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Everything posted by firecapt32

  1. Chris I believe there are certin things that have to be met to qualify, dont hold me to it , but i believe it includes a burn building--a tower- water flow - classrooms - things like that. The tower has to be structurly sound things along that line. but again not 100%sure
  2. just letting you know that there may be problems getting a FI or a SFI to teach at a non approved training site. Not saying it cant be done ,in fact it should be done ,and has been suggested to let FI's teach at any facility as long as it gets county approval. If you need help you know where to find me.
  3. also in the reguards to FF1 FF2 I believe to get NYS certificiation and credit you need to have a County or State Instructor. You can teach FF1 and give them a local department certificiate but it is not going to be on any ones State Certifications and therefor cant be used to take any othe State courses that require FF1 as a prerequsite like Safety/survival,FAST,EVOC ect. just a point of interest.
  4. Congratulations to Tarrytown for obtaining this grant. We might look at Tarrytown as a little village along the Hudson BUT if we Look at Tarrytown in depth. 1-major railroad into and out of NYC 2-major roadway 87--287-- and the TZB 3-aquaduct system runs through the Village for NYC water system 4-the Hudson river 5-national political buildings--Nigerian Embassy 6-religious assemblies including Rev SunYoun Moon I am sure there are other towns and villages that are in the same situation, I am just g lad Tarrytown was finally able to get some additional money.
  5. Doesn't Tarrytown has a fleet made up almost entirley of E-Ones? No there are various apparatus within the village.
  6. Now that we are dealing with this--- dosent the Greenburgh money get split and go to the individual companies as well as the Village?? I belive so. The village which by the way just built not one but two new fire stations---just what the department wanted--over the objections of a lot of tax payers is finally realizing that they have an obligiation to the tax payers. One more thing if the Village was prudent and wise they would have looked into grant money but they havent. Lots to say on both side of the issue.
  7. This still might be a new episode of"Who's the Boss" or "Charles in Charge" Can the fire department just have cart blanch on anything they want?? or is there a responsibility to the public to get the best at the best cost?? I am sure there are good intentions on both sides, and as long as the safety of the firefighters and the public are not in danger---buy the best with what you have. Just a note-- there are at least members of the Tarrytown Board of Trustees that have affiliation/and or belong to the Fire Department. So it's not like they are doing this with their eyes shut.
  8. Village officials look at things with dollar signs in their eyes and tax increases are on everyones mind. The firefighters might be looking for "A" type of apparatus as stated inthe article. who is right?? If the Village can buy a front line piece of apparatus and save tax dollars so be it. Sometimes the firefighters can't always have all the toys they want, or at least the most expensive toys. Hey at least the village said they woudl buy a new fire apparatus-- they could have said no and kept Riverside hose another 4 or 5 years.
  9. Is that Mauro on the turn table or the guy with his hands in his pocket!!!
  10. Hudson There wil be a few of us attending FDIC and I will make sure that that we sit in on his session.
  11. Hudson sounds like you are one step closer--slow and steady wins the race so to speak.
  12. Billy we should make apout about firefighters stories. like the show "The Naked city" there are 8 million stories. All of them funny some even true. This guy in Boston need to get a life. Next thing you know they will be looking into how much firefighters make in their retirment
  13. This one is just too good to pass up. We were vertualy across the street from an A&P at one time the Chief decided that we should send one man to the store for lunch. ok not a bad idea(maybe) so he made an order that the "light duty" man would go. hmmm can you see the problems coming cant you, It seemed that the "light duty" firefighter was having a "problem" with the department with his status, haveing said that the Chief ordered him to go to the store. did I mention that he was ordred to WALK to the store?? he was on light duty because of a back injury, so he called the police and asked about crossing the street in the middle of the block---we all know what the response was. So the firefighter in question walked all the way up to the cornor crossed the street did the shopping walked allthe way back but because the lunch was "kinda" heavy he took a shopping cart out of the store area. walked all the way back up to the cornor then all the way to the station. got the lunch back to the station around 1:30 in the afternoon. it gets better he left the shopping cart on the ramp and then called the police to report it!!! The look on the chief face was pricless when the officer came to take statements. cant fool fighters for long I should write a book but no one would believe it--except maybe you guys and dont for get we get to park on departmental property for free!!
  14. Dep Raftery _I do like the 20 min rule. You are hitting the nail right on the head-- IC's should look around at their manpower or lack there of and make rapid decisions to the handleing of the situation. Take a look at how many "interior firefighters" are there and how long it took them to get there. If you dont see enough hmmm time to call more manpower.How do you figure that out?? Simple- well not so simple-but here something to think about- 2story house fire- flames showing. basic FF says one line to the fire one line backs up the first or at least protects the means of egress. How many FF's?? 3 on each line?? ok that 6 and officer that 7, IC thats 8, pump operator up to 9 now ,opps lets not forget search and rescue hmm at least 2 more ,seems like 11 to me. Lets protect our own men with a RIT 2-3 more thats 14 and we havent laddered the building yet. Well you get the idea ,if you cant produce these numbers you better be on the lookout for mutual aid. Can lines be stretched and operated witih les the three?? Can you get away with only one line?? Can things wait?? That my firefighting friends is up to the Incident Commanders and they had better be up to the task of Commanding. Just my thoughts on the situation
  15. Is bigger really better?? One can only hope that their training is as good as the apparatus looks.
  16. Even if they arent subject to FOIL, if a Fire comppany takes money from any one they had better keep a record of the funds.
  17. Congratulation Chris--- your training and dedication has paid off. Not to mention being in the right place at the right time. You say any one would have done the same BUT you did it. A family is safe tonight because of your actions. I am sure your whole family is proud of the actions that you took today. Again congratulations on a herotic act
  18. My thoughts on the subject--every department should sit wiith the neighboring departments and work out a plan,on what to send and what is expected upon arrival. 60 control should be aware of this and act accordingly. If the incident is prolonged Control should have the list complete to at least a fourth alarm. A community calling on its neighbor for help with a fire should expect at least 5 to 6 interior qualified fire personnel plus and a supervisior per appartus called. An incident command system should be in place and a command post in operation. Remember mutual aid works both ways. Again just my thoughts I am sure there are are more thought out there.
  19. If i understand this correctly--no raise for 2010 for the membershp--it is deferred until the member retires?? So if a member is retiring in 2010 --will he get the raise?? will it be claculated in his retirement?? It is a blod step and for this they should be congratulated but an eye on the politicians, they are a slippery bunch for sure.
  20. to stay on the subject- we must always be aware that we are taking public monies-salary-pension-overtime is all part of that equazion. They have a right to know where the tax dollars are going. So show them--have an aggressive fire inspection program-- a fire education program in the schools--maybe put "in the public training" so that they can see what we do in our "down time". They have a right to expect the best and we have the obligiationto give it to them. Off the subject--Police and Fire academys are somtimes better then colleges-- in the academy you learn not only your chosen profession--but you learn about life--how to overcome--adapt.You are put into situation that require "real life" thinking. Young men and women learn how to handle interpersonal relationships with each other. The lessons learned at either the police or fire academy are carried through out an officer or firefighters career and they wil rely on that initial training for many years. Just my thoughts
  21. great job by done by 630 and all the personel at "60" control. remember that whe you wake me up at 5 am
  22. I was at that demonstration at the EFFD training center--it was a great job done by all. I would encourage every firefighter to submit a story to the web site. Tell them what inspired you to become a firefighter. Was it a fammily member?? Was there a history of firefighting in your family? Was there an incident that inspired you? Was there just a deep feeling that you wanted to help?? Career personel---volunteer personnel we all have a begining to our becomeing a member of the firefighting communnity, and I am also sure you are proud of that begining and where it has lead you. How many lives have been touched because you took the courage to become a firefighter. This is about us and how we became firefighters, what reaches in the back of your mind every day as you go to work or when the alarm sounds. Tell them so the world can find out about New York Firefighters.
  23. That was a bold move to go against the Common Counsel...congratulations to the commissioner for doing the right thing -- BUT -- how long do you think it is befor the Counsel takes some sort of action against him?? He did go against a direct order from his bosses. It was the right think to do for both the PD and the FD. but it just might cost him in the long run.
  24. Why a parade like that in North Tarrytown?? Because North Tarrytown was on the final list for the United Nations building--yes seriously they had planned to build the United Nations building right in North Tarrytown. Just imigiane what that might have done to the town??
  25. Amazing the things you can learn in here---I too was in Yellowstone and the Teatons this summer. Truly an amazing place ,took a 10 day national parks tour, trip started in Salt Lake City and ended in Mount Rushmore. Trip of a life time--What was a New Yorker like me doing in a rodeo in Wyoming?? rooting for the bulls over the Cowboys--gotta hate cowboys no wait thats the Dallas Cowboys you gotta hate:) It truly was an adventure and the answer is no for all concerned. No horses were ever in trouble. My fat a** wasent getting on animals.