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Everything posted by 64FFMJK

  1. Just south of Stonykill RD. The intersection on 9D in the area of Lilly Logans and south of the Stewerts shop. Glad I had to go to WalMart and took 52 to 9 from Downstate tonight. How long were the SP doing reconstruction?
  2. Well hes not getting paid is he, so that makes it "unpaid" leave I wonder what this development will have on the departments insurance and any claims that are a result of this incident?
  3. they passed a law like this in the metro Denvere area a coupl years ago where my family lives and they have seen a dramatic reduction on stolen vehicles. That was the reason that was stated in the Denver law. leave your new BMW in the drive running for 3 minutes and see if its still there, If so postyour address I nee a new ride
  4. Nope NO Death Penalty in NY. :angry: I should know I am a state Corrections Officer. here is a link http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/state/ Dutchess County would have seeked the death penalty in the multiple homicide fire in Fishkill that I have had the joy of babysitting the murderers on a few occations :angry:
  5. Not at this time. They are doing a massive upgrade at the 911 center and I am unsure of what plans they have in store.
  6. Obviously you have nver worked in a dispatch or billing office for commercial EMS thats the bread and butter that pays the bills, 911 breakes even at best most of the time its a loss. Remember its billed by the mile, and how close to each other are the facilities in orange.
  7. I was working security for Paris Las Vegas Casino and it I still remember that morning I had just started my shift and had gotten on my bike and was starting patrol of the parking garage and I was on the top floor of the parking garage and two F15's flew down the Las Vegas strip just above the casinos, circled the airport and escorted a 747 back to the runways after take off, then constant fighter formations all day. There were several NYPD, FDNY and others in Las Vegas that week. I remeber them scrambeling to find ways home some by bus, some by train, some bought cars just to get back.
  8. Poughkeepsie Journal story http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/apps/pb...NEWS03/80818009
  9. as A NYS CO I can say that the only weapons issued to CO's on medical trips is the .38 special revolver. the officer in th back of he bus with the inmate will not be armed and the officer driving the DOC's van that follows is armed only with the revolver. there may be some exceptions for "special" inmates however they are extremly rare. and for those of you that hate taking inmates in an ambulance out of DOC's facilities, I hope you realize that we transport alot more with our own vans as long as they are cleared by the in facility nurces.
  10. great video. is there a listof county classes out there somewhere now that the county training web site is not being used?
  11. Actuly I know very well I worked the Dover BLS unit for over 1 year. It was usualy the best 12 hours of sleep a day I have ever gotten. yes we did havebusy times I will give you that but I also rember all to well that most of all the calls wer usualy handeled by the ALS unit that was sleeping in the other part of the Dover Station. I think that more Fire Districts need to look into staffing a BLS unit and get a ALS flycar based suport since this would grratly reduce costs in the first place or if they are going to contract out get over the fact you can't staff a BLS unit and sell the ambulance or allow a contracted staff to use the ambulance as part of the contract to offset the cost. I knoe that there is no quick or easy answer to this problem and that any transition is going to be difficult at best. I have heard rumers that Fairview, Roosevelt, Hyde Park, And Staatsburg are looking to combine the EMS portion of their Districts snce all of these districts are have ing manpower issues for EMS calls and 2 of the 4 have done away with their ambulances.
  12. I talked with the owners of NDP when I was dispatching there and when added up a ALS unit dedicated 24 / 7 with all expenses included was roughly $750,000 per year and that is almost a year old figure. I do know that starting VERY soon the NDP and Alamo merger will be complete. I still d not see why there is a need for dedicated units Highlands contract is writen so that they agancy has 9 minutes from time of disptch to get on scene. then it is $100 / minute taken from what the agancy gets paid per month. Then again with all of this said and having worked in commercial EMS for a few years I can say with out a doubt that ALS is overused if not blatantly ABUSED by both BLS vollie units that don't want to do a transport and by ER staff that want half their job done when the PT rolls in the door. I am not saying that there are too many ALS unts in an means there are far too few, I simply wonder why a ALS unit transports a BLS pcych PT when there are BLS units on the scene and so on.
  13. The only EMS contract that I have read about latly that was done properly was the Highland contrat. Why pay for someting or some one to sit around and sleep when most "dedicated" rigs have extremly low call volumes. Highland has a contract that states Moble Life I belive provides service has a time limit from time of dispatch to time on scene since this is what realy matters. one or two ALS units could cover Dover, Pawling, Union Vale, And Beekman combined how often are all these units out on calls at the same time? Realistic estimate of round the clock of a dedicated ALS unit Medic $20.00 / Hour = $480.00 EMT $11.50 / Hour = $276.00 $756.00 per day payroll for staff X 365 Days = $275,940.00 per year payroll for staff with out benifits 12 months per year = $22,995.00 per month now how much is EMS worth to a comunity???? remember this is only an estimate and does not include vehicles, fuel, benifits, or insurance. We all need and should demand round the clock ALS care no matter what fire district you live in.
  14. I like it so far I only wish there was a way to upload more than one photo at a time.
  15. photos taken on 5/18 on the Dutchess side of the river at Norrie Point. Befor the drill started this private bout swamped and started to leak oil
  16. did some one mention that this was taking place in a shipping lane
  17. Incident Command for the Dutchess county side
  18. always come through .com I like the layout of the page so that I can quickly see what has happened since my last visit with out going through all of the local alerts
  19. Drill was interesting. Unfortunately, no choppers involved. Unfortunately, very few "patients" showed up so there were lulls in activity as they recycled them. I took several photos and will post them later today.
  20. I am going to be at Norie Point for the drill and am taking my camera with me so I hope to have photos to share
  21. I agree full. Then again there is always "welcome to Wal Mart" as well. Depending o his time on the job they may simply force him to retire if he has his time in.
  22. I also listened to the call and it was stated that the carrer staff of one Dept were not permited to relocate to standby in Wappingers fire station The Dept had members on the scene. and staff on standby to cover both their district and offered to cover Wappingers as well from my understatnding.