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Everything posted by SRS131EMTFF

  1. Bedford Fire District Commissioner Jayne Aquilino Wilkinson, sister of former Bedford Fire Department chiefs Joanne and Paul Aquilino and aunt of current Bedford chief 2042 Peter Aquilino died yesterday at home after a battle with cancer. Calling hours will be held this Sunday, 7/15/2012, from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Oelker-Cox & Sinatra Funeral Home in Mount Kisco. Rest In Peace Jayne
  2. I certainly commend then on their actions but as soon as they bring it on line 24/7, then can guarantee the officer or member will be at the scene within national standards 90% of the time will I actually believe that they are truly providing ALSFR. Additionally, much of the skills and procedures they discuss in this press release such as EKG, IV therapy and pain meds are covered in the current AEMT/EMT-I'03 cirriculum and are most likely practiced by the current members of WP&RS. Furthermore, they are not one of three paramedic first response squads in Vermont (At least 4 exist in Chittenden County alone, (Way further north) Essex, Colchester, South Burlington and Charlotte) nor are they allowed as much freedom or skills as a NYS paramedic. A VT paramedic is about as useful as a NYS EMT-CC based on the latest round of district and state protocols. Sadly VT is still in the 80s regarding much of its EMS seeing as only as of the past decade have we been phasing in Paramedics. And now that we are transitioning to the Mark King initiative, with national registry EMTs, AEMTs and Paramedics, sadly the mess it has created will stagnate VT EMS for another 5-10 years before the system is streamlined again.
  3. $1.61 per square foot in new construction
  4. I remember trying this "fad" ten years ago at sleep away camp.
  5. Mutual Aid Americas as we know it is no longer in existence. MAA was founded by current 2042 Bedford Chief Lazaro and current FDNY BC Daniel Sheridan and for many years they sent many used apparatus down to latin america and trained latin american firefighters. Here is a photo of the day both Pete and Dan took former Bedford Fire Department Engine 211 to the port in Elizabeth, NJ to be loaded and sent to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Since about 2009, the company split up with BC Sheridan focusing on training firefighters and Chief Lazaro sending down apparatus. The rigs stored on Green Lane in Bedford Hills are owned by Chief Lazaro.
  6. Other than the disruption of traffic in towns, the only complaint I have heard from actual tax payers (and not MMQs here) about parades is the noise that they make. Every truck yelping their siren or pressing their Q or tugging their airhorn makes a lot of noise, many residents, especially those with young children do not appreciate the loud noise. If for no other reason than imagine what a Q or an airhorn or siren 15 feet from a child's ear will do to their hearing. In most parades I have witnessed, more often than not, I see the parents of young children cover their child's ears whenever they even think a piece of apparatus will make a loud noise. While we, and some older children, appreciate the noise, many, if not most people do not appreciate the noise. It is intrusive and damaging to hearing, especially when 30 some odd pieces of apparatus blow their horn at the same time or even one at a time. Parades are for the public to see us, not so they hear us. We have made it a SOGuideline for parades that we do not sound the siren, Q or airhorn and you would be surprised the lack of complaints we received.
  7. His intention not to kill was very apparent after the 911 call was made public when you hear the father asking the dispatcher when help is going to arrive because the perp stopped breathing.
  8. I am glad that this individual is calling out his chief, his company and his department for the social club environment that exists in his department. I only wish more people had the stones to do to that in their own departments, and that there were people who actually listened and cared within the department so that the issues could be handled internally and not need to have the department and its members names dragged through the mud. One of the best departments I have ever belonged to has absolutely no social club atmosphere what so ever, hell some of us would barely acknowledge each other if we saw each other walking down the street. But at least we are in service with a driver and 2 EMTs 24/7/365 for the past ~20 something years and respond to all calls, emergency and non-emergency within the proscribed national average, all of this with volunteers 90% of the time. And no this department is not in NYS. The time of the social club atmosphere in FD/EMS departments, especially in Westchester needs to come to an end. Either you respond regularly or you leave, if you can not be a firefighter or EMT you leave. No booze in the firehouse, a few low budget parade appearances a year, maybe one department dinner, that is it. Do it because you want to provide the COMMUNITY with that service, not because YOU want to say you provide the service. soap box 10-8, 10-2.
  9. So what are we supposed to do when we are traveling code 3 down the thruway and while we are waiting in line to pay the toll our patient codes on us? Are we supposed to continue waiting in line with everyone else who has to pay the toll? I understand that the Thruway people are just doing their job, but I refuse to compromise patient care because some Albany pencil pusher wants me to pay the toll each time. If that means not waiting in line and paying to the toll in order to get my patient to life saving or definitive care then so be it. Let the Thruway Authority come after me...just imagine the headlines "Thruway Authority persecutes emergency responder for putting patient first"... Like I said, I understand the intention and that the toll collectors are just the public face of bad policy, but I am putting my patient above their policy. End of story.
  10. Great photos x129k.
  11. FDNY Medal Day Video. Congrats to all those recognized and congrats to those who assisted. Medal Day: Engine 201 and Ladder 114 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Does it matter?
  13. The device works by heating an allotment of nicotine via a battery in the unit. The heating element is in the tobacco end of the unit while the nicotine cartridge is in the filter. This cartridge can be changed out when empty and replaced with different flavors or variety of tobacco. When the smoker inhales, a light on the tip lights up and nicotine and water vapor are inhaled. From what I understand they are not a real fire risk as they do not really get hot and certainly do not stay hot, they are self contained and flameless. A good friend of mine swore by them for like two weeks a few years ago.
  14. and x129k I totally agree links that might be questionable should include a mandatory NSFW tag or line. I too opened that at work, thankfully it was on my personal computer but had a manager or field boss seen it they would have hit the ceiling.
  15. I think this post ends it. Approved by both town mayor and legal, not using any city or FD funds nor will the car be responding to any calls. Que the continued banter about how irresponsible it was...
  16. I for one am glad I was not on this call. Some reports state the victim was had his entire face chewed off and was completely unrecognizable. They also state the perpetrator was in an excited delirium due to cocaine psychosis.
  17. 60-Control Designation for Engine:
  18. Congrats Can someone post the names for those of us that cant see on
  19. Respectfully, I share my opinion with all that care to listen including the staff of this forums. I welcome the opportunity to work with the staff and the members of this forum to improve it for all members, past, present and future as well as career and volunteer as well as FD/EMS/LEO. Much like in festivus, it requires the airing of the grievances in order to get all of the issues out on the table so that we can begin a professional and worthwhile discussion on how to improve this site. Hopefully by discussing what we want improve and how to improve it, we as a community can move forward to a point beyond the us verse them attitude that exists currently and end the apparent confusion in my mind of A job verse THE job that many of us have allowed to become engrained.
  20. Amen to that. I have always believed that this was a buff site first and tactical site second. Obvious the mods want it the other way but I harken back to the days when it was buff site and apparatus and fire scene photos flowed like water instead of the barren desert of scene bashing and light harping that it has currently become. Maybe it was not what the mods wanted, but at least it was a community. Now we are just a bunch of people who post and hope they havent kicked the hornets nest. Like the line under your handle reads...I too "miss the OLD bravo..."
  21. East Chicago I believe. Not the actual city of Chicago.