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Everything posted by demps121

  1. if you are in the low 70's, start studying for the next test! you will never be called in low 70's.
  2. if you want to put a fire out, and save lives and property, you need lot's of manpower and equipment early on, as opposed to standing around putting 5000gpm out of numerous master streams for 4 hours while the building burns to the ground! Nice stop to all involved. Hopefully people questioning the large response only have to look at the amount of property saved.
  3. to bad to see it go. Spent some time in Pete's myself. I was tiold it is going to be an Italian restaurant. Good Luck Phil!! Have Fun on the Links.
  4. Does anyone have any history on use and or durability of these saws for fire service? edited for spelling
  5. Anybody from Mt Vernon, It is my understanding you have at least one, please comment.
  6. Barry, you spoke of Eastchester as being primarily career because the volunteers no longer respond(since oct 2007) Eastchester has been primarily career for 30-35+ years.
  7. hey DFD189 you that guy that was the center of controversy in Mt Vernon a while ago! We know all about you!!!!!!!
  8. Hey guy's take a good look at page 24 of the book Capt Walsh of Ladder 17 perhaps a few westchester depts may recognise him as a battalion coordinator Congratulations Capt Walsh
  9. Co Alarm from alarm company. Also had hard wired smoke alarm system that was monitored, transmitted as fire alarm about 11minutes after the CO alarm FD had been on the scene and operating for about 6 minutes. House had heavy smoke in the structure, and showing on exterior on arrival. there is no way that alarm should not have activated sooner!
  10. Eastchester dispatched to activated CO alarm Eng 29 Ladder 16 car 2102, 2102 reports smoke showing requested the box with additional units, working fire basement and first floor of large private dwelling. EFD group 4 did an Outstanding Job!!!!!!!!
  11. This will be interesting!!!!!!!! Written by Associated Press Link to Full Article
  12. WE have lot's of stuff going on here Chiefs vehicle out of town POV as chief vehicle lighting requirements Insurance requirements on POV operated as chief car(lights siren) Municipal gov paying some form of insurance on POV with taxpayer money firefighter in MVA with dept vehicle, does or does not follow on personal insurance Any municipal vehicle as take home vehicle distance from municipality come on guy's what else this is good stuff maybe we can educate some so they do not put a hardship on there family or themselves
  13. Chris, I believe there was legislation a number of years ago that passed in Albany, that protected firefighters (from accidents following on personal insurance), it has been a number of years since I was a legislation rep, maybe firecap will remember if he signs on.
  14. Steve, you say V&T law say's 360 degrees of lighting, what about under cover cop cars some crown vics have lights front and back but not on the sides. Are police vehicles exempt and fire vehicles not? What about VAC officer POV? This thread is getting good.
  15. Steve I do not know how a fire Dept can legally spend tax dollars to add a POV clause on a municipal insurance contract (not that it has not been done, however there may be legal issues of using tax dollars for that purpose) also the MV-104 box for fire was to ensure that an accident did not follow onto your personal policy, maybe you can look a little more on that subject so we can all be better educated. thanks
  16. Remember585 I don't know if it still holds true, if you are in an accident with a fire vehicle and a MV104 is filled out there is a box that should be marked with the letter F (for fire). The accident was not to go on your personal driving record and insurance. Maybe some could give more info on the subject, I know this was true on the career side a number of years ago.
  17. I don't want to high-jack the thread however, when a personal vehicle is used with lights and siren, should you comply with the NFPA standard for lighting on an emergency vehicle with 360 degree lighting coverage. Some lawyers would have a field day if someone was to get in an accident and only had a dash light and siren. I don't think you should risk your families financial situation. Protect yourself if you need 360 degree lighting to protect yourself than do it. I am not sure what the requirement is on POV running as emergency vehicle as it relates to lighting coverage.
  18. City Station why is it stiring the pot? The guy asked a question, you make it sound as if there is something wrong with these vehicles out of district for personal use, maybe there is, maybe there is not, one person gave an answer about an additional vehicle on the road to report an incident, some may say true some may say false.
  19. We are having a hard time getting parts now( for engines and ladders) and they are still open. Good luck to all that own these pieces of junk
  20. This may have an effect on Firefighter exams of towns and villages, Maybe they will not be able to give special treatment to residents, who knows, the county list comes out and that is what every municipality works from.
  21. I am surprised no discussion?
  22. This will be in court this week. Could change the career fire service big time.
  23. I think they were looking for a thief from a home in Eastchester
  24. As for who gets called when on non fire emergencies it is at the initial incident commanders discretion. Additionally Mack some of your information is incorrect, the location of the incident was less than 1 mile form the New Rochelle- Eastchester border. This incident was not in Bronxville it was in Eastchester.
  25. I have known Greg for a # of years, an asset to any Department, a true gentleman, I am not surprised to see that he was involved in the rescue. I hope YFD finds a way to keep all the firefighters! GREAT GRAB BROTHER!!!!