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Posts posted by JOB114

  1. I work for the government, I don't get to set the rules. Politicians do that and unions negotiate with those politicians. We have received 0% pay increase over the last 4 years, including these year's proposal, and taxes will have been raised 26% in those same 4 years. Where is the money going, obviously not to the people doing the work but to special pet projects and welfare. So just to be clear we are not the ones that are self serving, we provide a valuable public service. As NYC Medic, I would have thought you would know the difference.

    efdcapt115 and M' Ave like this

  2. Why does the City and the press automatically come after our contracts and say they need to be re-negotiated? Let's talk real money and discuss the deals made with developers that continually use high priced attorneys to get the best deal for themselves. No mention of re-negotiating these contracts because those same high priced attorneys would tie the City in knots in a court of law, and the City would eventually lose. When a union threatens the same we are called greedy but when a developer does it, they are just using good business sense. Amicone gave this City away to developers and got squat in return. Yes we get some sales tax but there was no benefit to the City's infrastructure. The people employed are mainly from the Bronx and Yonkers taxpayers get the short end again. Spano should assemble a commission to look into how Yonkers was raped under the previous admin and if they can't file criminal charges then use a publicity campaign to expose the one sided benefits that developers got and what the taxpayer paid. Not really expecting any of these cowards to do anything even close though. Government is no longer about serving people, it is self serving.

    redtruck75 and 48 like this

  3. As someone who had a heart attack at 44, I want to tell you that it can happen to anyone. I was 200 lbs and 5'11", no family history but had high cholesterol. I went to the doctor but never took medication for cholesterol. I am now 190 lbs and eat better, snack on fruits alot. Our job is stressful and being in relatively good shape does not cut it all the time. I take meds, work out and go to the doctor and actually listen now. I am self motivated because I never want to go through that again. I hate to run so I try to mix it up alot, one thing I enjoy is climbing stairs in the firehouse, sometimes with the weight vest on. It isnt as boring as running and is actually useful at a job. I was like you in that I needed motivation now I am motivated by fear of it happening again. My Cholesterol has gone from 300 down to 120. It is all a combination of diet, exercise, for me meds, and self control. Everything in moderation now. I have a second chance but I hope that we can get this problem reduced to zero, wishful thinking I guess. Stay safe and listen to your doctor.

  4. We are all brothers, although I never met Rory I feel his family and friends pain. Yonkers lost someone that makes this community and NYC a better place to live. The brothers were there last year in our time of loss, rest in peace Pat, and I only hope that YFD was able to reciprocate some small measure of the support that we received last year. I saw alot of friends from FDNY that I would prefer to see under better circumstances, but it is always comforting to know that no matter where you are, you always have brothers.

    efdcapt115 and M' Ave like this

  5. This is disgusting how cities and towns in this area are doing things like this. We live in one of the richiest counties in the country. There is some serious mismanagement from our elected officials. White Plains in particular. I send my best wishes out to my brothers in White Plains. I hope that everything works out for you guys. Please keep us advised of any more demonstrations that are planned. I would be more than happy to come and support you.

    I agree, let us all know if you are planning any more rallys. It pays to put the spotlight on just how incompetant our elected officials actually are. Why is that they try to compare us to private industry in salary and pension, but do not compare their solutions to this same private industry.If you have to let people go, give an incentive to the most senior members to retire early. We are told this can't be done by these same elected officials. They are elected to lead but they will not be creative in the solutions. They fall back on the simplest solution, layoffs. It will obviously affect the members cut but also every other member. The remaining members' safety is placed at risk thereby endangering the public's safety. We all agree that these are tough times but we should not be made to suffer because of poor decision making or poor planning on the elected officials part. They need to talk to the guys that actually do the job to find ways to make any reductions. The best and brightest are not currently serving in elected office. Stay strong brothers.