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Posts posted by Oswegowind

  1. Deja vu?

    Yes, same address...the first one was deemed arson.

    Date: March 16, 2010

    Time: 2244

    Location: 199 North Broadway between Lamartine Av and entrance to Cottage Pl Gdns (Google One Click Map Link)

    Frequency: 484.7125 etc

    Units Operating: Engines: 308, 309, 303, 306, 312; Ladders: 71, 72; Rescue 1, Safety, Battalion 1

    Weather Conditions: Fair

    Description Of Incident: Working fire originating in bsmt of building

    Writer: O-Wind, oilflame

    Initial call, taken by yours truly, caller reports fire in the basement of the premise.

    2247hrs- E308 with smoke in the area.

    2248hrs- E-308 rpts 10-29.

    2250hrs- B-1 transmitting 10-30, req. 5th Engine (312), E-306 will be FAST. Safety req. PD.

    2254hrs- Relocation to cover station 9: Squad 11 and Tower Ladder 75

    2303hrs- B-1 reports fire in the basment main body of fire K/d req coned

  2. Date: March 16, 2010

    Time: 2244

    Location: 199 North Broadway between Lamartine Av and entrance to Cottage Pl Gdns (Google One Click Map Link)

    Frequency: 484.7125 etc

    Units Operating: Engines: 308, 309, 303, 306, 312; Ladders: 71, 72; Rescue 1, Safety, Battalion 1

    Weather Conditions: Fair

    Description Of Incident: Working fire originating in bsmt of building

    Writer: O-Wind, oilflame

    Initial call, taken by yours truly, caller reports fire in the basement of the premise.

    2247hrs- E308 with smoke in the area.

    2248hrs- E-308 rpts 10-29.

    2250hrs- B-1 transmitting 10-30, req. 5th Engine (312), E-306 will be FAST. Safety req. PD.

    2254hrs- Relocation to cover station 9: Squad 11 and Tower Ladder 75

    2303hrs- B-1 reports fire in the basment main body of fire K/d req coned

  3. Thanks Seth, Thanks Jerome.

    B&H has a great selection but didn't have it anyway.

    I found a swing away model at: http://www.alpineastro.com/digital_photography/digital_photography.htm#Micro%20Stage

    It enables most any point and shoot to be mounted on a spotting scope or telescope and simply be swung in and out of place quickly.

    Thanks again guys

    Can you post some pictures that were taken using the scope? I would like to see how they come out. Each time we have those meteor showers I try to find a dark enough location to set up a long-long open frame shot, however there are too many lamp posts and house lights in the area. I have to figure out a good travel location and plan better.

  4. Why do you think that YOU are paying for the new truck? The fire department has nothing to do with the contracts of village workers either. Buchanan Engine Company #1, Inc. is an independant fire company, not a fire district. It has an annual contract with the village to provide fire protection. The department buys and owns the apparatus, and owns the property and building which we operate from. The new truck is being paid for by Buchanan Engine Company, not the Village of Buchanan or it's residents.

    You took one part of my comment, adjusted it to serve your opportunity to criticize my comment and tried to make it look as though I am 100% against purchasing new equipment. I do and have paid taxes for some time. Part of that money is paid to the Buchanan FD by the village. And as it was years ago when some members thought it prudent to request adding a ladder truck to the fleet, it was brought to the village board meetings and open to public discussion. I said I can see both sides of the argument, replacement of a 35 year old piece of equipment may be necessary. I also support the fact that the employees of the village need a new contract. The only reason I cited the priority being the contracts of workers is that both Montrose and Peekskill have Rescue apparatus and the current piece is still in service. I have done nothing but support the fire department my entire life as a village resident, whether donating monies, buying raffle tickets, providing pictures that I have taken in my own personal time, etc. I am not a member of the fire department but did volunteer in my community for years. Now I have my own priorities and work responsibilities that make it virtually impossible for me to commit to being a member. As well, I have to say, I haven't been asked either. And I know that manpower to calls is a serious issue in our community. This is a public website, you should be careful saying that the village of Buchanan and its residents don't foot the bill, cause ultimately they do. They do when they pay their taxes, and they do when they donate money, and the do when they buy raffle tickets. Money to buy new appartus and equipment doesn't grow on a tree behind the firehouse.

    ny10570 likes this

  5. This is what happens when you live somewhere but work somewhere else. I haven't been to any village board meetings in the past year. I didn't even know I was paying for a new Rescue truck. The bread van is a classic and seems to run just fine, in fact saw Mr. Skelly driving it to a call today. I believe he must live in that rig cause he is the only one I ever see in the driver's seat! Although, I believe that the expired contracts with village workers should have been the priority, I can understand replacing a 1975 vehicle. I am sure some members may be torn on that issue as well.

  6. Not so used to the 4:30pm calls for a building fire...Got a little nuts for a few. We actually had an extra dispatcher in the 911 center because of a regular schedule overlap. FD got there quick, so did PD cars that were in the area and saw the fire. Great job containing it, those buildings might as well be attached because they are about 2-3 feet separated but usually it isn't somewhere you wanna go in between. Resources were requested quickly and efficiently, and we utilized the entire 3rd pct for street closures and crowd control as well as 1 2nd pct car. We had been busy lately in the evening, however it wasn't so bad after the fire was at a holding pattern, the usual callers stayed off the phones (amazingly!). Glad that no one got hurt. Although I was on PD 2, I was using the County M/A Trunked Radio to listen to the Fireground. When they resumed interior ops, I heard them talking about 3 feet of water in apts on the top floor and the necessity to drain it. I have never seen this condition, but can imagine that would be one of the top reasons buildings collapse during fire. 3 feet is a small pool, unless it is in a 100 x 100 OMD's top floor no? I'm actually not sure of the dimensions of the building, but it seems it could be at least 75 x 75. Like I said, Good job to both departments and thanks for the help with the M/A 60. Happy Birthday Chief! And now, I gotta get going, taking my son Matt to see the YFD SOD stuff.

    BFD1054 and x635 like this

  7. In reply to 192:

    Well, I cannot find any documentation regarding an activation on the Ludlow/Stanley shooting incident. Doesn't mean it didn't go off.......Did you see the car involved came back to our neck of the woods? Red Mill Rd (???)

    In reply to NY:

    So far, the incidents that I have been present for, the system goes off before we get any calls. Only a few seconds though. Not significant that I have noticed.


  8. This is the same person that caused fordyce.org to shut down. He caused a lot of problems on there and used to claim he was with SCPD and apparently hes been doing more than stealing radios. From what others have said he's been jamming public safety frequencies, setting off pagers, sirens, opening building doors at vac's and fd's and activating traffic signals. Hopefully the courts don't just give him a slap on the wrist.

    Wow, Ballsy!

  9. Are there things that resemble gunshot that trigger the system? Things like backfires from vehicles, or fireworks?

    Yes, it is supposed to be able to differentiate between the sounds it picks up. Other things like metal construction plates being placed are a prime suspect in activating the system...hmmmm M29? From what I learned through research and the minimal education that the department has provided the dispatchers with and a "familiarity" program I got to go to without departmental knowledge is that it learns as it goes. Sort of "smart" technology.

    ShotSpotter Website Link

    I believe the CO of the Communications Division is the one "learning" the system for more accurate indications and sound evaluation. So far, we have gotten indications for "single gun shot", "firecracker", "multiple gunshots" (usually a particular helicopter, which will remain nameless)...

    In fact, I believe that the helicopter will be asked in the near future if they could enter "Blue Thunder" mode...that is just rumor of course!

  10. I think that there is one just over the boarder in nearby Bronxville. Could it be that Chief Dunn might be an "Expresso Efficianto"? (Its not your every day Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts)

    No, really, I know where it is, my wife and I go there when we are down that way. She used to live around the corner from it. It was a joke. Just like Red Alert. Now that is a funny!

  11. And about the "Mr Coffee machine" - that's the TIC charger. We prefer the coffee from "Slave to the Grind." lol

    "slave to the Grind"? When did we get one of those in Yonkers?

    Glad we got the GPS mapping feature in the fire apparatus....lmao

    Oh, and they do look pretty darn sharp...

  12. Date: 3/5/2010

    Time: 1817

    Location: 2 Spruce St AKA Rear of 53 Cliff St (Google Map Link)

    Frequency: YPD 1 and 2

    Units Operating: YPD Pct 3 and ESU, Empress EMS

    Weather Conditions: Fair

    Description Of Incident: Shots Fired, subject with GSW

    Reporters: Shotspotter System, Local Pizzeria

    Writer: O-Wind

    This evening at around 6:17pm the Yonkers PD responded to a Shot Spotter reported incident of a single gunshot fired in the area of 2 Spruce St. EMS was also dispatched as calls rang in indicating that there was a victim of the alleged shooting. Victim was reportedly brought to Jacobi hospital, no arrests have been made.

  13. For the most part this winter when the computer bell rang it was not anything real. However, the past few days as the weather has warmed up, we have gotten actual incidents. 3 times in the last 2 days we have gotten an alert prior to calls from the public and shots have been confirmed. So, I guess it works after all. Although, it is annoying when those guys from aviation fly across The Hill and set off the sensors...

  14. I love this thing! Just a fabulous law enforcement resource for a high crime community like mt vernon. I'd love to see the system integrated into a well designed network of servo mounted cameras so that security cameras would automatically turn to view the location of gunfire as it occurs, though I understand about budgetary constraints.

    Now, if we could work on getting similar systems in place in the other high crime areas like Yonkers, New Rochelle, White Plains, Peekskill, or New York City.

    I think there's a real potential that this kind of thing might pay for itself in human life as well as manpower over time.

    Actually, there are cameras on these "devices"...when the "shot-spotter" detects potential gun fire, it gives us an immediate location using mathematics and such, activates the cameras, and we are able to listen to the "shot" to determine if it is actually a gun shot or something with a similar sound. The program also allows the user to view the sound in "data" format. Gun shots have a very high peak of sound and in a very short time period, fireworks are close but are usually not as loud and have a longer time period of infliction. Yonkers tested a few on 12/23 and we are just waiting to go live. Personally, I look forward to using this new tool. The company says it doesn't affect arrests on gun violence, me and the boys from the 3rd plan to change that.......

  15. Date: 12/24/2009

    Time: 2131

    Location: 87 Locust Hill Av, bet Cromwell Pl and Lafayette Pl (Google Map Link-still MFY exclusive)

    Frequency: Tones: 46.50, Ops: 484.7125, Fireground: YFD 1

    Units Operating: Eng: 306, 309, 308, 304; Lad: 71, 72, Batt: 1, Rescue 1 and Safety Battalion

    Weather Conditions: Clear and damn cold!

    Description Of Incident: Activated Fire Alarm in OMD, smoke and water flow on 4th floor, Fire in apt.

    Reporters: ADT Alarm Systems

    Writer: O-Wind

    Note: Not a major structure fire, just a small room and contents but interesting case.

    Size Up: 5 Story OMD, Ordinary Construction.

    2131: ADT called in fire alarm.

    2132: Units responding from previous alarm blocks away.

    2134: E306 on scene checking

    2142: Units advise on FG1 that they have a water flow alarm and sprinkler activation with smoke emitting from apt on

    the 4th floor. Forcing entry.

    2144: B1 advises that this is a 10-29 (structure fire) and that sprinklers have placed the fire under control,

    search was negative for occupant.

    2149: Fire is out, holding all co's checking for extension, picking up, requests Fire Investigation Unit (Car 6).

    2209: Co's being released when ready to return.

    2218: YPD requested to scene due to unsecure fire apartment.

    DOC22 likes this

  16. I used to work on the ambulance...seems like ages ago...lol

    We called the bird to Yonkers once in a while...never waited with a patient we could move by ground though! A few instances I can think of are an extended extrication job on the BRP in Garth Woods, north of Harney Rd...Helo had to wait on the ground for a bit too, extrication job on warburton av recently...flight medics jumped in bus to help empress to St. John's since victim went into cardiac arrest upon arrival at LZ (JFK Marina)...and I recently made the call sitting at my desk once again (Warburton too...put em on and confirmed their response) for the job on the Bronx River Parkway with the overturned auto in the water at Woodlawn because we were calling for divers, I thought it may be needed...wasn't used as far as I know though. There are times, but they are few and far between...however, no one should ever INCREASE transport time just because they called the helo. If it looks like a tough job and you think it is appropriate, it may be...but things may change and you have to adjust your game plan in the middle of the game sometimes! Leaving for the hospital because they are 5 min away and you are 10-15 away from the H is a good idea. 5 min eta means til they are overhead, then they have to land, cool off, take over pt care, load, and take off...5 min may equal the same 15 it took you!

    All I ask is that everyone uses their noggin! And if you mess up, learn from it!

  17. I'm confused...did they un-arrest him? Because it looks like everyone goes their separate ways in the end...also looks like they pulled over...wouldn't that be yielding? I must be missing something, but it looks like people just can't get along which is no surprise and to do this in the company of everyday people was completely wrong! The officer should have followed the ambulance to the hospital and let them get rid of the patient, emergency or not, and then addressed the condition. Sorry Chris and JCESU, but I think it was completely unprofessional, whether it was just to confront them for not yielding earlier or not, and not just on the police officers. I have a feeling if the ems personnel had remained in the vehicle and accepted whatever summons or lecture the OHP officer deemed necessary that it could have gone smoother. And if the EMS personnel disagreed with the incident they could have brought it to a supervisor and gone to see a police supervisor and straightened it out later. There are way too many EGO's out there, and not enough people that have the ability to walk away. Hopefully this is the last time I see something like this!