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Everything posted by Scottyk107

  1. Were any Westchester or New York USAR teams asked to come down to Central Florida and give a hand for search and rescue? The several tornados missed where I am in Orlando by about 20 miles and the damage they are showing on TV is pretty bad; I-4 is closed down all the way up to 95 except for emergency vehicles.. Just wanted to know if they asked for any help from other states.
  2. same day they had the western beef fire a block away
  3. im a philly fan and were out so i guess i want to see the NFC win it so bears..but grossman is going to have a tough time against the indy secondary
  4. hope he recovered quick.l remeber not to straddle the hose.
  5. Why not just wait till you get to the scene? unless it is an MVA on a busy road or somthing of the sort you may lose time by pulling over just respond and don your gear when you get there.
  6. I think some day we will get blocked out by some type of encryption codes.
  7. haha yea that would be Mt. Vernon's aieral. Nothing you can do when a truck is on the fire scene though. You need to be able to put the truck in and out of pump or put the aieral up ect. If you start locking rigs on calls when you need somthing it would be a dash to find who has the keys. I guess you just have to hope the public has respect for the department and that you are protecting the streets they live on.
  8. Most people I have talked with say that a background/degree in finance, business, or managment sets you up better then say a degree in emergency medicine or fire science. It shows that you can manage and lead and take care of your departments $$ which we know is priority. So i have to agree with mbendel take a business class or 2.
  9. University of Central Florida Bachelor of Science; Business Adminstration Grad in 2009
  10. I just got the Road Mate 700 today but am having trouble picking up a signal. I live in down town Orlando so I dont think that location is my problem. I do how ever have tinted windows anyone know if this can effect the signal?
  11. I agree with x635 what if you are unfamilliar with a department and are called mutual aide I think you would want to know who to report to and who is there. A lot of departments also have macthing vehicles w/o a number you cannot tell. The recent fire in Greenville being a prefect example with multiple departments responding who do you report to at the fire scene any car looking like an IC if it was marked would make it eaiser.
  12. Happy Holidays from the 80+ degree heat in Florida. And thanks to all working these days. SEND ME SOME SNOW!!!! p.s. 9th
  13. thats a really cool site even give you the link to read more into the incidents
  14. I agree with bvfd it the roll ups stop before the roof may be some extra tools on top that can be loaded and unloaded with the boom. the Santa Ana sign also looks like it may flip down of can be removed...just a guess though
  15. Never really understood why there is no standard for the set up of getting water to a fire. In some places you see the fire to hydrant technique and in others the hydrant to fire; why and what are the reasons. I would think that you would want you appratus closer to the fire building so that you can use tools and also so that the MPO can have a view of the fire scene. In addition you can keep the pump pressure lower by having the knob closer to the pump. But on the other hand you have to carry more wider diamater hose. Any other pros or cons to either method?
  16. The engine has to be in the back though doesnt it? Ive never seen a rig where the engine wasnt up front or front to mid. it seems like in the back it would save room your right surprised no one have though of it
  17. like ems junkie said here in fla there are blue reflectors in the road to tell you where they are but that would work up north when they drop plows they would be ripped off. the flags would work on hydrants behind bushes and such and would be nice if they came off with the hyrdant cap or something of the sort
  18. are they packing or unloading the hose? never saw it go under the rig
  19. awesome truck just means twice as many calls and miles
  20. thats the back of an escort wagon the back glass i think is too short to be a full sized caprice just a guess
  21. here in florida we have had them since i could remember all the way back to 94'
  22. blue lights on the light bar?
  23. Is this in New Port Richie Florida? I used to live not even 5 minutes from there and never heard of the case.
  24. Nice looking! has the back end like the new 6 series beemer coupes