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Everything posted by Dondestro

  1. Rip Brother, Thoughts go out to friends and family.
  2. Back on fathers day of 2007 we had a house fire and the attack engine parked in the driveway was never filled at the last clean/checklist so we had to have one of the guys from the town crew come out with a pickup truck mounted tank. things wouldn't have been to good if the truck ran out. A question i have is dose anyone know if the towns who have there own pumps(like mine) have regular diesel in them and a company gets a new rig that is supposed to run on ULSD if the town now forced to buy it because of the one truck. The town i live in buys the lowest quality diesel you can get, we have a 2005 and it smokes when running on town diesel but we had a long drive to upstate ct and fuled up on the way back and it ran much cleaner.
  3. I've been off for a week and have been around the scanner alot, it seems like more and more ems calls are having to go mutual aid. Pirmarly in putnum county. is this normal or just a phase, seems like every call has to be toned out to 1-2 sometimes 3 or 4 departments before a full crew is gathered. it seems liek more departments should go to a piad day crew and leave the vol's responsable for the night calls. I'm not bashing anyone just an observation.
  4. Giants will take it all!
  5. Going to fox lane would explain it all!!!!!HAHA I had to say it, I'm one of those Greeley Grads. Just messin around.
  6. When ever an oil static line goes they use xray to check the welds on the pipe before introducing oil back through the lines so they know they wont have any leaks.
  7. FF1

    I recently moved from new york to ct. CT will not except my "Essentials" certificate they say it does not meet the standered for ct because it does not equal the hours for fire 1 here. So i believe i need to take fire one even though i am interior in ny i am not in ct. Anyone know any firefighting 1 classes coming up in ct(fairfield county)??
  8. I am having problems bringing up the page. I am havnig to go to I tried on a couple different comps and none of them will bring it up it says "untiteled document". anyone else having this problem?
  9. I was sitting on the front bumper of our rig looking out the window just about to leave as a tree fell, Taking the power lines down to the house accross from our firehouse and knocking out power to multiple houses surrounding the fire house but did not knock us out. Now I hear the wind is supposed to get a little bit stronger through the early morning. thank god no work tomorrow!!1
  10. Thats good, I'm sitting here witht he ct light and power guy and he is trying to figure out how he is going to reconnect this service. The side of the house where the power comes in is in the middle of the woods...haha just so happeneds to be my girlfriends house. So i luckly get the job to sit here and wait with these people while the road is blocked in fron of my firehouse and we are rerouting the cars through the parking lot. Once again it is going to be a long night.
  11. I have not used one but heard and done some research on them. I believe HemCon® Bandage is a little bit more popular but much more expensive which has the same concept just made by another company. my understanding is they only make 2x2 and 4x4 versions of both brands . My question is being that when blood becomes in contact they become extremly sticky, how is the process of taking them off a wound? I have also seen a prodect that you pore into a wound to slow the bleeding(not sure who makes it or if it is still used) but you would pore it into it and then wrap it up real tight.
  12. Congrats.....Be safe brother
  13. Upright bass and bass guitar
  14. we have the q mounted half in the bumper and half out.
  15. About the lights: In my eyes if possible bring daylight. never enough lighting at a fire.
  16. Putnum lake fire department is trying somthing out, done by a few departments in new jersey. They are having a holiday parade in december. It is a fundraiser being it cost $75 per department to enter. the idea is to dress up your rig/company truck/ trailer. and march in the parade. There will be trophys and i believe refreshments served after parade. I think it sounds like a good time, we are entering in it and plan to go all out.the only deal about it is no departments are allowed to have someone dress up with santa as they will be having a live santa and do not want to confuse the children. Seth this is a good opp to take some neat photos of some dressed up trucks!
  17. my concern is 10 min is a very long time when it comes to a emergency we all know this. I am not bashing putnum i just used them a san example. we here in new fairfield welcome the paid crew during the day greatly, we know we can't do it....its a life possibly in danger so come-on-in. all i am trying to say is i have heard putnum tone out three departments at one time...multiple timesin a row for a single call. i am talking 3-4-5 times it being paged out.
  18. Direct me if this was discussed but whats up with the new thing that you have to click on the respones to read it
  19. I know its everyone's personal prefrence but i am interested in hear everyones reason they perfer a specific brand truck/engine. I personally perfer pirece and would never get an e-one. 2nd choice would be a american la france
  20. I agree nothing does beat the Green!!!Ball pond, new fairfield
  21. Sorry do you work for boars head? haha
  22. We used one at our tanker shuttle drill up here in New Faifield a month or so ago. it worked well as we had four 2 1/2 in lines coming off it as well as a a ldh about 25' long. Depending on the tanker and/or if we had multiple to fill at one time we would use the 5in ldh to fill one at a time or we could fill two wth the two 2/12's.....persoanlly i think since we are drafting out of a pond using a dry hydrant it was more practical to use the smaller diameter hose inorder to control how much water you were pusing at one time. If you start filling to fast then you can lose prime pretty quick then it just becomes a hasel.
  23. Up here in New Faifield two of the companys are in process of designing two engines and one large tanker. One engine is to be replaced in squantz engine company and one engine and one 3000gal tanker to be replaced in company a's firehouse.
  24. i heard rumers Northern Westchester Hospital Center will be expanding there "ER" along with putting in a parking garage.
  25. I will be the test.....donate them all to me!