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Posts posted by hfd745

  1. Our dept recently switched to the seat mounted brackets that require the pack to be strapped and locked in. We no longer have the clips on the brackets that hold the pack in the seat. Our older pack mounts had the clip to hold the bottle and the locking strap. I was told the clips were removed because guys were not strap locking the packs in and were only using the clips. (i have seen it first hand) I was told that that the is a law that requires some sort of lock to be on the pack do that it is secured in the event of an accident. I understand the thought process behind it but personally don't care for it. I find the pull cord to release the pack a hindrance. I am still able to don the pack and then buckle in. Even if the pack is locked in front of you I believe that most everyone will be scrambling to put it on (unbuckled) when that reported fire comes in. Bronging us right back to were we started. Just my opinion

  2. Must be nice to have the money to spend on excessive amounts of lights. Hopefully this department first spent money on equipment and necessary safety equipment first before wasting it on the lights. Correct me if I am wrong but don't Michigan state police have a very simple light package with busy interstates and have very limited emergency vehicle scene crashes. Its too bad joe taxpayer has no idea what a majority of these fire districts waste there money on while departments that are cash deprived cant even staff an adequate amount of fire personnel daily.


  3. Nice Shots!!! Surprised with Sutphen, We have a 1995 and it looks almost identical. I am sure there is more technology in it but they should really modernize the design. Do you have any shots of the inside of the cab. Best of luck with the truck..

  4. From what I have seen Rye is and has been very proactive in confined space training and awareness with the members of the DPW. It is true that there is alot more focus on confined space since the tragic incident. Rye DPW also has Rye fd ladder respond whenever they are entering a confined space. I believe that the confined entry permit requires that the local FD be notified whenever there is entry into a confined space but does not require fd on location, but way to go for taking an extra precaution, can't fault anybody for that.

  5. Not sure if anyone here has gotten to see these vehicles at night. The white reflective is amazingly bright. You are able to see the reflective from a very far distance. As far as lettering on a vehicle for daytime visability I don't feel you can see the vehicle any better because it has colered stripping on it. Both the 2161 and 2163 cars both have white cheveron striping on the rear of the vehicle. I personally like the way the ghost lettering looks. These vehicles still have plates on them that clearly state there county number and department.

  6. I am not only I firefighter but I also drive a tow truck on the side. To often everyone is so quick to cut the battery cables. At many accidents the car could have been easily moved but because the cables were cut it is a much harder task. If your deartment has the right tools it takes 15 seconds to disconnect the wire from the battery terminal. The scene will be safe and if needed the battery could be easily reconnected.

  7. Nice photo's !!! thanks for sharing. Very surprised the workers union allowed you to take pics of the workers actually working. When we visited Seagrav they were very strict with the picture taking and made it very clear not to get any workers in it. Once again thanks for sharing

  8. This is disgusting how cities and towns in this area are doing things like this. We live in one of the richiest counties in the country. There is some serious mismanagement from our elected officials. White Plains in particular. I send my best wishes out to my brothers in White Plains. I hope that everything works out for you guys. Please keep us advised of any more demonstrations that are planned. I would be more than happy to come and support you.

  9. Awesome ladder, but lets get to the point. They want to lay all these guys off and there spending money on more equipment. You said an engine, ladder and squad are being replace. That's great, that money can save at least 15-20 jobs. I understand that you need to spend money on apparatus but really now!