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Everything posted by GAW6

  1. In my day - Valhalla vs. Westlake, until we (Valhalla) got too small and moved down a division and didn't play each other anymore. Contrary to what Vacguy said, it was always a friendly rivalry; there were never any knives or threats involved.
  2. I am so happy the Town of Mt. Pleasant doesn't have a law like that. I hang laundry on my line everyday - even in the Winter! Had a neighbor one time tell me that if he didn't see laundry on my line he got worried that I was sick!!! Have a free-standing line; so I hang all the underwear on the inside so no one can see them!!!
  3. Believe me, reporters have their ways of getting their hands on things. I was the Crew Chief on the ambulance for the infamous "Nanny Fire" in Thornwood back in 1991. The defense had subpoened my PCR, it was then given out to all the media; CBS showed the PCR on TV and a reporter for the then Reporter Dispatch walked into our HQ with the PCR in her hand! Attorneys take them and just give them out - so don't blame the ambulance crew for giving out the info.
  4. A 16-year old cannot RMA. The crew either has to transport the patient or wait for the parent/guardian to arrive at the scene and sign the RMA. Unless he is an emancipated minor.
  5. I agree. I had almost the same story. Last year my husband went to his MD because he wasn't feeling well; the MD sent him to the ER because "something wasn't right". I met my husband there (we are both EMTs who go in to this ER regularly on calls), he looked like s***. He was burning up with fever, I got a nurse who told me she "would see what she could do". When the triage nurse finally called him in, his temp was 104.8. She handed him 3 Tylenol and told him to go back in to the waiting room!! He waited in there almost 3 hours before he was seen by an MD. Turned out he had a severe case of cellulitis and was hospitalized for 10 days. I got to the point where I was going to call for our ambulance to pick him up outside the ER and bring him in!!
  6. First of all to you Goose - you should do your homework before making statements. Pleasantville Ambulance Corps handled the situation as soon as we were made aware of the situation (we found out about it by reading it in the paper like everyone else). This person was a member with "Emergency Driver" status; he did not have the rights and privleges of a regular member. He worked locally and offered to help us out in driving during the day occassionally. His key was locked out of our building immedialtely upon hearing the allegations. As a member of our Board of Directors I can tell all of you that this matter was handled in an Executive Session with only Board Members and Officers present as it should be in dealing with personnel matters. Case closed on our part.
  7. I happen to own a condo in Seaside Heights - the north end. Had vacationed there for years when my kids were little. Always stayed at the Aztec. Although it is over-priced, it is convenient to all. Was always pretty clean, too. They have recently been trying to clean things up down there. They are going to have to do something because new condos are going up all over the place and they are asking around $700,000! Who's going to pay that in Seaside Heights? Had a fire in my condo 2 years ago - the Seaside Heights F.D. did an excellent job!!! A friend was staying in my condo and the bedroom a/c unit caught on fire. I went down there expecting to find a lot of damage, but the FD did a great job. Only a lot of clean-up from the dry-chem. They took a lot of care in protecting our property. As far as motels, I hear that the Sunburst is nice - know someone who stays there. During prom season they hire a cop to stand outside the place. Was down there last weekend, beach and boardwalk were very clean. If you can deal with a lot of tatoos and earrings - it is not a bad place to go!!
  8. I have been a member of Pleasantville VAC for 19 years where we only had Brauns and Hortons. The last one, a 1999 Horton, was a big disappointment. I still feel Brauns are the "Cadillac of ambulances". But we were very impressed with Life Line's quality, their salesman, and their service; therefore we chose to give Life Line a shot. McCoy Miller is the "lower priced" ambulance sold by Braun - and the price reflected the quality. Best of Luck to Dobbs Ferry on their new ambulance!
  9. I am only going to speak for PVAC, you're a little off the mark - I know for a fact out of all of them, we are the busiest - between 800 and 900 per year. I don't agree with your "odds". There are no odds in EMS; you can go a couple of days with no calls, and then you get hit with mutliple calls on top of each other. Sounds like you just want to get rid of volunteers!!!
  10. I don't know who you are or where you are getting your information from: 1. The Medics don't "ride in almost every call they respond on" - they respond on every call - when an ambulance is dispatched in the Town of Mt. Pleasant (Valhalla, No. White Plains, Hawthorne, Thornwood, Pleasantville, Sleepy Hollow) the Medic is also dispatched - even if it is dislocated finger!!! 2. How could (1) ALS flycar cover all that area? 3. Only (3) BLS buses? How do you figure, when some corps have (2) buses out at the same time. 4. Do your homework better before you start making statements!!! I commend Hawthorne on what they are doing - they are a fine organization who has taken alot of heat lately. They addressed their problems and came up with a solution - it is not a "band-aid".
  11. I went all through Valhalla Schools (K-12), we didn't learn anything like that. Back then I wasn't even allowed to hold my boyfriend's hand!!!!
  12. Pleasantville VAC is accepting delivery on their new 2007 LifeLine tonight. Will try to get some pictures posted.
  13. Yes, we have a location - it is in Thornwood. The Town of Mount Pleasant is giving us the old Thornwood Water District building.
  14. Actually we are keeping 7602 to be used for re-hab at fire scenes. The new one is 7603. Yes it does seem like yesterday - also seems like yesterday when the old 7601 won "Best Ambulance" in Hawthorne's 90th Anniversary Parade (thanks to you!) Thanks for your good wishes with our new one. Pictures are coming!!!
  15. I think CKROLL said it best! I agree totally!!!
  16. I have done extensive research on this subject. First of all Fire Districts CANNOT bill under State Law. VACs who are Tax Districts can bill only if their governing body, i.e. Town Board, signs and passes a resolution. This is the opinion that I have received from the State Comptroller's office through William Young, esq., who is the attorney for NYS Association of Fire Districts. On a personal note, I am appalled that there are Tax District VACs out there whose billing companies are calling and harrassing people (residents of their district) for $35 balances!
  17. As I said in my previous post, the host department the other night DID and ALWAYS has had a bus to transport participants to the line-up.
  18. As a Commissioner in charge of insurance, I can answer that. If a firefighter falls off the back of a truck we are absolutley responsible to pay the benfits. A few years back we had a firefighter perform a stupid act at a fire scene and believe me we are paying BIG TIME - not to mention all the people he is trying to sue! To ZABT6 - I am very glad you are not a member of our department. I would be mortified to have someone with that kind of an attitude! The hell with the trophies - I wouldn't want to have to be the one telling your mommy and daddy that you fell off of a fire truck because you were excited about winning a trophy! To the ones talking about parking their personal vehicles and riding on the back of a truck to the line-up, I also parked my personal vehicle, but took the SHUTTLE BUS that was avilable to the line up.
  19. At my VAC, I am fondly referred to as "The Angel of Death". So those would be very appropriate for me! Do they come in X-small???
  20. I have used them - I am very sorry that they don't even teach the skill in EMT classes anymore. They are still part of the protocol, but with very strict circumstances for warranting the use. One time in particular that I used them - it was for a motorcycle accident, the victim lost his leg, he had no palpable B/P. The staff at WMC told us that the MAST pants are what saved his life.
  21. Can I ask a question - why is everyone always bashing EMS response times? Has anyone ever questioned FD response times? I guess if your house and property, something that most people work hard all their lives for, is burning down is not as important? Aren't FDs also having their share of problems getting people out, especially drivers, during the day? Most volly FDs do not stay "in quarters" and are responding from home or jobs.
  22. 20 minutes not out of line? I beg to differ with that. If you are a NYS Certfied Ambulance, which at this point EVERYONE HAS TO BE - NYS protocols state that the bus must be on the road 10 minutes from time of page out. As a member of PVAC, I know there have been times when response has been slow, but it doesn't happen very often. We have set night crews, so no calls at night go over the 10 minute mark. If you are talking 20 minutes from page out until arrival on scene, that is a different story. There are some areas in everyone's district, I am sure, that are away from the heart of the Town.