
Answered Final Alarm
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Everything posted by dadbo46

  1. Never placed into service. The rig is parked in the rear of Station II.
  2. Mount Vernon FD Foam 1 circa 1970. I believe that this was a 1947 Seagrave. Photo courtesy Joe Pinto.
  3. A salute to the veterans from all nations who stormed the shores of Normandy 68 years ago today. You saved the world from tyranny.
  4. Exterior ads on buses and taxis are OK. But, I'm not sure that I want a motorist reading an ad on the side of a fire truck while the apparatus has lights and sirens blaring while it is rushing to a call. You want ads on fire apparatus when it is performing inspection duties or is on the way to the shop ? That's OK. But not while in emergency service.
  5. Do I dare say that it is time for government intervention ?
  6. .....and the "squirt" wound up in Lake Carmel as 17-5-1.
  7. Absolutely ! Urgent care centers reduce the demand for EMS, unclog the ER passenger waiting line and reduce health costs. Yep......sounds like a good plan to me !
  8. General John A. Logan's Memorial Day Order General Order No. 11
  9. Hats off to the Allen Park City Council for providing an answer BEFORE they ask the question !
  10. Enter the lottery and do just that.
  11. Thank you, Trooper, for protecting my life and those of my family everyday.
  12. The retired paratransit vans are not "beaten to death." They are not canalbolized for parts. The vans have accumulated several hundred thousand miles and are no longer cost effective to maintain in regular service. The ones available for the van giveaway program are the best of the vehicles retired.
  13. Full size Bee-Line buses that have been retired from service are auctioned and sold. The last buses replaced, 1994-95 bstandard size (40 foot) buses were sold to the MTA.
  14. A B Davis HS on Gramatan Ave. was not the only high school in Mount Vernon. Edison Vocational Technical High School on South 3rd Ave.
  15. The proposed reduction of 26 FF's and 10 officers will result in the closing of how many companies ?
  16. .......and the County must contribute over $ 25,000,000 a year to the MTA for Metro-North Station Maintenance and general railroad operating costs.
  17. Am spending some time working in the old Glenville Fire District in Greenburgh. Can anyone tell me where the old Glenville firehouse was ?
  18. This is a close one.
  19. See the various County Capital Projects pertaining to repairs/improvements at the Fire Training Facility:
  20. Many departments, including their leaders, do not undertsand the mission of a truck company, do not take it into consideration when designing an attack plan, do not train adequately or appropriately with it and do not fund it properly.
  21. No Vermont State Police coverage between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. ? OMG !!!
  22. TMC

    Not quite. It is the Transportation Management Center.
  23. Ahhh......It was 9 years old ?
  24. Unpainted. Painted doors will be a maintenance nightmare.