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Posts posted by ex-commish

  1. We are accountable to the taxpayers, members of the department, as well as the state comptrollers office to name a few. And if I may ask can you elaborate a little more when you say drama stems from or is blamed on fire commissioners? I see a lot of drama and it is usually disgruntled people that like to throw gasoline on things and make things bigger than they really are.

  2. I see it on the decline. Years ago brotherhood meant something. Its what drew me to join my local fire department. People sharing a bond. If you screwed up the powers to be slapped you on the wrist. If you got into an argument once it was over it was over. Your opinion was accepted. Joking around, pranks, and ballbreaking was what kept the brotherhood going. What I have seen is people who wear more than one hat or hold more than one leadership positions ( the ones who want to run everything) kill moral in a department and are the ones destroying the brotherhood. As I stated in another subject you have to be careful now especially with harassment policies that you don't offend someone to a point where they go crying to their lawyer or the police and file charges.( I have personally seen this happen) What you may deem a simple remark or act could land you in a courtroom.

    As I stated before in another forum I see harassment policies will be the demise of brotherhood because it is now an avenue for thinskinned people to seek revenge on what could be a harmless joke or prank or statement and I am not advocating deliberate harassment in any way but in my opinion it is destroying the brotherhood.

  3. "I can't state NY Laws, but I doubt there is a law that allows career fire fighters to get more or different training then a volunteer firefighter. "

    On the contrary in NY paid firefighters have mandatory basic and in-service training. Volunteers do not although most volunteer deparments do require FF! and some FF2 as well but that is under home rule and not dictated by the state.

    efd184 and grumpyff like this

  4. Just another paid position on a rotten fish. Being paid is not always the answer. How about every volunteer on this board, or better yet in this area write a letter and make a copies. Send one to FASNY, and the others to your elected officials demanding the same training as our paid counterparts. Professional firefighter training (and yearly refresher training) is written into law, remove the professional (paid) label so that firefighter training for both volunteer and paid is the same. The state will have find additional funding in the budget to accomplish this. FASNY would also have to be persuaded to support this. I think a lot of the problems we see in this area would improve. Might put a dent in some of the recruitment efforts, but maybe the ones who complain about training are not the people we want joining.

    Good luck with FASNY....I wrote them years ago when I was working as both a CFI and SFI and when the state went from the Basic, Int, and advanced cirriculum to FF1 and FF2. I expressed my concern that the time has come that we (volunteers) need to come up to par with the rest of the country with training. I felt that the FF1 as we have now was not enough for entry level and should include FAST, AVET, and HAZ-OPS at a minumum. Got no where.

    grumpyff likes this