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Everything posted by Chief2573

  1. So did the chief decide to keep the Tahoe before or after he wasn't asked?
  2. Welcome Home Chief!
  3. Happy Belated Birthday Chief...... Been a little busy around here doing your Job!
  4. Keep your head down and stay safe!
  5. Congrats! The Village may never be the same!
  6. Sorry to hear of your loss. RIP
  7. So what your really saying is that Ferg is not only in charge of you in the vollies, but also in the career dept. as well? Welcome aboard!
  8. The Feds have been using Red/Blue combo for years. The postel police use this combo as well,It makes you wonder if they actually knew what they were doing?... Nah lets not get crazy!
  9. Well said! I to come from both sides of the fence.