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Everything posted by AndyC3J

  1. Saw a shot of the DP prototype on another forum, in addition to what's in the Workshop. Looks great! I'm amazed it came out as well as it did, for the "small" price tag that's been mentioned. This is a "must have" for sure. Also coming soon are three more FDNY pieces, in 1/64: Engine 1, Ladder 24, and Engine 305.
  2. Yep, excellent site. They've got a great forum there, too. More than adequate replacement for the downed C3 board.
  3. All 7 FDNY Squad companies were done in 2003.
  4. Someone explained a possible cause for the loose buckets on the now-defunct Code 3 board. The mold has been used numerous times now, and it's possible that the little stubs that hold the bucket on just aren't as big or well defined as they were on earlier releases.
  5. Based on the info in What's New this week, I think we've seen the end of the board. They've told us for years that they don't have the time to moderate it full-time, nor did they have the desire to appoint a full-time "babysitter" for it. And, they had a lot more employees at that time than they do now. Now, they say the board won't be reinstated until it can be "100% moderated". I don't see that, unless they go behind the scenes and recruit a few of the better members to do the job. From within the company......I don't see it. Oh, and for those who are concerned about the "riff-raff" from the C3 board infiltrating this place, I wouldn't worry about it. First of all, how would they find out about it? Second, I know Seth wouldn't want them here in the first place. Even if they did show up, the mods would take care of it.
  6. I have collected Code 3 since "almost" day one. Also have a handful of First Gear Mack engines (both B and L models). No Corgi or anything else yet, but I have a feeling that may change soon. Also have dozens of commercial trucks, in various scales.
  7. A Code 3 wish list? OK..... 1) All the rumors, speculation, and other drama-laden BS regarding the status of the company, and it's potential future (or lack thereof) to be put to rest once and for all by a credible source. 2) The company to not be so secretive about everything. 3) The company step up to the plate and start putting out some exciting stuff again. 4) The board to be reinstated, with the riff-raff weeded out, and the "good" members excited enough about the aforementioned exciting stuff to actually put their life on hold for a couple of hours over the course of the week and return to said board to discuss all things C3 in a positive light. Oh, and as for die-cast, I'd like a Los Angeles City Pierce Dash as a Diamond Plate, Harrison's Sutphen tower (provided they could live with the accuracy issues), and, God willing they ever come to terms with KME, North Arlington, NJ's blue and white top-mount engine.
  8. Those "love bug" things give me nightmarish memories of the many trips I took bringing my sister back and forth to St. Pete for college. Pulled into a rest area near Lakeland, intending to use the little hose at the end of the parking row to wash my windshield, and ended up getting most of the water on ME, swinging the thing in the air trying to keep the damn bugs off long enough to get back in the car! They just keep looking around for a solid object to land on and get more "leverage", if ya know what I mean.
  9. Long time Code 3 board member, and "top dog" at the time it shut down. Guess my ID. Plenty of people on other boards who think the "suspension" is permanent and Scott's explanation is bogus. The "doom and gloom" crowd, if you will. I hope it comes back, but if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. Other places to go, and plenty of rumors abound about potential "new players" in the game of die-cast fire apparatus. Time will tell........
  10. No word on Yonkers, although I certainly wouldn't object to seeing TL-75. The engines might be hard to do, with the "unique" body and all, and they don't (yet) have a licensing agreement with Smeal, so that leaves the ladders out. If they do anything more from there, it'll be something older. No Arrow XT mold yet, so while Rutherford would be great, it's gonna be a while. Best bet would be Albany, and with a collector in that area who's becoming an awesome photographer, I don't see how it would be all that difficult to get the necessary pics.
  11. Not a problem at all......just as long as no watermarks appear on it claiming it to be someone else's!
  12. I think the Seagrave Concorde looks a whole lot more like an ALF than that thing does. I think I'm going to wait until I see one in person, or at least some better pics, before I pass judgement, although my initial reaction is.....not fond of them. I agree, that a redesign of the existing cabs would have been a much better idea. But then again, I'm just a "buff". What do I know?
  13. That pic looks awfully familiar.
  14. Usually the truck gets christened by busting a bottle of champagne on the front bumper. The old one need not be present.
  15. As good an excuse as any to attend their Open House this year.
  16. Wow, that's amazing. Orange gets it's share of out-of-towners, too, but doesn't even come close to having every department represented. Worse yet, 90% of those that do show bring the same rig every year. Not alternate them, not show off the newbie, just same ol' same ol'. Only thing that changes is the town they march in.
  17. Contact Jaydeez (see link in one of my other posts above). Pretty sure they still have a few that aren't spoken for yet, and they're charging Code 3 Collector Club member prices.
  18. So, has anyone else who ordered this model received theirs yet? What do you think of it? I think they did a great job, considering what they had to work with. Only wish they'd have added the front lettering. Hopefully TFD is happy with the results.
  19. EVERY company? Geez....wish Orange worked that way.
  20. Never had the privilege of going to an In-N-Out, and probably never will. I'd say I wish they'd build some around here, but they'd probably be just as under-appreciated as Krispy Kreme was, and be gone in less than two years.
  21. Past Time and Westchester are both sold out already as well. Guess Code 3 picked the wrong piece to do a "small" production run. Other eBay alternatives: Jaydeez Scale Models: The Fire and Cop Shop: Jaydeez are great people to deal with, and I've heard many a good thing about F&CS, too. Good luck, to all who are still seeking this piece.
  22. It's already SOLD OUT! Best hope Westchester Collectibles got a bunch of 'em. I think all hell is going to break loose on eBay very soon.
  23. It just seems like there isn't much coming out because the announcements are once a month, instead of once per quarter, which has it's ups and downs for sure. As for the lack of inventory, they sold almost everything off to KB Toy Liquidator Outlets while preparing to move to their new facility. 1/32 scale ladder? Patience, grasshopper.
  24. Hey Seth, if I hear about you buying a brand new Wrangler when you come home because you liked your rental so much, I'm gonna be "very unhappy".
  25. Got mine ordered. I do hope the finished product is fully lettered, unlike the prototype pics. Guess we'll know in a week or so, as it's scheduled to start shipping on the 6th.