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Posts posted by Reliance

    1. Problem is you don't just answer the phone. I have been a FD dispatcher for 25+ years. I answer a four line phone. I handle 5 different radios.. After hours I also handle Public Works & ANIMAL CONTROL CALLS. You also have to enter data in the computer for the call as 24 of the 27 depts. I look after have text messaging besides the paging system. Also when the call is done forms are filled out and emailed to the department at the end of the call. Plus you have to have some experience in knowing the areas that are covered. We have some alarm companies that monitor buildings and they don't usually know or want to tell you the department that covers that area so you have to know or have knowledge of the area. The coverage area is about 1300 square miles or about 4000 square kilometers.
    AFS1970 likes this

  1. In the 5th picture, on the drivers side, there is a large drum with a pump and hose attached. Is that to spray Vaseline on the rig to get out?

    By the way Boston has a station (not sure of the number) that is a landmark and they can't modify it. It stations a ladder and engine that have to be custom made due to the inability to modify the bays. Some times you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Can't get a smaller engine and can't modify the building. Get out the Crisco and hope for the best.

    It think that is Engine 33 on Boyleston Street not far from Fenway Park