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Poughkeepsie Laundry Law

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From today's Poughkeepsie Journal. You can't make this stuff up!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Be careful where you dry clothes — you may be breaking law

City residents face fine if not in back yard

By Michael Valkys

Poughkeepsie Journal

If clothes are drying on the line in your City of Poughkeepsie front yard, you might want to bring them inside.

Leaving them there could cost you $100.

City officials have approved a new measure prohibiting drying of clothes in front and side yards and on front porches.

Laundry-law supporters said it will help keep the city attractive by removing damp shirts, pants and underwear from view - while allowing backyard clothes-drying to continue.

Opponents called the new measure "silly,'' claiming it will waste time of police officers who would have to enforce it.

"Our police really have a lot better things to be doing than enforcing a silly ordinance that should not be on the books,'' said Councilman Erik Haight, R-2nd Ward, who voted against the measure. "I think it's a perfect example of over-legislation.''

Appearance is concern

Council Chairman Brian Doyle, D-4th Ward, said the legislation is simply an effort to have Poughkeepsie look good for residents and visitors.

"It will help in terms of keeping neighborhoods appealing,'' Doyle said, noting residents can still put clothes out to dry in their backyards. "I think it's altogether reasonable.''

The Common Council on Sept. 4 initially voted on the proposal from Councilwoman Mary Solomon, D-6th Ward. That vote ended in a 4-4 deadlock.

Solomon did not return a call seeking comment.

Democratic Mayor Nancy Cozean broke the tie Monday when she officially backed the laundry law. She said the measure is part of a larger effort to revitalize the city and prevent neighborhoods from sliding into neglect.

"It's important that we have more of a uniform look as far as how we're doing on housekeeping jobs,'' Cozean said of keeping the city tidy and attractive.

She said police would enforce the new law but it shouldn't take them away from more pressing matters.

"I don't see that it's a huge amount of people who are doing it,'' Cozean said of those who hang laundry in front yards.

Laundry law violators face a fine of between $25 and $100.

Residents interviewed Tuesday, who all use dryers, had divergent views on the issue.

Nikki Reyes said leaving clothes out for all to see makes the city look tacky.

"It's unsightly,'' said Reyes, who supports the new law.

"I wouldn't put clothes out in the front yard,'' said Ataysha Ware, another laundry law supporter. "I wouldn't want to showcase what I have, and I wouldn't want to ride by and see someone's underwear.''

But resident Octavious Oliver said the measure smacks of Big Brother.

"That's interfering with personal lives,'' Oliver said. "What is the government going to do next, run around and tell us when we can do laundry?''

The following legal language was added to the city's books:

"It shall be unlawful for any person to lay, place or hang clothes, rags or fabrics of any kind in the front yard, side yard, or on the front porch of any property for the purpose of drying, airing or otherwise.''

Patriotic and other displays will not be affected. The new measure does not apply to the "lawful display of banners, flags or other decorative displays.''

Along with Doyle and Solomon, Councilwoman Penny Lewis, D-5th Ward, and Dennis Weinel, D-8th Ward, supported the law.

Voting against the measure along with Haight were Councilman Thomas Parise, R-1st Ward, Councilman John Tkazyik, R-3rd Ward, and Councilwoman Gwen Johnson, D-7th Ward.

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From today's Poughkeepsie Journal. You can't make this stuff up!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Be careful where you dry clothes — you may be breaking law

City residents face fine if not in back yard

By Michael Valkys

Our Tax dollars hardly at work!!

Can they really be serious here, Who is hanging their BVD's out to dry on the Main Street??

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We have ESU ready for immediate deployment for any violators of this law.....

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Well it's not like the citizens of Poughkeepsie are airing out their "DIRTY" laundry!!!!!

Then again, maybe it would be a little more interesting if they did.

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nothin worse than drivin down the road and seeing a pair of white BVD'S WITH THE BROWN STRIPES hanging on the line!

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Many communities have local laws regulating the "hanging" of laundry. As a matter of fact, Pelham prohibits the hanging of laundry anywhere on the exterior of a house.

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Nothing like the liberal government trying to tell the people what to do, AGAIN! Typical.

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While I don't have a problem with the law (Most communities have similar or more stringent laws in place already - My town does..) It's kind of sad if they're going to spend ANY of the PD's effort enforcing this when you have all the illegal guns, drugs and gangs that are trying to control Poughkeepsie........ I don't see why the PD should be doing the enforcement....Wouldn't this be a city code violation and thus handled by the zoning dept..... Then the PD can focus on what's truly important....FIGHTING CRIME.....

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Many communities have local laws regulating the "hanging" of laundry. As a matter of fact, Pelham prohibits the hanging of laundry anywhere on the exterior of a house.

I am so happy the Town of Mt. Pleasant doesn't have a law like that. I hang laundry on my line everyday - even in the Winter! Had a neighbor one time tell me that if he didn't see laundry on my line he got worried that I was sick!!!

Have a free-standing line; so I hang all the underwear on the inside so no one can see them!!!

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Taking lessons from Nanny Bloomburg? What's next banning trans fats and smoking?

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I think that their should be a law that say's everyone must take a shower everyday. If they don't take one, the local engine company comes out and sprays them down with the deck gun mixed with some soap.

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I think that their should be a law that say's everyone must take a shower everyday. If they don't take one, the local engine company comes out and sprays them down with the deck gun mixed with some soap.
well that is good idea.

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well once again big brother is watching.I wonder what kind of other new or even old laws there are out there?

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