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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. You are right but that is how we did things back than and I am only going backto the early 80's. Riding the back was very normal and it was a miracle no one ever fell off. I could remember 4-5 of us on the back holing eachother as we got dressed. It was accepted and also fun but I would never want to see us go back to riding that way again.
  2. You are correct it is a law. I also believe it should not be limited to arson.
  3. Most apparatus is built per NFPA specs. The tailboard is not manufactured for riding and I believe it states that on the plate. Removing the plate is suicide.
  4. Please support this drive. it is being held at our station at 25 Home St in Hawthorne. If you have any questions or need directions you can call me at 774-0418. Thank you in advance for your support in helping Joe Jr.
  5. An amazing house for an amazing family. God bless the Arena's and all the luck and good fortune in thier new house.
  6. The public should know what on and how money is spent.
  7. I dont watch much TV but I have to say Extreme Makeover has been one of my favorite shows. Tonight will be a special episode.
  8. I prefer not to drive with bunker pants on. I usually wear my coat however. It is optional for drivers in my department.
  9. How about a response from a 26 year member of the volunteer service...in a time and age where we ( volunteer depts) are under the microscope on how we operate, spend money, etc do you think it is wise to have all that apparatus which should be ready to respond to fires sitting in one area shooting foam? There are departments in this country that can barely afford to keep up 20+ year old apparatus and they waste foam like this? I am not knocking wet downs. I attended one 2 weeks ago. Very simple but nice. No foam, water just a nice get together to wish a dept good luck on thier new rig. What's wrong with that???
  10. While we are on the topic of food, can anyone recommend an off-site caterer for an inspection dinner? thanks Andy
  11. First, a team or individual investigator is a resource for the chief. NYS law charges the fire chief with the duty to determine a cause. The investigators gather evidence and come to a conclusion. It is up to the chief to accept the findings.
  12. Due to the articles that highlighted Long Island's fire district's and how they spend money, there may be laws coming down the pipe which will include public hearings for fire district budgets. One lawmaker even wants the public to vote on the budget as it is done in school budgets.
  13. May they all rest in peace.
  14. As an EVOC instructor I am constantly reminding my students about due regard. Very strong words!!!!!
  15. Does 1582 require any type of stress test for the heart or is an EKG suffice. I ask this because I recently had a nuclear stress test ( passed with flying colors) and was told this is a far better test of your heart as well as blood flow into your heart.
  16. Sometimes you have to put your heart in check and realize there are rules for reasons. We can't just do what we want when we want. People could get hurt. Yes I will agree what he did was noble but what he did came with concenquences and as a man he should of taken his medicine instead of quitting. I would of had more respect for him.
  17. This is so true. I think every department/vac has it's " dirty dozen" that you can rely on in the pinch get the job done, never complain unless it is valid, prove themselves by actions, not words. Are there for the pride and want to be part of a team. Then there are what I call sponges...those who join to soak up what little benefits are there, do little, complain alot and cause trouble usually anonomously. They usually sit in the back of the room and make remarks under thier breath or cry about too much training. They also blame leadership for an organization's problems yet are usually the ones who break rules, sop's etc.
  18. Anyone remember the drive- in in Elmsford where Sam's is???
  19. Both our engines carry one. Heavy suckers but good to have when needed.
  20. I agre with this for the simple reason the Attorney General rendered an opinion in the late 90's stating that company officers should in fact be district officers due to the fact they act as an arm of the chief and make decisions that would impact the district. It makes sence for any AHD to adopt training standards for officers.
  21. How I long for those days. When I was a 17 year old Junior FF in the first department I joined I was told I am in the fire department for 3 reasons... 1. To learn 2. Keep my mouth shut. 3. Do what I am told. If I couldn't do any of the above...goodbye. It was that simple. I never had to be told to roll/pack hose, clean tools, etc. The senior members, not so much the officers, would not allow it. You would not dare question anyone untill you proved yourself by simply doing the job you were expected to do. There was pride in what you did. You wanted to learn. Today things have changed and I am deeply concerned. Maybe it is our faults. Maybe we allowed things to get they way they are. Sorry for the rant....
  22. I agree. It was a lead agency at one time. Putting it under DHS just created another branch of beauracracy. Give FEMA the money it needs and fix what we have now.
  23. I will miss his " Random Thoughts" column as well as his participation in the "Roundtable" in Fire Engineering. He had a knack for making you think and ponder on issues. May he rest in peace.
  24. In other parts of the country, including NYC they have closed firehouses under direct protest from the citizens that would be affected yet here you have people who are protesting building one??? Am I missing something?? I could see of it was a 7-11 store or other similair business. Good luck to OFD !!!