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Everything posted by SteveOFD

  1. One thing I like about these rig's is the rotary pump discharge valves (Akron). I have seen these at the shows, but have only seen them in pic's of some of the Los Angeles rig's. IMO it seems that you could have a more feather like adjustment to the discharges, rather than trying to "inch" the push/pull or swing type valves.
  2. Seth, I just happen to have of couple of pictures of the Cheshire Engine from last years New England Fire Chief's Expo. Side view Top view with the diamond plate hose bed cover (note the rear of the cab, same as first picture above) Rear chevrons on rig and hosebed cover
  3. Here are some more pic's of the show. Looking from the rear corner, panning around: Looking from the opposite corner, panning around toward the rear: Bay Shore's new (I believe) Rosenbauer Rescue Detachable winch looks like it goes in to a trailer hitch slot. Hydraulic slide out bracket Interesting tool placement "Cheat Sheet" at pump panel
  4. IMO this is what the Trunked System is for, an alternate communications system. I've been meaning to post this idea for a while now. For interoperable responses (Fire and EMS responding to the same call) the way I have heard agencies communicate with each other may not be the most convenient. What I mean by this is that a Fire Chief would need to switch banks from the Fire bank to the EMS bank to communicate with an EMS agency, the switch back to the Fire TG. A more convenient alternative would be upon dispatch, the dispatch agency would notify both responding agencies to switch to an Operations TalkGroup. Both agencies would then "only" have to turn their dial on their own bank to access this Ops TG since both the Fire and EMS banks have the same common Ops and Tac TG's. To take this one step further for better commonality the various Battalions could be "assigned" an Ops TG just as they are "assigned" Fireground channels (i.e. Battalion 12(Fire12 & EMS12) would use Ops 2, Batt 10(Fire10 & EMS10) would use Ops 10)). This would standardize the response so everyone would know when they are responding on an interagency call they would utilize "their" Ops TG. Ops TG's would be the preferred TG's because, as far as I know, 60 Control has access to and records the Ops TG's while they do not do this for the Tac TG's. Anyone have any thoughts on this, and could this work?
  5. Attended the show today and in my opinion it was definately worth the ride. Cost for admission was $14.50 plus $7.00 for parking. I counted about 25-30 fire apparatus with about the same number of ambulance and command/medic vehicles. Most of the exhibitors were fire/ems related. It ranged from architectural firms, insurance, fire/ems equipment suppliers and the buff stuff(only about 10%). Following are some of the pic's, hope to have more posted tomorrow. Greenville Fire District's new Ferrara, the sales rep will be sending me this schematic, so I will post as soon as I receive it. Architectural drawings of additions to Harrison FD's HQ. Yorktown's new 34 Medic 1 vehicle.
  6. After shoveling my driveway, I went two houses up the block and dug out the hydrant.
  7. In the top photo of jjpinto's post #3, what does the red helmet designate in YFD?
  8. Here is the link for the show. Click on MegaExpo in the tool bar then click on Exhibitor list. There is two and a half pages listed of exhibitors. From what I see Pirece(Firematic), Smeal(New England Fire Equipment), and Crimson Fire(Hendrickson Fire) among others will be exhibiting.
  9. Correct, (but) an additional custom table also needs to be added to the South Zone Bank. If not, the scanner will not be able to track 470.2000Mhz because it is in the "TV channel 14" frequency allocation of 470-476Mhz, whereas the existing freq's 476.xxxx & 478.3125Mhz are in the "TV channel 15" frequency allocation range 476-482Mhz (see thread) which uses the custom table you already have for the South Zone.
  10. Short and sweet: add 470.2000Mhz & 478.3125Mhz to the bank that you have for the South Zone (476.0750, 476.1125, 476.2125, 476.2375). Then add the following to create a second custom table for the South Zone (470.0 Base, 12.5 Spacing, 380 Offset). You should already have 476.0 Base, 12.5 Spacing, 520 Offset for the South Zone already. For more details see post #57 for Radio Shack programming or for Uniden software programming. On the link for the Uniden scanners click on the page to see it full size. I will be online tonight to help with this issue.
  11. I had heard awhile ago that they do this because the City DPW maintains the fire apparatus, and standardizing fire apparatus with DPW equipment (garbage trucks, dump trucks, etc.) means better efficiency at the shops.
  12. As stated above I did not get any pic's of the inside of the cab.
  13. Two other items of interest on this rig I did not get pics of. The cab is set up with four seats (two in front and two forward facing in the rear cab), and the outside compartments behind the Driver and Officer have a SCBA bracket in each.
  14. More spy shots of E29 to come. Just want to give EFD time to post pic's if they are on EMTBravo. I will post them this Thurs. It is a great rig!!
  15. Congrats to the members of the Elmsford FD, another excellent seminar. Chief Mittendorf was knowledgeable and witty. In the handouts the EFD supplied a copy of next years Lt. Andy Fredericks Seminar. Next year it will be retired Philadelpia, PA Deputy Chief James Smith. The topic will be "Holy Smoke" "Fires in Churches and Houses of Worship". Looks like another good topic.
  16. Although the chassis is the XLFD (KME's largest) which can accommodate ten seats, the Committee has always speced it for seven seats.
  17. Just got back from the KME plant. Here is the schematic for the new E99:
  18. According to an announcement on County Executive Astorino has appointed former White Plains Deputy Fire Commissioner John M. Cullen as Deputy Commissioner of Emergency Services and County Fire Coordinator effective January 25. Best wishes to Chief Cullen.
  19. Looking at the FCC's website I came across Pelham FD's application to modify their FCC license. From what I am reading the application looks to remove both 46.26Mhz (from both Base AND Mobiles) from their radio license. Any PFD member know the reasoning for this? I know they are operating on 46.06Mhz, but why get rid of 46.26?
  20. That rumor went around awhile ago. We speced the new rig to fit in the Central Avenue Quarters (as tight as it is ). I will try to post the schematic over the weekend.
  21. While searching the FCC's website, I found pending applications for "base stations" for agencies in the South portion of Westchester County. On these applications two new frequencies are listed on the applications. In addition to the current four "known" freq's, new freq's listed are 473.2000 & 481.3125MHz. These input (base station to tower) frequencies would correspond to tower (freq's you would program in to your scanner) freq's of 470.2000 & 478.3125MHz. If someone with trunked system decoding software (Trunker, Unitrunker, etc.) could start track these freq's, we will need to set up additional Base/Step/Offset tables for these freq's. When these freq's are or will be operational is unknown at this time.
  22. While surfing around I came across this site this site with some interesting pic's, especially the "Oops" one on this page. The rest of the site has mostly Canadian rigs, but there are some U.S. rigs (L.A. County, Los Vegas, and some others). Decent pics of Canadian rigs.
  23. Here is a map of all Manhattan Firehouses from
  24. Not to go too off topic, but an "Indian Tank" can knock down a good amount of a brush fire. Several years ago while our Engine Co. crew was stretching 800' of 2'1/2" for a supply line to break in to two 1 3/4"'s, I took an Indian Tank and knocked down probably 2/3 of the perimeter of the brush fire. The 1 3/4"'s were then used to extinguish the remainder and overhaul of hot spots.