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Posts posted by firecapt32

  1. great topic Steve- you have gotten the answers concerning career personnel--its pretty much State Law for them. Which leaves us with the interesting part, the volunteer departments--law says AHJ. So standards are left to the local departments. You can see where that might lead.

    suggestion--take a page from career training--they have to actually do 100 hours of in service training each year. The training is laid out as to what hours and what subject. It covers I believe 23 different subjects. Each individual firefighter has to sign off that they recieved the training. Lets call them for a lack of a better term CFE's continueing fire education--kind of what a EMT might be required to do to keep his current status.

    If your a member of a fire department and an emt you have to take over 1oo hours of training--pass a State test and then the card is only valid for 3-5 years before you have to retest or take CME'S. For your FD status your forever.

    I have heard many times over the years---a fire is a fire is a fire -it is just as intense in a career area as it is in a volunteer area. With that being said, the training should blend. Does it make for problems of course, thats why there are smart people out there to figure theses things out.

    The people you are sworn to protect deserve the best--career or volunteer

    Just my thoughs on this subject

  2. There are many things a fire department can do but one of the first things is has to do is get its house in order. If it wants to be a good fire department not just "a" fire department. set your own standards--you have that power(AHJ)who cares what FASNY says get all your interior members Firefighter one Certified. Make being an Officer a job not a title. Give it responsibilities and conditions and qualifications. Make being a Chief important not just a position to fill or because "its our turn"

    Then and only then will you start to become a good fire department. I have said it before good firefighters make good Officers---good officers make good fire chiefs good chiefs make a department good.

    dont jump on me--there are many good fire fighters and officers in a lot of departments and a lot of good firefighters and officers are trying to do the right thing. You have to think about the people you also have to think about who is next to you on a hose line or entering into the fire structure. The most important thing is to get home safely. so if the guy next to you isn't trained or you dont feel safe. You have to make decisions that might effect you for the rest of your life, make them wisely,make them with a clear consicence.

    just my thoughts

  3. I may be wrong on this but I am pretty sure that the State Law concerning firefighters training 426.somthing state in part that firefighters must have their mandared 229 hours of training WITHIN 18 months of employment--not PRYOR to employment.

    There are States that have different employment requierments like Fla which has a Fire School where you do have to get your training and then go in lists, In NY you are required to get it after.

    I am also pretty sure that their are communities out there that have skirtted around this But thats why there are lawyers.

    I know it costs a cimmunnity a lot of money to send a firefigher to a Training Academy, maybe its time for them to step to the plate and try and change the law so that it is legal and it will count.

    Go to Fire School--pass, get your CPAT--apply to a community of your choosing wait that might not work it sounds so simple wwe dont want to confuse Goverment any more then it is. just my thoughts on this matter

  4. chief you are 100% correct he is covered under sick time policys. the question is how would you deal with it if he got hurt doing what you trained him to do for another department that you had no control over? In NY unlimited sick time is one year for non job related injuries. OJI are indefiniate or untill disibility retirement.

    Question remains as an employer can you put thoses restraint on a employee? no you cannot work for another department even as a volunteer.

  5. let me just add some food for thught on this matter and that is---accidents/injuries. If said career firefighter is a volunteer in another department and lets say fall in a hole in the floor and breakes a leg (god forbid).

    1-if he cannot go to work is he intitles to workers comp?? what about his salary at his career job.if he broke his leg on the job he would be entitled to full salary untill he could return and then posibile 3/4 or full penison if he cannot return.

    2-what if he cannot return to work at all then what happens.

    there are a lot things we can chat about and kick around but if i was an employer taking on the responsibilities of sick time, retirement,things like that i might want to have some kind of clause in there protecting the departments investment in the individual firefighter.

    So i guess the problem should be with the employer not the emplpoyee---

    BTW--i am sure jeter has a clause in his baseball contract forbids such activities as softball, basketball or other dangerous things that might interfere from him getting his 3000th hit.

    I know he could get by a car crossingthe street or a frying pan from some disgruntled woman accidents happen but precautions shouod be taken :)

    just my thoughts

  6. The Elmsford Fire Department has given BURNCARE a table at the seminar-- we appriciate the gesture form the Department and the gift that they give us each year. Their donation helps us help families that suffer from the devasting effects that haveing a loved one burned brings. We welcome all donations so dont be shy.

    So stop by and see us say hello get the early flyer for our golf outing. we will have tub testers and electric out let covers to give away.

    BURNCARE wishes Elmsford a sucessful seminar it has grown over the years and just keeps getting better.

    Walter Ferguson

    Director BURNCARE

    Fireman488 likes this

  7. I have never said that the Department needs Fire Commissioner. I do not believe one is needed. All you are saying is very true all I am saying is that if the firefighters--line officers and then chiefs are well informed--many decisions can be made to rectify--any current misunderstandings. A Firefighter or Officer that goes through Intro to Fire officer/Fire Officer one/building constructon and any other current updated courses, gets the latest information. A Chief can make a case to the goverining body of the fire department concerning AEDS/ CPR for the department.or for any other things they deem necessary. Departments need to get their houses in order first. Establish a way to get the classes-how to get the funding. Make basic firefighter 1 a mandate, follow it with safety and survival fast ff2 basic tech rescue. all theses things are out there. If not at the County then the State Academy,or the National Academy. You cant put the horse before the cart, build a good foundation and you will have a building that will last.Build good educated firefighters and you will have good officers and good Chiefs

    That mature-educated-responsible person you refer to should be the Fire Chief.

  8. Steve what I am saying is--there are many talanted well trained firefighters in every department but some department not all lack qualifications.

    In the emergency medical field--EMT's ect you need to take a state exam or your not an emt period. You also have to renew your certification with a test or CME's.

    In the fire service AHJ is the ruling body--example a firefighter takes firefighter one---does not complete the course or fails the tests, what happened to him?? simple answer nothing He goes back to the department and is still concidered a firefighter for that department. Unles that department had a qualification in their that said you must pass FF1 or you will be dismissed from intreior firefighting. how many department have that?? I do not know.

    Second example firefighter passes FF1--the Department has no other certification qualification that have to be met-- that firefighter can be elected as a line officer and move up the ranks and become Chief of Department with only FF1 on their resume. Is that good for the fire service or the citizens of the communnity?

    We have to take a serious look at the fire service--forget the past look to the future. Develop good well trained firefighters, they in turn will make good well trained Fire Officers, which hopefully will make good Fire Chiefs.But with out looking to the future we are doomed to stay in the past

    Sorry for the rant but this is serious business. Once again I will say that all departments have some well trained firefighters that are looking to the future.

  9. Heres how I look at this situation-- Nothing goes on in that village with out the approval of the Board of Trustees.

    That's AHJ. Authority Having Juristdiction. The buck stops at the top if the Board dosent know whats going on in with the public services in the village--shame on them. Stop deflecting---do something. It seems apparent the some training has been neglected or pushed to the side. It is time to step up to the plate take responsibility and make decisions that will make the citizens of Tarrytoen feel safe again. Police/Fire/Village workers deserve the best training. Just my two cents for whats its worth

  10. Hey heres a novel idea!! look into consolidiating the School districts in Greenburgh--ohh wait that aint going to happen either. i can see the bus now headed down Central Ave to Edgemont H.S. I dont think so.

    Another approach-- stop spending money for fire protection to unincorported Greenburgh. If Greenburgh police protect it, Greenburgh fire should protect it. hmm lets see how fast the towns and villages are willing to give up that money.

    Although I do agree on some aspects, there might be room for central dispatching-- put the firefighter where he can do the most good and thats on the aparatus, responding to emergency calls.

    The right thing is to make sure that the proper number of firefighters and Officers are responding and that they are responding safely, and that they have training to do the job correctly, and get home to their loved ones.

    x635 likes this

  11. The three mopst imporant things going through the officers mind--snow storm--rain storm--summer heat wave.

    1-will my firefighters get here safely.

    2-will my firefighters do the job they were trained to do in a safe and efficient manner.

    3-Will my firefighters return to their loved ones safely.

    keep thoses things in the front of your mind.

    efdcapt115, x635 and Bnechis like this

  12. Congratulations on a well run, very informative web site. At times it can be frustrating to listen to some of the rants on here-- some even by me :D . But a whole lot of very important information to the fire service has passed through here. The wealth of firefighting knowledge that some of you have is absoultly amazing... and some need to have a thicker skin.

    Every firefighter should make EMTBravo part of their daily firefighter reading, if they do they will become better firefighters for their community and the people that they have sworn to protect.

    again Congratulation

    FireCapt 32

    eric12401 likes this

  13. To put this in the simplest terms--All personel that are hired off a civil Sevice list for Firefighters in Westchester County must, by law, recieve a mimium of 229 hours of training, with in 18 months of their employment.Thats what the law states.

    A department may "choose" to let them be "just drivers" but they are well qualified, well trained firefighters, and still must recieve 100 hours of training each year, also mandated by the State.

  14. gamewell 45 lets be clear about this its not the Goverment--IT'S THE REBPUBLICANS holding out---every democrate is on board yet no REPUBLICANS have seen fit to sign on.

    One more thing I read an interesting piece in the paper -where is AMERICIAS MAYOR?? and Gov Pataki of NY on this issue?? I hope their health is ok?? after all they spent a lot of time there talking about how much Americia owes these brave men.

    Wait the mayor is out on speaking engangment and the Gov is raising money for a run at the Presidency and the Tea party.

    Let all remember.