowed are the officers. It is easier having the crew show up together in an ambulance. Another reason is not all of our members are EMT's, so it would not help to have the ambulance beat the EMT there, and then waiting for them to show. We have not had any problems with this.
  20. PVAC took pictures of the drill. We will either try to post them or I will be giving copies to the PFD chief. I would like to thank PFD for all of their hard work setting up the drill.
  21. Considering my sister started this forum, i'm a fire/ems brat. Volunteering has always been a big part of my life to say the least. There have been happy times and sad ones. I would never change anything. A lot of very important friendships have been the result of volunteering. I never was part of the fire dept. I've been with PVAC for 8 years. I am now the Captain. Everyone asks if I'm taking after my Mom, I always say "I have pretty big shoes to fill". QUOTE(CAM502 @ Feb 26 2006, 10:16 PM) LOL...Dad's been with the Dept for 27 years. Grew up calling a bunch of the guys I work with "Uncle". Now I do it to make them feel old. I know how you feel, the firefighters that used to have to babysit us while our parents were on calls, We now babysit their kids! Talk about feeling old
  22. Date:2/24/06 Time:13:07 Location: Rose Hill Shopping Center Frequency: Units Operating:MPPD, PVAC 7601, 37M1, Thornwood FD Description Of Incident: A car reversed into the storefront of KFC. One minor injury was transported to WMC. Writer: KelliPVAC & StrobeGuRu
  23. I totally agree with that statement. I started out as a CFR, it was great. I recomend it to all of my youth corps. It prepares you for becoming an EMT. As far as the bag, personally I like LA Rescue, check out there web site. That is the brand I have. I love it! PS- CONGRATS ON BECOMING A CFR!!!
  24. Thornwood had about 17 inches.
  25. Good job on the new trucks!!! They look good. Can't wait to work with R47 on the Saw Mill. Good Luck with both trucks!