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Everything posted by CFD320

  1. Isn't the DPW road foreman a member of your company?
  2. We even got a good salt job at Grand Street........ Great Job DPW =D> =D>
  3. There should be one on every peice....If you have to pick one It should be the Truck. Having one on a command vehicle would only work for a career department, where that vehicle is always in service. (I'm assuming we are talking about a small department where the truck would respond to every structural alarm)
  4. I am currently building an online store geared toward the fire-ems field. We have a product line developed now, but don't want to leave any rock unturned. I was hoping for some comments and suggestions from the members here. Any product or even general suggestions would be appreciated. If you have a product that you would like us to market PM me with your contact info. Thanks Guys, By the way the site will be it's not up yet we are a few weeks away.
  5. Tax payers really don't give a crap about fire protection. Tax payers elect politicians. If you were a politician would you try to keep the firefighters jobs or voters taxes low? The real problem is most people have an "it will never happen to me" attitude about fires, accidents etc. So when they go into the voting booth they don't know a thing about what is going on with the FD. Trust me when I tell you that more people would go nuts if they made cuts in the sanitation department and garbage sat on the sidewalk. I can't tell you how many people I have had conversations with in my little village who thought we were a paid department. The average citizen just doesn't give a sh** until his house is burning, he crashed his car, or his chest hurts. SAD TRUTH
  6. Thanks, I will look into thoes.
  7. also
  8. We will carry most of their line of "public saftey & paramedic gear"
  9. Im hoping to fall and break my Uterus so I can sue and change Croton-on-Hudson to CFD320-on-Hudson. POW
  10. I don't claim to know anything about Trucks other than how nice they look. And always thought Seagrave was the best available. But, I play softball in a FDNY league and all of those guys absolutely hate their Seagraves (rivets are the major problem I hear). That being said, I don’t know how any other brand of apparatus would take the beaten FDNY gives those trucks. So, I would probably look at them first if I were looking to spec out a new apparatus. Furthermore, I thing it has a lot to do with how the truck is spec'd. If you don’t spell everything out the way you want it, every manufacturer will cut corners to save cost. And I think Excelsior is a Seagrave dealer in Westchester (A 119 guy can help me there) Good Luck
  11. 6018: 1/6 "Little Christmas" is the 12th day of the christmas season. Based on celtic tradition, it is the last day of the Christmas season, and the traditional day to take your tree down. Think of it as the final day of the christian version of hanukkah.
  12. This subject drives me absolutely out of my mind......... Training is great but it doesn't mean a candidate who has more "classes" than another is a better fit as a Chief. I don't need a sentence for popularity that is self-explanatory. Please all reading this remember: The Chief has the LIFE of many people (even if not your own) in his hands at dangerous incidents. These people have family's to feed, and lives to live. Before you vote ask yourself which candidate you feel most comfortable with making decisions for you, that may severely effect the life and health of you and your family. If you don't do any actual firefighting anymore, surely you paid your dues in years past to earn your vote. Before voting, I BEG YOU; ask 10 guys who still stick their necks out on a regular basis who they want making life/death decisions for them. AND MAKE SURE THOES 10 HAVE NO PERSONAL AGENDA tied to one candidate or another. I pray we all will do the right thing [-o< [-o< [-o<
  13. I think we have had a dozen or so this year, I'm sure there is a local team that runs more than we do. We probably do 3 times more drills than runs. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
  14. I celebrate festivus as well, my pole is right next to my tree. I can't wait for the feats of strength!! I hope the season 1&2 DVD's are under my pole when I wake up.
  15. Does anyone know which FAST does the most runs on an annual basis? In the area that is.....
  16. My question is does any fireman consider 3rd watch a fire related show? Not a bad show but not even close to Rescue Me.
  17. Glad to see so many posting about F.A.S. Teams.....Remember 585 started a thread a while back about what equipment area teams bing with them. Unfortunatly, I dont think anyone other than he posted an equipment list.....If you have some time find the thread and add your department to it. It is very valuable info to know what is coming when you call.
  18. Like I said 2 weeks........I dream of what I can do with 4500 gallons every night when I go to bed.
  19. Threads like these make me feel I am not a big enough buff for this site. I have a pager! That's it, I am clearly not worthy.....Although, if anyone has a scanner they would like to give me as a Christmas gift: tis the season. Merry Christmas
  20. Oh my god you again!!!!! I'll never get rid of you.......I belive you may have your eye on the prize '06. Always a pleasure Muns ](*,)
  21. My GF and I have no life so we came up with this list......I checked all aired at some time in the 80's. Im sure some have been mentioned. Chips The Jefferson’s Trapper John M.D. One Day at a Time MASH Cagney & Lacey Little House on the Prairy Happy Days 9 to 5 St. Elsewhere Alice Family Ties Benson Magnum PI Cheers Taxi Too close for comfort Hill Street Blues Fame Joanie Loves Chachi Incredible Hulk Knight Rider Dallas Falcon Crest TJ Hooker Different Strokes Fantasy Island Love Boat Gimme a Break Dynasty ALF Wonder Years – Corkey Rules!!!!! Mr. Belvadere Married With Children – best ever Doogie Howzer 1989 Perfect Strangers Quantum Leap Jake and the Fatman Rescue 911 Hogan Family Highway to heaven Full House (I can’t believe I want to nail the twins now!!!!!!!Perv) Night Court Head of the Class Growing Pains Newheart Magnum PI Cheers Facts of life Golden Girls Who’s the Boss (yummy Milano) Cosby Different World Moonlighting A-team Riptide Remington Steele The Fall guy Equilizer Different strokes Airwolf Hawaiian Heat Mike Hammer Simon & Simon Hill Street Blues Private Benjamin Little House on the Prarie Laverne and Shirly Happy Days Threes Company Mork & Mindy Quincy BJ and the Bear 8 is enough Buck Rodgers WKRP in Cincinatti
  22. The bottom line here is that a department that knows it has a manpower problem needs to find a solution. There is no one proper solution to this problem, it depends on the situation. Mutual aid is a tactic employed by many departments and works very well in most cases. There are problems with it just like any other option. Territorial attitudes are rampant, here is a statement that I was told was made by a chief regarding mutual aid: "I wont call xxx fire department anymore because they get there to fast and bring too many guys" All volunteers take pride in doing their civic duty, but god-forbid a neighboring department beats you in to your own call. The fabric of the space time continuum may come apart at the seams. Going to a fully paid department is certainly an option. This option is extremely cost prohibitive for Towns, Villages and Hamlets with a small tax base. Quick math if you staff a small community with an engine and a truck and a chief 24/7 you are looking at about 30 employees. Average salary about 50k plus benefit costs, retirement plans etc. etc. we will figure 3 million per year. If your tax base is 2000 units you are looking at an average of a $1500 per year tax increase. Just think about that for a second and that 3mil # is very very low. Now to complicate this lets say you get a fire, you have your engine truck and cheif on the scene 11 guys. You recall the entire department and you get half you get 9 fresh bodies in 30-45 minuets. Did you really solve the manpower issue? Combination departments are also an option, very costly but more economical than fully paid. I won't go into money here but you are still counting on volunteers for manpower. Your paid chauffer may get the apparatus to the scene but what does he do then? Not to mention the conflicts that initially arises between career and volunteer, which never really go away. There is no right or wrong way to address this problem because all possible solutions have their flaws. One option may certainly make sense in one town but completely off the wall in another.
  23. PLEASE DONT FORGET ENTERGY!!! If you call Indian point they can have (3) 500 gallon vats of foam on a trailer in 15 minuets. They show up you drop your foam pick up into the vat and bang you can flow 25,000 gallons of 6% foam solution. As Remember 585 said E118 does have Fecon class b around the pump foam proportioning system and 100gal of afffp foam on board. We can flow foam out of every outlet including the deck gun. If called to an incident we will also bring supplemental foam.
  24. Yes I do, and I also remember being interviewed by the news that morning with Chris Z**** who lived in the house on the other side.