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Posts posted by Oswegowind

  1. Although I appreciate the fact that I am thought of now and again, I have to pass on commenting about this. I still show up to work and do my job as well as I ever did and don't plan to change that, I have stayed away from EMTBravo for a long time and don't feel like entertaining a political debate. I ask that those involved fight their own battle and remember that the dispatchers are people with families, lives, and homes too.


    Kris Mason

    Public Safety Dispatcher, Yonkers NY

  2. Did we find out what those resources are yet? This thread became a soap opera.

    I speak regularly with the Liberty Lines (BeeLine) radio room and have a good working relationship with Mario and Mike. I have never had a problem getting resources. And I hope that continues even when other people call them or speak to them in an unprofessional manner. I don't know what their corporate policy is on hiring driver's for emergency situations, however I know they have mechanics on duty 24 hours (unless recently changed) at the Yonkers facility and they are all qualified drivers.

    Additionally, I believe the YFD has a bus (I have pics) kept at Nepp Valley. Was this ever considered to be requested? If unable to get a BeeLine bus, what is the back fall for rehab and shelter? There are a number of Volunteer FD's that also have "busses". As well there are at least 3 EMS agencies with "rehab" units.

    IC's can get overwhelmed at major incidents, and are only as good as the people working under them. If there isn't someone who cares a little more to have knowledge about what resources are available and can remind the IC of said, then they aren't ever going to be called in. I wonder how many people around the County can name all available resources of every department in the County and within 30 miles. Maybe a handfull, but don't ask them because they are know it all buffs... (insert sarcasm here).

  3. The "G" in 3G and 4G stands for "generation". It is the operating system that the devices are capable of handling and also relates to real time location generating information. Our old nextels and such were 1st generation phones. Then the networks and the devices becaming more intense and so on. 3G and 4G have nothing to do with cell tower infrastructure. It has all to do with the OS in the phones and their capabilities as technology advances. For instance, on a 1G or 2G device, there is no GPS info unless downloaded via upgrade. 3G GPS is pretty good, however the newer devices aka 4G the GPS is pretty much dead on. The networks are basically all the same except some minor differences. The device is what is important. The android OS is cool, however I use blackberry and have never had a problem with RIM and all their capabilities. It basically comes down to "what are you going to use it for?" If you wants games and internet, integrated calendars such as google and google/connect, IM such as BBM or "facetime", social media integration, gps mapping and directions, then a smart phone is for you. If you just wanna text and talk, don't waste the money on the extra $15 - $30 a month for a data package.

  4. Date: 10-11-10

    Time: 1725

    Location: 135 Hawthorne Av

    Frequency: 484.7125

    Units Operating: Engines: 303, 304, 306, 308, 309, 312; Ladders: 71, 74, 72; Rescue 1, B1 and B2, Fire Investigator (car 6), MSU1, etc...

    Weather Conditions: Clear

    Description Of Incident: Fire in OMD, #4 floor, in the walls, 2 alarms

    Reporters: Resident

    Writer: O-Wind (OTA)

    1730 - 1 L/S/O (5 lengths), needs a ladder co to open up.

    1730 - E308 designated as FAST.

    1730 - Opening up a bathroom wall on 4th floor, hot to touch.

    1730 - All hands.

    1732 - 2nd alarm.

    1747 - Fire out.

  5. Exactly what does "open book" mean now-a-days? With the advent of that new thing from Al Gore's desk called the internet, open book to me takes on a whole new meaning. In fact, more often than not, when someone needs something looked up, well they call the radio room...lol So asking someone where an answer might be, corroborating to get the correct info, researching to get the correct answers, in my book this is not cheating...it is using the world as an "open book".

    helicopper likes this

  6. Since we can trust people to go out boating and be safe, know where they are, how to get home...etc. Geez, this summer alone the Yonkers PD Marine Unit responded to enough jet skiers who ran out of fuel incidents... Sorry, but Lex must be part of river keeper, the same organization that wants to shut down the nuclear power plant on the Hudson. Oh wait, there is a nuclear power plant on the Hudson... Besides that, how many times do we see inexperienced persons do things once in a while that get them and others hurt or in trouble. Oh, and when they stop you and ask to come aboard, you have the right to get their info and research what they do and see if you were violated.

  7. 2nd or 3rd? What about the 1st due? Given the frequency of false alarms, are the risks of RLS outweighed by the potential of an actual incident?

    Look at (most) law enforcement agencies. No responding units use RLS. The potential of a legitimate alarm is statistically insignificant (hypothesis here) when compared to sending 2, 3, 4+ units with RLS, creating a risk of accidents/incidents to the general public and to ourselves.

    Dude, I used to get killed by older members at our old VAC when I ran night crew and drove to calls without using the RLS! They would always quip about how the call at a certain "Inn" was an emergency and the RLS would get us there faster...at 3am...lolz!

  8. Maybe you should have read my whole post?

    I'm sorry, but I learned anything after "but" is b.s. If you didn't mean anything by it, don't post it. Not just people that work in emergency services read this site. I understand what you are saying, but any average person reads the first line of a advertisement or story and that is all. If you don't believe me, look at all the problems with home loans with APR where people didn't read their whole contract. Just the part that got their attention.

  9. It's not a flat $50 per year per member and not everyone qualifies. Members qualify if they incurred out of pocket expenses from going out of network.

    This is going around at work too. I have had to point out numerous times to people that UNLESS YOU WENT OUT OF NETWORK AND PAID OUT OF POCKET YOU DON'T QUALIFY! Passing around of letters of class action lawsuits is super, as long as you make sure people understand it! If you didn't receive a form in the mail to you yourself, you aren't a part. That is the joy of these things, they are researched and the people affected directly are contacted, it is not a word of mouth event. I've gotten at least 3 class action lawsuits over the past 8 years, all because I was qualified and chosen to be a part of the lawsuit. I haven't ever gotten one word of mouth.

    Read the last line of "A", OON stands for OUT OF NETWORK. Also defines that you had "submitted claims"...

    So if you didn't submit a claim for out of pocket expenses for out of network issues, exactly how do you qualify.

    If you can't live without the $50 a year, that you may not be entitled to, and get it, good for you and thanks from me personally because they will just raise our rates over the next few years to cover their loss. Everything that is done comes back around.

    This Recognized Loss amount is based on the

    average amount that more than 90% of United HealthCare’s healthcare plan members who submitted claims for Covered OON benefits received in

    reductions, in total, over a one-year period.

  10. Some of the replies on here are just personal rants. We've gotten the various calls for people taking pictures of bridges, etc. I don't recall us ever catching anyone in the act, but none of those bridges have been touched, so maybe they weren't photographing the bridges. However, we send someone to investigate. Investigation is not apprehension nor prosecution, it is a simple inquiry and if the preliminary investigation warrants further, those trained professionals will do so. I don't personally feel that a picture of an aircraft can be used for anything in particular, what significance does it have? What can be learned form a picture of the plane that you can't find on the corporate website, etc. It doesn't exactly make any sense. Now, in Formula 1 racing, a picture could lead one team to understand the technological developments of another team. This leads to better competition. But a picture or a fire apparatus, police car, or an airplane is a picture. I don't think they are nearly the same as pictures of a compound, like Indian Point. This is just high profile advertising to encourage people to feel the government is doing all it can do to prevent incidents from happening.

    Oh, and why would a private organization called fire bell or whatever have you, develop its own shields? That is just ridiculous, there is zero authority behind it, and displaying it is falsifying what you truly are. It doesn't carry any weight what-so-ever. Maybe that is why the person was arrested, maybe they were

    misrepresenting themselves as some authority and wouldn't back down.

    As for the government seizing cameras and film (or digital images), it is nothing new. My mother went to Hawaii on her honeymoon back in the 70's. She took some photos of some navy equipment until they confiscated her camera. Evidently it was new technology that must've been secret. That is a different story!

    Oh and please stop with the whole "prayer mat" theory. These people (terrorists) are trained to fit in. I highly doubt that they are going to make it obvious that they are fanatics, as well, I don't think they're gonna drop and prayer while on assignment, that's just stupid. It is not only muslims that have blown things up ya know.

  11. Seth, I understand your issue with the logistics and timely requests for important on scene necessities. As most know, I work as a dispatcher in Yonkers. Beyond the standing orders that we have assigned for individual codes such as a confirmed structure fire (signal 10-30) and the upgrade of alarms, a good dispatcher is one who can interact with the incident commander well and short of do his job, assist as best as possible because they are not caught up in the moment at the scene. I have never worked at 60 control, and do not know the immediate concerns or "job" as it may be. However, there have been numerous times in my career that I have "poked" the IC while responding or at scene in order to get an additional engine for FAST or supply or to upgrade the original call coding due to "what we hear" on the fireground. Not for nothing, an IC may pull up to a pile of poop and have to act quickly, and may become overwhelmed. Sometimes, a little help is needed. Anytime I am working and hear what sounds to be a legit job, I start out EMS immediately. Why wait, the first co. could get there and pull out a surviving burn victim or recently downed unconscious party. Should they have to wait another 8-25 minutes for the ambulance to get there? Or, the first co. could get there and someone get injured immediately due to the nature of the condition. Remember, we are all on the same team, everyone has a job to do and everyone should try to excel at doing theirs!

  12. Today a 20 year old male was arrested in connection with a suspicious fire this morning on Widmer Rd in the town of Wappingers. Detectives have learned he is responsible for a fire a few weeks earlier in a occupied home in East Fishkill. The residents were home sleeping at the time.

    I know the family from East Fishkill and am thankful that they are okay and that this person has been arrested for these heinous crimes. Good job to the detectives investigating the events.

    TAPSJ likes this

  13. Date: 6/27/10

    Time: 1818

    Location: Bronx River Parkway Northbound, 100 yards south of Yonkers Av

    Frequency: WCPD, YPD, YFD, Empress

    Units Operating: WCPD B1, Aviation, YPD 2pct, ESU; YFD E313, Sq11, L73, R1, Safety and Batt. 2, Empress EMS

    Weather Conditions:

    Description Of Incident: MVA with auto overturned into the Bronx River


    Writer: O-Wind

    Few calls about MVA on the BRP NB, caller advises a car is overturned in the Bronx River itself and occupants are still inside the auto.

    1825: WCPD units assisting occupants out of auto

  14. Raz, there was also another solution that was brought up years ago that never came to implementation. When I rode for Peekskill and Cortlandt I suggested a regional task force for EMT coverage that centered around an EMT volunteer being assigned to each CRP medic fly car. This would've helped a little, as I used to ride with a couple medics on my days off and rode in numerous BLS calls in Mohegan's "bus" as a courtesy. There were too many people who were against it becoming a reality...no one wanted to "join forces" so to say.

    It is usually difficult to get everyone to agree that there is an actual problem and then everyone has their own solution...maybe the day will come when the VACs covered by CRP can merge and provide better service to the taxpayers either through the availability of personnel or hiring staffing together...


    This is simple economics 101. If I am giving away 40% of my calls I am not making money on these calls.

    So I contract for $400.00 a day for coverage and bill an average $400.00 a call, they are making 80% instead of 60% even for 5 calls a day.

    At 5 calls a day after the first call its a profit of $1600 before expenses, not a bad days pay for sitting back. Who will lay me odds that the poor VAC will all so solicit funds in the form of donations. All this and they give their members a $400.00 a month LOSAP.

    It will probably be promoted as its helping the public, but they are also helping themselves more

    I'm sorry, but do you really think the members of the LMFDVAC are profiteering by providing a full crew to respond to emergencies when they were failing to do so before. Do you really think that this is what their agenda is, REALLY? An EMS Ponzi scheme? Okay, but thanks anyway.

  16. Empress EMTs and Paramedics are part of the IAEP (Local R2-20). I don't know what the schedule of benefits are although they get their birthday as a floating holiday which is kind of cool! Great place to get good experience and see some action. I worked there for a few years earlier this decade. Has its ups and downs as anywhere does. They provide both emergent and non emergent transportation like any ambulance company and are the exclusive 911 provider for the City of Yonkers. They also have contracts with a few other municipalities to provide either EMTs or Paramedics, i.e. Pelham, Yorktown, Peekskill, Hawthorne, etc. It is a great stepping stone as a lot of us that started there work elsewhere in emergency services now. There are a number of people who have been there for a while and are great to learn from, even if they seem old and bitter...sorry 911...lol

  17. OK, wiseguy, what does the contract say besides "Empress"? B) When does it start? When does it end? Is it a new contract or the existing one? Perhaps there's a new one in the offing that is causing everyone to speculate.

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend too!

    January 2k9 to Dec. 31 2k11...and may be renewed for 2 additional 1 year terms by the city. Unless Empress chooses to leave with 6 months written notice.

  18. A. T/O had this coming...since they spent how much on a new building, hired their own dispatchers, just to split hairs with the Village...so if it is true, their Police Chief is to blame! /end rant

    B. The Journal News has been sinking to severe levels, recently they printed a story about a minor car accident in Yonkers (well web printed)...they didn't get all the info they thought that they were entitled too so they deemed it a police cover up and called out the Lt. they spoke to for info. What tools! /end 2nd rant