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Everything posted by ja3kfd

  1. While it is obnoxious, do we really need to enact a law? We have an ordiance in Town of Bedford that the cart vendors have to obtain a permit from the Town to solict and that is all Vendors not just the Parades. When they started enforcing that they all pretty much stopped. The Party Snappers in my opinion where worse than silly string. If the Parents would control their children at Parades maybe this would not be an issue. I would think if it was thrown or sprayed on Mommys Volvo or Beemer it would a diffrent story.
  2. Seth and Kris , Happy Anniversary, many more . Jim and Gina Arena
  3. Also have to remember they have not had a raise in 3 years, so when they do get it, all the pay scale should go up.
  4. Uphill??? The only hill is from Marvin Avenue up onto Main Street, then it's pretty much flat from there to the end. Doc, you must be driving the parade route because up the hill, make the left, its up hill to the area of the movie theater, levels out to the train station, than up hill to the gas station. some of it might not be too steep. It still is up hill though, but in the same token since Croton Falls may be considered a Part of Brewster maybe you guys do not march up all the hills we have too. Escort division and all.
  5. I do not condone what he did, but I also feel pick your battles, do they give the kids that pull the fire alarms and make everyone else rush there for no reason? All the other High School crap they pull do they give them there diplomas, ? Stop the waste of time and energy. Besides they all just gave this kid more recogontion then he ever deserved for doing a prank we would all laugh at.
  6. God Bless this Little Girl,and some how comfort this family.
  7. Thanks for posting I had forgotten about this. I enjoyed it
  8. He resigned, and if I remember correctly, it was part of the agreement he could not sue Mt. Kisco.
  9. Rest in Peace , my condolence to his family.
  10. Everyone Thanks for posting pictures I did not get to see very much of the competions.
  11. Myself and the Board of Directors which to Thank You all who came , we will be doing this again next year,I hope everyone had a good time and Congratulations to all the winners. Jim Arena
  12. We will be hosting a Muster on MAY 25th 2008 at Fireman's Field in Somers . We will be having the Contests , A Truck show , Vendors, Food We will post more Information shortly. Save the date there has not been a Muster in Westchester in a few years Any Questions you can call me at 914 272 9712 Jim Arena
  13. The Tug of war will be the same as always The Mid Nite Run will be Stationery, The truck will not move, we will supply a air horn to Blast. The Barrell Fill we will use a Small shed with a Gutter on it Throw the Water on the roof the water will flow into gutter and into Barrell. Hose roll is self Explanatory. If Water barrell is there it will be a little diffrent, than usual but I need to see what happens . Sorry about delay but I have no contol over this one piece. Jim Arena
  14. No the Rules have not been sent out we are having set up problems with the Water Barrel Competition. If it is not resolved by friday ( This Friday) I am going to have no choice but to not have that one competion, I had to hold back on the rules because it was going to be altered.
  15. I am up in the air on them , we had 2 on all 3 Katonah Engines, plus our Mini Attack, We took one off each Engine in Later years and pre piped a Deck Gun in there place we really do not use them at all anymore. The Mini attack still has both that we can use at brush fires . I would not use them on Dumpster fires , too much unknown, stuff thrown in there and not enough Water flow. I also remember we had a problem with the orginal nozzles and getting them repaired.
  16. Everyone that said they were coming to the Muster But has not sent me info and entry money I am going to close the entries on May 5th. Please get me the info. Do not respond to this posting. Call me or e mail me I am working a lot of OT and I can not get to this site and check as much as needed thanks Jim
  17. Dear Seth and all, Thank you so much for thinking of us. Jim still gets too emotional when he reads your kind words, but I wanted to respond. There are many people that we meet throughout our lives, but I could not have anticipated the amount of people that I have grown to know throughout the past five years. I have met most of the finest people ever through this site, and firefighters from every department have been nothing but generous and loving toward our family. We were in the city yesterday and getting ready to walk across the street, when a NYC FD chaplain approached Jim and I to shake our hands. You see, he noticed the Katonah emblem and needed to say hello and introduce himself. I have found that no matter where we are in whatever situation, there will ALWAYS be a fellow firefighter there. No matter what department they are a member, I have had the pleasure of meeting them all, and they are all the same with all the same mission, being great human beings. Isn't that why they all went into Emergency Services - to help people. As we all know, we have been blessed by so many people in Emergency Services, and our gratitude for the caring and love you gave to our family is not an easy thing to repay. With every action we make in our lives by giving back, whether it be to help another family in the same situation, smile at someone who needs a smile, hug one of our children, talk to someone that is scared about their child, give a gas card to a family in the hospital, whatever it may be - PLEASE KNOW THAT EVERY SINGLE THING WE DO HAS ALL OF YOUR NAMES ON IT. YOU TOUCHED OUR LIVES FOR GOOD!!! Jimmy's organization has been able to help many area families, and will continue to do so in years to come. This organization was built on Jimmy's life and all that you did for us. It is a wonderful thing to give back for all that was done for us. Whenever we help another family, I think of all of you and how hard you worked to help us. Thank you will never be enough. Thanks for teaching me so much about my life and how I want to live it. Thank you so much for bestowing this honor on Jim. If it were not for this website so many people would not have stayed connected throughout our ordeal. Thank you for making it such a wonderful forum. We are blessed to have you all in our life, and can't wait to see you all again throughout the future. REMEMBER, LIVE IT WITH NO REGRETS!!!! Love to you and your families, Gina Arena
  18. On Minitor 2 3 and 4 , if it has the capability for 2 channels it can be done, but some one in each Batt. would have to crosslink it over. when I was Chief my pager had 46.26 and 46.14 in it. Katonah has a FCC license for 46.22 as well. Katonah is in 16 and that is all it is set to Crosslink
  19. Katonah has crossed linked trunk to 46.22
  20. For all that are asking we are re typing the rules there are a few things we need to tweak, do to field conditions, we want to have them maled out to everyone by May 1st. we will have a packet to send to you.
  21. Can your town add in an ordinace to have Knox Box gate system installed? We have done, in the past push on them with Chiefs Car and broke the arm that holds it closed, loosened up bolt to slide it open ,our town has a Knox Box Ordinace and when gates are installed they have to be installed.
  22. Working around all small equipment for a long time if Gas sits for a while, has varnished up float and carbs, found the best thing to do is dump gas out and run machine, blower etc. till it stalls. Have been doing this on all my equipment and it seems to start right up when needed. We had this problem at FD as well the Small engine Mechanic said to do above it has not been a problem since.
  23. Does any body know of any Vendors that would want to particape? T shirt sales , Fire Equipment , Radios , Antiques?????
  24. A Team of 8 and a dream is all you need, and Entry fee. Come on up Jim