
Answered Final Alarm
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Everything posted by dadbo46

  1. Two speed automatic ! Was great goin down the Rt. 52 hill though !
  2. The Westchester County Fire Chief's Association set up the countywide numbering system back in the '40's. It was a result of war time activity and the increased use of radios in the fire service on a common frequency. If a county wide system was not implemented, guess how many Engine 1's there would be. Also, company names (Harmon Engine, Mamaro, etc.) would be confusing and use alot of air time. I believe that the last department to go with the county numbers was Yonkers FD back in the '70's. Mt. Vernon still uses their local company number but they operate on their own frequency.
  3. Theres a reason(s) why the rest of the world gave up on wooden ladders years ago. I do vaguely recal FDNY's 52 truck with a wooden arial. I believe that they were the the last truck to go to aluminum in the City.
  4. Cops should worry about catching the bad guys....not playing medic ! They have enough things to do.
  5. "Jimmy Justice" needs a life !
  6. In the words of the caveman........"What ?"
  7. From Good luck to the building committe and all North Highlands members.
  8. Apples and oranges. Both needed, but, one has nothing to do with the other.
  9. My job and my second home in Florida requires me to travel by air frequently. Whenever I am in an airport a see a serviceman, I ALWAYS go over to him ask him or her where they are headed. I then tell him that America supports you and all the troops. Finally, and most importantly, I tell him thanx for protecting my freedom. Their response is always "thank you sir !" God bless our troops.
  10. From tonight's Sparks fly when firefighters join counterprotest in Nanuet By RANDI WEINER THE JOURNAL NEWS (Original Publication: August 11, 2007) NANUET - Peace activists that hold a weekly vigil on Middletown Avenue today complained that the West Nyack Fire Department has been using firetrucks to support counterprotesters. The activists protesting the War in Iraq said publicly funded equipment should not be used to make a political statement. "They're using taxpayer-funded equipment on taxpayer's time to be partisan," George Andrzejewski said as the shiny red pumper truck sat on a grassy verge alongside Route 59, across from where he and about a half dozen protestors stood. West Nyack Fire Chief George Drescher, whose son is set to leave for Iraq in the fall, said he wasn't being political, just showing support for the troops. Was this an appropriate use of fire apparatus ?
  11. Thank God the screen was vented !!!
  12. Assuming that this report is correct, it is not only a disgrace, it is criminal ! Having said that, I suspect this is political posturing between the legislature and the County Executive. ALS is very important to Bob Bondi, CE, and the County Legislators want to rid themselves of the Putnam National Golf Course, another Bondi favorite. Watch carefully what happens after Bondi submits his proposed 2008 budget in September. Things should get real interesting ! I suspect that there is a compromise to be made.
  13. .....and Satellite Bus Facility which stores 100 buses.
  14. In the words of Indiana Jones....."I hate snakes !!" ME TOO !!!
  15. Here's a "Letter to the Editor" from today's Journal News on how to handle speeders on the TZB. Sometimes you just can't make these things up ! An idea for stopping speeding on bridge I propose a solution to the difficulty of tracking speeders on the Tappan Zee Bridge: A trooper can be positioned in the capsule of a large helium balloon tethered to the bridge. From this floating observation point, the police officer can use binoculars and a stopwatch to accurately gauge the speed of vehicles on the span. Information about the vehicle can then be radioed to other units stationed in safe "flag-down" zones, who can stop the vehicle and issue the summons. After a period of active enforcement, drivers will be inclined to slow down when "the balloon is up," and a mannequin in police uniform can be periodically substituted for a real observer to create an effective, inexpensive deterrent. Peter A. Silverstein New Rochelle Letters to the editor
  16. First of all, the County does not contol taxis. That is up to local municipalities. The Taxi and Limousine Commission is a bit of a misnomer but the establishment of the TLC required state legislation. As to why doesn't the county "regulate" FD apparatus manning and EMS response's called home room. Each municipality or fire district has a "moat" around it. No one one out unless the Chief says it's OK. This is simply put, but, in essence, everybody likes their own little kingdom and they don't want anybody to invade it. It's like the 45 (I think) police departments in the county and the far, far too many PSAPs ! Where does it end ? It's also about the $$$. You can put 4 men (sorry ladies) on every rig in this county, but that's an awful lot of money for a job that produces relatively little activity. I know, I know.......when the bells go off, the whistle blows or the pager....ah, pages, you can never have enough first responders. But in this day and age of tight budgets and high taxes, any personnel lines that do not produce activity on a consistent basis are looked at by managers and ripe for elimination or contracting out. It's not right, but, that's the way it is.
  17. Oh God ! Now my head hurts. If I have to think of all that, it was not worth my time to watch. I'd rather read a Shakespeare play.
  18. David Chase sold out to the Hollywood suits. Read $$$$$ !!!
  19. 1. Perhaps we can beam the good citizens of Venezuela News12 or RNN news programs. 2. Can you say "coup d'état ?"
  20. Perhaps Station II goes away and the apparatus is relocated to the old Station VII on Robertson Ave. Always thought that it was a long way from Ferris Ave. to the shopping center(s) on Central Ave. BTW - WPFD Station II is on the site of the old Westchester Street Transportation bus garage.
  21. #1 son will be there this weekend, JBE, selling some of his thousands of comic books, baseball and Magic cards and wrestling belts. Catch him before he gets married next month !
  22. Great, GREAT international relations. Where else in the world does this occurr ?
  23. least Rye knows RED !