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Everything posted by RescueKujo

  1. All I know is it's not my Padres their bullpen went in the tank!!
  2. Congrats Oswego, And as Seth stated, thanks for being a positive contributor to the forums.
  3. I'd love to find out...
  4. I feel your guys' pain. Luckily, our County EMS Agency has enacted a protocol as to what constitutes the useage of 9-1-1 by an ER. It must be a Trauma Transfer or if in the opinion of the ER physician, the patient will suffer if not transported to another facility due to hospital capabilities or such (STEMI, ortho injury that the hospital cannot handle, surgical case). When we get a transport I'm not sure about, I pass it on to our supervisor, who will research it. We have one of those here, too. They do EMD, but send ALS and an engine on everything. So here we are, sending medics on stubbed toes, finger lacerations, etc. What a waste of resources.
  5. After reading that times article, I am speechless. The Vulcans get wind of promotions THEN start screaming?? RWC130 said it best, this Stinks like a Port-a-John on a Hot August afternoon. :angry: :angry:
  6. ckroll, I want to commend you on a well thought out and written post. It does a great job pointing out what our elected politicians seem to have forgotten their job is for their constituents.
  7. I don't know why the City of Charleston feels that after only 6 weeks they have to release these tapes. The investigation is still ongoing, and you now have families and fellow firefighters whose wounds have reopened, because the city didn't give them enough time to heal. How about having some respect for people's feelings??
  8. Thank you, sir! I try my best.
  9. Bababoosky, You kind of hit the nail on the head about inability to pay. Insurance companies end up footing the bill as charges are inflated to recoup the costs of people unable to pay. But as we all know, insurance companies will only pay a certain percentage. So who ends up paying for this? You and I, the taxpayers. You cannot staff hsopitals to the worst case scenerio. Make sure everyone has some training in the specialities, and in a disaster everyone handles everything (trauma, pediatrics, burns) because the specialty hospitals are going to be overrun with patients.
  10. He made this comment, but he and Congress sat on their hands while the oil companies basically have raped us for record profits while raising gas prices through the roof? How about the economic impact of that? People are not taking vacations, or are staying closer to home and not staying at hotels, eating dinner out, etc, because their money is filling the tank. I would not have a problem if this was just the cost of doing business, as the oil companies claim. But with record profits in the $400 billion range, I really find it hard to believe that. I understand capitalism, but don't rape the public and other businesses in getting your profits.
  11. On another board I belong to, a member found an interview John did in 2001. He started at ERTL in 1974, and joined Corgi in 1999 as VP and General Manager of Corgi Classics USA. I'm even more interested with this information, but will withhold judgement until after the new year, as it has been explained before that releases are planned many months in advance. So this team should not have any say in what comes out until next year.
  12. I wonder where the citizens served by MLK will go now? And how this will impact LAFD and the contracted private ambulance companies in that part of LA. Will it extend their transport times going to another receiving hospital? I hope County Health planned for this, so response times don't take a hit, lest someone sue the county over that
  13. Date:08/10/2007 Time:1700 Location: Bastrop Louisiana Departments: Description: SWAT Standoff after 2 Bastrop LA police officers killed. Moorehouse Parish Sheriff has confirmed the deaths. Story is still developing. Links: Writer: RescueKujo
  14. I'm intrigued by John's comment how the collector's drive the market. It'll be interesting to see where this will lead....
  15. Or, if you still are in contact with those patients, you could ask them to go to the meeting. Nothing sounds better than someone telling their own story of survival.
  16. Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you regarding ALS level of service. While it is shown that most calls can be handled by BLS level service, ALS is now the standard of care throughout the country for EMS systems.
  17. I agree with what's been posted, major traumatic injuries requiring surgery, and no police involvement?? This smells as bad as that financial mess with the Vollies in the Bronx
  18. gotta love those old Aero Chiefs...
  19. Seth, It seems to me that either way the fund gets $100, and if we go with plan "B" there's a chance for a bigger donation. So I feel plan "B" is the way to go. Duane
  20. Seth, We're having the same type of problem regarding fire protection. The County Board of Supervisors state they do not have to provide protection as it is not stated on the county charter. So, for some residents in the unicorporated areas, a delapilated engine of 1950's-1960's era and maybe 5 volunteers are it. And don't even get me started on EMS coverage for those people.
  21. Well, since paramedic service started in the United States in 1969, that would make it 38 years....I don't know when it was started in that area
  22. When will the politicians realize that to fund the service is cheaper in the long run. The first lawsuit that is won will probably cost much more than the EMS budget. Way to take care of your constituents.
  23. But the Battalion Chief that ordered them to the parade was a man. This is a developing story here, I'm sure more will come out tomorrow.
  24. And here all this time I thought the most common was John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt